Stormblood will save this game.
Stormblood will save this game
it's doing fine though
>nobody does content outside the latest major patch
>its doing fine
>Loner who never talks or plays with anyone informs actual players how dead the game is
wew lads
>people being more interested in their WT and weekly tome autism than a9s for glamour makes me a loner
I dont think you know what that word means
meant to say a8s, i was so upset i accidentally talked about relevant content
Why would anyone give a shit about A8 for glamour? Raid gear, both normal and savage, is some of the shittiest looking crap in the game.
not the point
I just started playing in late October and never once have had an issue finding a group for a dungeon or trial so far. Also every area has people in it. Currently working my way to Heavensward so I assume it's even busier over there. I hear Crystal Tower / Coil is pretty dead but they also don't give decent rewards comparatively anyway.
The roulettes keep all content pretty filled up. People in my guild still run various parts of Alexander, and one was talking about setting up a linkshell for people that want to run Coil / Crystal Tower synced that haven't done it before, for the story mainly.
You FF dweebs keep saying this every major patch. You guys are worse that WoWfags
No one talks outside DF in this game.
At least every thread isn't circlejerking about DPS and sims.
Except to their FC, or any linkshells they belong to, or the Newbie Network if they belong to that. My chat is pretty full all the time.
If you're an antisocial fuckhole, maybe. 100% certain you stand around doing nothing saying nothing and expect people to want to fucking befriend you for no reason.
Give tips then.
implying people dont befriend me for not being dogshit at the game when i dont say a word
Maybe if you're in the deadest server where even meeting someone from there is cause for celebration.
Yyyeah no. We said the same thing with heavensward and it made it only worse.
This game doesn't need saving you false-flagging fedora-wearing faggot
>tfw people actually come up to me and befriend me for no reason
>have some fun with them for the rest of the day
>never talk to them or do anything with them again
Dressing like a slut and getting gangbanged by shemales doesn't count as making friends.