Titanfall 2

You're in the club and this Titan slaps your GF's ass. What do?

Keep in mind hes 25'0" 40 tons, is sitting behind a particle wall, has tracker rockets locked on, and has salvo core fully charged.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Phase shift behind him
>open fire and melee
>When in doubt, detonate the nuke

>Try to shake its hand with a hand-buzzer and see what happens.

Turn the machine off and play a better game.


attend her funeral



Tone is a qt girl you plebeian.

redpill me on legion titalfallfriendos
is he good?

You have to play him as fire support. Stay defensive and avoid most fights until you have smart core. Then BBBBBRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTT your problems away.

He's not as bad as people make him out to be, but Scorch will fuck your shit up six ways to Sunday.

>Mfw popping shield and Scorch just sets everything around me on fire

I will defend my almost girlfriend that doesn't exist her honoru!

Dex > STR fat boy

Did you mean to post this?

Takes forever to reload Scorch's shotgun. Meanwhile Legion has taken 25% of Scorch's health. Its becoming difficult to get close to a titan since Scorch is so slow and he's easy to counter.


*phase dashes behind you*

>playing last titan standing
>keep getting absolute retarded mouthbreather monkeys who use enhanced auto titan and auto-eject

fucking why

Wait for wednesday's nerfs.

1 on 1 Ronin would just get fucked though.
Ronin's great at flanking, especially if you jam them in and use the detonation.
>Chained 3-4 Ronin's in a row with the nuke because enemies didn't notice me come in to activate it

>runs enhanced autotitan
>actually gets out of their titan
>runs into the middle of the map and dies
>0 titan kills 500 damage 7 rounds played

Stay at least a mile away from any other titans. Otherwise they'll just circle around you punching you in the head

any scorch tips? apparently he's super strong but i suck

reload takes ages - i get killed during reloading

Not necessarily, Legion's gun takes too long if they get to you and aren't already in front of it.

legion is god tier
use extra ammo, you can pop a Tone's shield with like 80 rounds then use your gatlin shotgun or sniper to slice down their health
if someone tries to face you head on then shotgun them and use autoaim, also use it when you almost need to reload. don't pop your shield preemptively.

also the shotgun is AMAZING for killing pilots with a surprisingly long range

True but pretty much everybody that goes Legion stands way out in the open to prevent anyone sneaking up on it.
Its always fun when they think they can melee you back though

Why would you put legion in the open, that's just begging to get shot at while reloading or your shield is down

Remind him that Titanfall is fifty times more fun when you're outside of your Titan and laugh at him while he cries.

Fuck, meant that as in way at the back, like that map with the big fields, Legion will use the hills and trees for cover but with clear visibility on flanking positions

Also how the fuck do I git gud with Scorch, is it just dependent on the map?

I can only use Scorch on maps that have hallways or valleys that i can use as choke points.

The fact his Grenade Launcher can only fire ONCE and takes forever to reload really gimps him. At least make it so he can fire twice.

For starters remember to use your utility to fire the gas canister because detonating that sucker does a ton of damage. Also keep you distance, because if someone gets close things will probably go south fast

Scorch is probably the most map-dependent Titan there is. Hallways and choke points are your friend.

Why is Tone so popular? Is it the lock on that also does insane damage? I'm sick of seeing a party full of Tones.

Be sneaky

>Semi-auto rifle shots have some degree of homing and also explode. Probably the best weapon for killing Pilots out of all Titan weapons
>Homing rockets do a lot of damage and can be used often.
>Utility is a sonar beacon that identifies enemies for teammates, making it easier for everyone to get kills.
>Defensive ability is a particle wall that protects from one direction, but can be fired though from other other making it possible to attack and defend at the same time. Can be buffed to last longer and take more hits.

tone is good at everything

Yeah I had thought as much, usually even then with Ronin's phase shift and double-dash the AoE is easy to avoid and its easy to just start hacking and whacking

Tone I think is getting nerfed soon so you might see less of them soon

What's the go-to secondary weapon for you guys? The Electro-launcher seems too be the best for knocking down titans and building charge

You forgot Salvo Core is a guaranteed Titan kill every time.
You also forgot how particle shield is the only defensive ability in the game that also helps his allies.

>What's the go-to secondary weapon for you guys? The Electro-launcher seems too be the best for knocking down titans and building charge
Mag Launcher is probably the safest. As you can shoot titans from roofs and around corners where they can't see you. Also does really good damage.

In the end, they're probably all viable, though I personally think Thunderbolt gets a little outclassed by the other three.

Its also impossible for any Titanalone except Legion to break the shield

pretty sure if he slapped my girls ass she would turn into red paste, that being said i'd be pretty miserable.

Completely untrue. Ronin's arcwave instantly deletes any Tone shield it hits and keeps going.

Seconding mag launcher, especially with amped weapons...if the titan you're attacking doesnt die, at the very least you'll be able to call another titan down almost instantly


Tone is pure girl and pure cute.
and pure OP cancer


tone is a slut and gets rode by all the pilots in town

Ion best girl.

>when you're mashing E to attempt a nuclear ejection under the slimmest of margins

>hitting it 3 times while a Ronin melee's you
No better feeling

>meshing E with nuclear activated
>you're under a roof

Thunderbolt can be used like the Mag Launcher but think Battlefield's RPG engineer guerrilla warfare play. You fire it, forget it and so long as the ball is near the mechs, it'll do damage 1-2 times.

I love fucking up weabots

>Also keep you distance, because if someone gets close things will probably go south fast
Thermite shield says hi. You can fucking wreck any titan close range by just running into them with your shield, and it refills flame core damn near instantly.

blow him up with my 30' tall pokewaifu

holy shit

Shit I usually play Tone but Ronin is fun as fuck, shame he is made out of paper.

Christ. What's the range on fire core? It seems infinite.

I've only died to nuclear eject twice in my ronin.
Once I didn't notice my teammate taking down a different titan next to me and once all the stars aligned, all my dashes were depleted, my phase dash was down and in trying to run away, I forgot that I could've just sword blocked the explosion anyway.


Honestly, nuclear eject is a complete waste against any non-retarded Ronin. Maybe if your titan would've had a second dash, he wouldn't have died in the first place.

Hell, now that I think about it, I don't think I ever really die to nuke eject with other titans either.

Yeah but nuke eject is fucking fun

I let him fuck her, he's my bro after all.

I guess. The beauty of a game without matchmaking is, that you fight against so many shitters every game.

It's harder to evade nuke eject when you have a titan with no boosts.

anyone here play on ps4? i'm lonely.

Nuclear ejection is only shit in that one map that is mostly indoors because it is suicide.

Honestly I regularly catch retards and people who do not pay attention.
Bounty titans are worth sacrificing a titan with full health for.

99% of people on PS4 are shitters.

I do.

>Maybe if your titan would've had a second dash, he wouldn't have died in the first place.
I was in a Ronin as well.
I killed 2 titans + 3 pilots last time that happened.
Also this
So many people fuck up against the nuke its just fanstastic

1) You should never ever have no dash on your titan. Equip one if he doesn't have at least one. In general almost no option is worth leaving the extra dash at home.
2) you can always just turn around and run the other way. As long as nothing is blocking you and you do it instantly when you first perceive the wind-up, you can literally just run out of the radius. I've even done this with Scorch.
Just turn around when you hear or see the nuke windup.
>99% of people on PS4 are shitters.
Well I guess on console the "walking out of the nuke" thing at least is impossible after all, so I can see nuke eject actually being at least a bit viable.

Make that Titan my girlfriend since my current current girlfriend she slapped would be dead for sure.

>Tone [Titan Melee] anons gf

why would you ever have a titan with no boost

Why is Ion such shit? This primary weapon can't even kill pilots.

Confirmed for having not played the game. Fuck off back to Cuck of Dooty: Infinite Budget invested on shit cameos instead of polished gameplay.

Posting best girl.
*laser, laser*

You mostly use her for the big dick laser beam.

Even on PC its the same user.

Over the shoulder laser oneshots them. You don't even need to charge it. Also the shiels catches bullets that you can reflect. I think she's in a good place but her primary weapon could indeed use a little boost.

Just bought this, downloading now. Is it dead?

The laser is your primary weapon

8000 ish people online

Ive had no problem finding games on PC

24,5k on PS4.

Ion truly is best girl

I love bullying Legion with Vortex Shield. He's so stupid he just keeps firing.
Legion is so stupid!

what about capture the flag

Shoulder cannon gibs pilots in one shot and takes chunks off of titans, and I believe her primary is getting buffed on Wednesday.

I pray the rumors about Tone only getting locks on critical hits is true; won't ruin Tone but it will weed out shitters

Ive only played attrition, havent tried any other game modes yet.

Just play Mixtape and it'll show up.

I started playing this yesterday, it's pretty damn addictive.

>tfw running titans' day by running with micro missiles and the thunderbolt

my only major gripe is that it randomly puts me into servers where my ping is 200

Legion is that Titan that everyone guilty not liking and he's around balanced surprisingly

I rodeo it and steal it's battery, land back on it and drop a grenade in, land on it again for another grenade and drop my Ronin on it while sliding between the legs of a friendly Legion so I can hop onto it and give it a battery, then jump off it and land in my Ronin.

>Probably the best weapon for killing Pilots out of all Titan weapons

For killing pilots, Faggot Ronin is EZ mode.

Is it only getting buffed through the new kit, or is the gun going to be doing more damage?

>underaged nothing-personnel poster
>using Ronin
is anyone surprised?

Gun's damage is being multiplied by 1.30ish, the new perk will make it pretty monstrous.

Holy shit, I started the campaign today and what a fucking blast, why is no one talking about this more?

That's pretty nice, but I don't see the point in the new kit, since why would you do the zoom for the gun against other titans when the laser does more?

Ronin da best
I consistently get 2+ more Titan kills almost every time I use Ronin compared to all the other Titans. I also get more Pilot kills with Ronin because the shotgun is pretty much made for killing Pilots.

>Ronin user
>Calling in a Ronin with enemy Titans already in play
I think you mean "I die like a bitch, and look like an asshole while doing it"

Ronin is the best Titan for when you're going to stay on foot and just let it kill shit for you.

why are titan shields removed

Ronin is for dropping in before the other team has titans, bullying pilots for as long as you can, then you switch to hit and run tactics until you're low, then you go ham on a group of titans and pop the nuke.

Laser can be tricky to aim up close, but it's more for bullying pilots.

Players probably bitched about titans being too hard to kill.