He is starting Kingdom Hearts today

He is starting Kingdom Hearts today.

Who is this guy, Sup Forums?

What a fucking fall from grace. Jesus Christ, are there any Flash animators who actually animate these days?

It better have Ding Dong and Julien in it. I love when they just end up chimping out on the microphone for a solid minute. When Oney plays with himself it's just wierd and depressing.

Wow I hope the fat one with the dicks up his nose or the gay one with the dicks up his nose aren't there with him. He's much better alone.

Hey hey hey, the Fat Albert jokes are A-okay!


he is fucking boring alone, his half life video was horrible

I disagree. His only interesting friend is psychicpebbles, the other ones are just unfunny and bring down the video.

>Another faggot who has abandoned what made him popular for the easy LP bux
>There will never be another Leo and Satan

Is Sexualobster the only good one left?

Animation died and YouTube killed it. Their algorithms work for people who upload long videos frequently.

Animations are shirt videos released with large gaps between.

An animator simply cannot survive on YouTube.

drive safe, pupper

drive safe, pupper

Didn't he already play KH like 2 years ago or something?

Remember when animators animated instead of acting as surrogate friends for losers?

>I only want screeching the whole video

I don't drive, Chihuahua.

Well, if you want him to animate shit, why don't you give him money every month? Like, enough to eat and have a roof over his head?

Youtube's current algorithms only work for people playing video games, much in the same way youtube's previous algorithm only worked for misleading thumbnails. There's absolutely nothing that can be done about it unless google change it again.

He spent the last two years animating Hellbenders to try and get it picked up, cut him some slack, Youtube plays dick.

Drive safe pupper.

they talk about the actual games and are why there is even progress. I care more about the games than shitty washed up animators.

Only in Trump's america.

le epic funny face!

I try to avoid LPers because they soak up free time for vidya and other shit. This shithole already soaks up most of it anyway.

How the hell do you guys find time to watch these guys?

>non Sup Forums approved youtuber makes ape noises
ugh fucking autists and kids and normies who likes this shit I only watch patrician entertainment
>Sup Forums approved youtuber makes ape noises
loooool so good I better make another thread about how good they are loool subbed no you idiot it's a PARODY of youtubers it's IRONIC but btw can I be real for a moment I respect these guys so much

There's no point in animating short stuff anymore because you don't earn enough cash dolla off of it

How about doing it because you love doing it? Haha, nevermind, that's obviously a joke in today's modern society of greedy jackasses.

You're still watching the exact same shit as 10 year old retards, you're just clinging to the "irony" as justification for watching and laughing at garbage for idiots.

Honestly letting in LP cancer was the death knell of this board. I wish we could go back and stop it all.

No I said I didn't want Dingdong and Julian.


Multiple monitors
Background noise
Wow, your ironic shitpost sure changed everyones opinion about the content now. I will stop watching X now because you think it's stupid.
Yeah, he should be unemployed like you, I assume. Because fuck it, providing entertainment for people is worthless. He should be a parasite on tax money instead.

>How the hell do you guys find time to watch these guys?
They're just background noise

Give me something better to play in the back please.

>animate for the love of the art and nothing else!
Do you even know how much work goes into animation?

These poor bastards spend weeks and months for three minutes of animation and they get jack fucking shit out of it.

That's not sustainable. They have bills to pay.

8-5 work
5-12 do whatever

It happens in that time. Its only 10-12 minutes nikka.

He already did though.

RIP Niall

They both are super monotone which is why they are boring

Sleepycabin crew are all loud and screech

It's called music you fuck

Xehanhort, Young Xehanhort or Xemnas, could be Ansem SoD before he possessed Riku as we know the cloaks go back as far as BBS and Unchained compared to the brown one in KHFM.

Either way you look at it the answer being Xehanhort is technically correct.

Any reason your prefer it over just some music?

... It's just Xemnas, user. That's art from KHIIFM+.

But I also listen to music
I just don't want to listen to music at all times

Why not prove him wrong by linking to a time they did some funny jokes? Or do you know he's right and that any link you provide will be full of dumb noises for children to giggle at?

You enjoy whatever you want, idiot. We'll be here calling it shit (and off-topic)

>he whiteknights for ecelebs when someone says they don't like them

>They have bills to pay.

Then just become another fucking cog in the machine, and shut the fuck up, worker bee.

>ding dong comes across a second mew
>has to catch it
>to the point of most of his team getting knocked out
>accidentely knocks it out and resets to get it back

I like ding dong but this was pretty autistic

Wow it's totally fucking braindead loud noises and silly sounds and voices like a youtuber for 8 year olds but hey every now and then he says something NON-PC so he gets a free pass and because ebin Sup Forums approved because he's stickin it to the SJWs >:)

Fair enough. I'm at the midway point of DDD so everyone's Xehanhort at this point.

>the best LPers are all Canadian

Really makes me think

i have no fuckin idea why that was included

>watch Oney's videos
>it's OK internet animation
>find out he wants to get it on television despite it just being newgrounds-tier nonsense
Also his pseudo-American accent is annoying.

You have to accept that Sup Forums is full of literally underage posters who would say Big Bang Theory is actually BASED and funny as fuck if a character on it said something OFFENSIVE.

I can't be too mad about it, though. I was 14 too, once. And damn did I eat a lot of shit just because it was edgy.

I hope you're not talking about the JoJobros.

They are underleveled so he was using them to weaken it since Nidoking would one shot it.

>>find out he wants to get it on television despite it just being newgrounds-tier nonsense
Yeah because all the crappy flash animators are heading to TV. Most of the kid's TV that's currently airing involves someone who was cranking out flash back in the day.

He's still animating with PsychicPebbles, just not on that shitty platform.

They're currently pitching a pilot around.

they usually got their own thread and get shat on

I know but why bother catching a second Mew when he's probably not going to even level the first one

I'm more concerned with the actual concepts behind Leo & Satan/Hellbenders just being plain bad.

the cognitive dissonance Sup Forums employs when deciding which youtubers are good and which are bad is astounding

>don't do something you enjoy for money unless it's something I enjoy

Maybe it happens because Sup Forums is more than one person

>Not appreciating irony

Do you just listen to Chopin while drinking water and reading "The Great Gatsby" when you're not playing video games?

>Doing something for money.
>That you enjoy.

A fallacy. It's just work that you excused yourself into think you actually enjoyed. Tell me, would you actually be doing the thing you enjoyed if you weren't payed for it? No, ofcourse not.

I miss when it was our musicians, actors and artist being recognized like 6 years ago instead.

Some of the shit they come up with is gold.

That fucking George Lucas bit on the Sonic playthrough, I've never laughed that hard.

If a youtuber is just shouting or making le funneh noises instead of actually being funny, it's shit
If a youtuber is just shouting or making le funneh noises instead of actually being funny IRONICALLY ;;;;;;;^))))) it's still shit

What? Loads of people did Let's Plays before you could be paid on YouTube.

It IS possible to genuinely enjoy your job. Just because you're miserable at yours doesn't mean everyone else must be.

Drive safe pupper

I used to like Oney until I realized that he was a bitch ass bitching all day long. I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't be doing shit in youtube if he didn't need the cash, the fella is kind of a hypocrite. Still a funny hypocrite tho.



drive safe, pupper

Agumon! always gets me

That was Mystic Ninja
>you said the n word
>I did not I said nice guy
>that's close you're getting real close

drive safe pupper

If you "excuse yourself into thinking" you enjoy something then you enjoy it.
>inb4 you cherrypick a definition of enjoyment especially to exclude it

>10 minute videos most of the time
gamegrumps 2.0 bravo

I hate anyone who acts like they're above others who are doing the exact same thing. He's an arrogant cunt who has sunken to the lowest level: Let's Plays. And yet he still tries so desperately to convince himself and others that he's above the others who do the same.

If you were really better than the others you'd still be animated, fuckwit. He was never even all that good an animator either so fuck knows where the ego came from.

They may be planning on just getting a party of them.

lol i love when they say funny words in a funny voice lol heehee

>Stupid dog, you're making me gay!

i like when the man come in and funny scream haha

drive safe,pupper

Like beibs and Celine dion bud?

Superbuttbuddies and the Bro team fuckers are alright, probably the least fucking cringey letsplayers out there.

>Youtube's algorithms

Are you autistic?

One 3 minute video per year is less ad revenue than two 10 minute videos a day, crazy wacky zany jewish algorithm magic

They all cry how animation is hard work boo hoo, but when Bethesda gave Partridge a check for Skyrim HD he shat out a full video in a week

marge im freaking out

and you aren't in there doing it so I trust your word over thousands of animators

lol when he does the funny noise

I'm not even going to bother with your probably nu metal listening ass.

>Harry Partridge released more content than Sleepy Cabin during its lifetime.

they most likely can animate efficiently, but maybe are lacking the writing and actual jokes. Also most likely work 1 hour on it and call it a day.
Have you seen dingdongs stream? He fucking wastes hours fixing one frame on a fucking sprite

didnt he have a whole bunch of assistants help him with that one?

Tfw friend is a really good animator in the style of egoraptor and psychicpebbles.
Tfw he spends months creating a minute long animation and doesn't get nearly enough views
Tfw he's broke as shit and lives with his friend's family
I just want him to do well, It's not fair that someone can spend hundreds of hours to create something genuinely funny and with a lot of emotion put into it and get nearly nothing in return
Some times I wish he would give up and do something else but ot'd be such a waste of talent

drive safe, pupper

drive safe, pupper

Make a patreon

Wow, that was hard.

Wait, how do you know they're going to play Kingdom Hearts