Admit it. She's not that bad.
She's better than Sarah and those other new girls.
why the fuck would you make a gif of that?
She isn't that bad.
Not best girl material, but definitely not bad.
tumblr makes pointless gifs
Thats not Mila, so yes she is
pedo fucking shits
Do you just flail about randomly, spewing buzzwords that you got off the internet?
i'm glad Sup Forums has no idea about the games and the people who actually play them. carry on waifufags carry on
>titties that huge
I don't play DoA games but I've jerked off to her a fair amount so I suppose I agree.
this pic is great
less the moeblob cowtits
and more bitchy look
i like it
She's all you need.
Better than Marie.
Please user I need to know
Boobs are too big.
Yes they can be too big.
So many designs in jap games ruined by cartoonishly stupid large breasts
i need this
bush mod pls
>So many threads in Sup Forums ruined by cartoonishly gay posters
some might be jelly girls as well
Some guy over in /e/ made a bunch of stuff with various girls
keep going
>Admit it. She's not that bad.
She does have a nice body so that at least puts her about MR.
>Admit it. She's not that bad.
She does have a nice body so that at least puts her above MR.
You're right. She's a bit worse than Marie.
great. now my dick is leaking
That epic reword thong you try to do doesnt really work if the sentence isnt actual applicable to everything. Especially when you're argument is dumb
why would you want to see bush naked
Best ass
will holden ever release his reshade preset, I wan't it to look like this too
>tfw playing the free version
>tfw everybody just mashes attacks and holds
>try to play tina because I like her
>shes slow as fuck and all I can do is try to hold
>lose by getting countered to death or missing holds
wtf i hate tina now
She looks she's in her 20s, how fucking old are you?
How useful is blocking in Last Round? I've seen some gameplay vids where they were using blocking much more than holds, and seemed pretty effective.
not that good vs some characters since you will get thrown if you show any hesitation gotta throw out an attack so you can have active frames for the throw
its dume
dumb I meant
but it seems everybody plays tags or some stupid gimmick shit online anyway I only tried it because it was free so no harm no foul
I'm no good with her, but I don't mind her or anything.
Good as fap bait, shit as a fighting game character.
blocking has always been the smartest and most effective defensive option in doa. people just love to spam holds though.
No. Thank you.
>multiple tan lines
>in different shades
Does Kokoro have the most elegant, realistic moveset in the game? Other than Akira of course.
Nipples that high up is usually a sign of fake tits
Honoka was made for breeding
Maybe they're going for a more 'merican feel, yeah?
>those eyes
Best thread on Sup Forums at the moment.
Mila time!
dat bod
This thread could use some better girls.
Ayane is pretty hot. The way her personality has softened over the years is pretty interesting too...
How is her asshole not visible?
losing her edge
Maybe she doesn't have one?
This is best girl's booty
Post Nyo.
>Maybe she doesn't have one?
How does she poop?
I haven't even played the game man.
pure girls don't poop, user.
Maybe it's for the best.
i just use Mila, the best striker and jab the fuck out of people and play into people's weaknesses.
if they're a combo wombo fast character, i just keep my distance and alternate high and low kicks.
if they're a wrestler i just keep repeatingly jabbing so they can never really initiate grabs and never really know when i'm going to actually combo.
>when the booty so supreme it makes you want to scream
>She's better than Sarah and those other new girls.
>Better than Sarah
>user said there would be belly dancer outfits last weekend
>never happened
user, why...
Once upon a time an user said he'd upload webms of Nyo's catsuit.
>mfw still waiting in hopes of that day