In one update No Man's Sky has gone from kinda boring to fucking epic and legitimate GOTY contender and every NMS fan...

>in one update No Man's Sky has gone from kinda boring to fucking epic and legitimate GOTY contender and every NMS fan that stuck by gaming icon Sean Murray has been vindicated whereas every hater and cynic that refunded the game or didn't even purchase it in the first place has been irrevocably and perpetually until the end of time blown the absolute everloving fuck out

Is this the biggest turnaround of 2016? Or perhaps the entire history of gaming? Literally NO ONE saw this coming

Other urls found in this thread:


>indie shit game
>base building


How the fuck does base building in creative mode make it a better game?

What was in the update?

Samefag OP


I feel sick reading this

Nope, genuinely interested in what they could've possibly added in a patch to make it any less of a shit game.

Then get back into your containment thread

>survival always starts on a death world
>pirates scan you in the first system and you can no longer pick up your stuff on death
>now you can grind EVEN MORE

1000/1000 gotyayfuckyourself


I liked the update...

The update changed everything. Holy fuck.

Can't wait for the second one.

Yeah it did, but, survival is fucking retardedly hard.

Do all your discoveries still get reset after 24 hours or whatever it was ?

No. Everythings fixed. The whole game design and balance has been changed.

None of the things that made the game abysmal have been changed.

so do the star gates actually have code behind them to work now? or still just an interesting cock tease

having a blast right now with the update, it's like a whole new game

What did he mean by this?

Guys everything is fixed. I wish there was a way to go back in time and pre-order the game a second time and maybe even suck on Sean's immense cock I'm so grateful.

This game is amazing. I redownloaded it from Steam and am havin ga blast. Got my friends playing it now too.

How many hours have you guys put into it?


>21 replies
>14 posters
After months of complete silence from HG, they're really going all out with the shilling
Too bad it's transparent as fuck

>Being unable to recognize irony

Hows the autism?

can base buliding be done in normal mode?

Holy fuck, this game is incredible now. Hello Games has done it again. I didn't think they could ever top Joe Danger 2, but Sean Murray has defied all expectations. Everything is fixed and this game is now a contender for Game of The Year.

I've logged probably 50+ hours into the game since the update. How about you guys?

how are there this many viral marketers
jesus christ did he blow more of a budget on you guys than on making his game?

Gee golly, I better order my copy today!

I'm sorry, but please don't insult Joe Danger 2. I've been playing it daily ever since day 1 and I have easily logged hundreds of hours in the game.

Nothing will ever top Joe Danger 2.

>'''''''''ironically'''''''''' shitposting
>again and again and again
And you call me autistic

Oh! I never bought this game but after reading that, I will definately buy it. I hope you all will also join me in purchasing this game now, you should do that, here, I even have a link to the game steam, no need to thank me

The games dead. The only people who paid attention to this new patch are internet nerds. Just let all NMS threads die.

tremble shills


21/14 ain't a bad ratio and considering there's people replying to each other it makes sense.

Think a bit more next time before you parrot what you've seen other people post

Put some effort into that bait.