Sonic Project 2017

>Game will include a brand-new character
>It will have the Generations gameplay style of 2D Classic and Modern boost styles
>A third, brand-new gameplay component will also be introduced
Knowing all of the above, what are your hopes and expectations, Sup Forums?

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whats the source on this info, op?


If it's not the fan project, even expecting garbage would be too much hype.

If Sonic Mania sells well, hopefully it'll be the start of a long and fruitful relationship between SEGA and the fans. They already have Aaron on their Twitter and the Taxman/Sonic 2 HD Squad working on a game, hopefully one day (in 5 or 10 years time) actual fans of Sonic will have worked their way pretty high up SEGA's infrastructure. It'd be neat to see a 3D Sonic game done by fandevs (but with a lot of codemonkeys/asset creators/money thrown at them), or even just to replace Iizuka with somebody who gives a fuck about the state of the franchise.

I really, really don't want to see another anthropomorphic animal pal.

How about a decent human character? Make another human villain that isn't Robotnik.

So long as they refine the generations gameplay futher, Im fine with that.


It's the freedom fighters.

Can you imagine if mario had gone down the edgy serious route and sonic the simple and cartoonish one? Like instead of shadow the hedgehog, a game about wario gunning down toad soldiers as koopas burn the castle

sonic was never good
the gameplay is never fast or good

What's the 3D fan one I see posted

I liked sonic generations, but I will never forget the shitfest the last boss was. There is always something flawed in sonic games.

Hopefully they will bring back Silver


If it features these designs it would be the worst fucking thing to happen

>Generations 2
oh boy

>Game will include a brand new charecter
>A third, brand new gameplay componet will be introduced

Maybe It will be another version of sonic. What others can you think of?

>ufw Its sonic boom sonic and It has boom grapple gameplay with free roam.

New charater will be a plot-relevant but gameplay-unimportant NPC like Chip and Yacker, or a bad guy who ends up controlled by Dr. Eggman like Time Eater.

New gameplay component will just be another minor gimmick like the Wisps.

>tfw there's only been one Sonic game released in the past 5 years
>tfw it wasn't even good

I beat that last boss but I don't know how. I kept doing it and just didn't get any rings, and then on one run it just spawned enough rings for me to stay alive long enough to hit it until it died. I couldn't even tell the difference between new and old sonic when you switched between them. I think one had left and right movement, and one went up and down, but the movement on each plane was so limited it made almost no difference.

What was up with that?

>It's a multiverse crossover game
>The third gameplay component is Boom Sonic
>Jaleel White cameos as cartoon Sonic, comic characters also appear, so do Sonic X characters
the ultimate cancer game

I don't what this image is making me feel

>1 (one) new character

Rotor? I would be OK with that.

Who am I kidding it's fucking Sally

Knowing sega still gonna fail somehow

>Game will include a brand-new character


>A third, brand-new gameplay component will also be introduced


It's already fucked.

>They don't even make handheld sonic games anymore.

I know we cant call them sonic advance 4 but still.

They were all trash, I hope DIMPS went bankrupt or was bought by Konami or something.

Sonic Advance 1 was amazing, you double nigger

Every console Sonic game since Colors has had a handheld release, and here was a brand new handheld game released a few months ago.

They're shit, but they still exist.

Try Shadman's Sonic trap pics, see how they make you feel.

Yeah no. Shad is shit, and traps are gay as fuck

She's never been in a real Sonic game.

Can we all agree that she'd be the best option for a "new" character

Sonic Utopia.
Here's the reveal vid; download's the dropbox link in the description.

Generations 3DS is decent. Final boss is also a lot better as well.

Sonic Advance 1 was the tits, m8

i dream of that game getting the sonic mania treatment and sega fully funding it. would be a return to glory for sonic imo
>mfw it's even better than the new mario game

Is that the Sonic version of Ashley?

When I watched the trailer, classic sonic at the end kinda killed it for me.
They could've shown literally any other character and I would've been hyped

I wasn't taking the trailer seriously once I realized that this could have been written by any Sup Forums autist in a greentext thread

The ONLY Archie related character that deserves to be in the next game is motherfucking Snively


I approve of this.

If this game isn't at least as long as unleashed im not even bothering. I never realized how bad i wanted sonic to be an aaa franchise until that game. Everything thats come out after feels tinny and cheap as fuck as a result

>brand new character
please god no

>all that
>and still no adventure sonic
I'd probably slit my wrists

>new character puts shitty fucking nu tails in the backseat again

make it so!

Why? He's just a lesser Eggman. No game with Eggman needs Snively.


It'll be good.


It will bring the franchise back down into the pits of crap and mediocrity. Thank fuck for Sonic Mania.

A multiverse crossover wouldn't be half bad. It'd be a good excuse to involve other canons, we could get a few more of Sonic's different designs over the years, and they could even throw in some Storybook series references.

Can't be helped, Lost World soured the Modern Sonic well.

Classic Sonic is currently the only part of the franchise which hasn't been tarnished, because thankfully they had Mr Green Eyes in Sonic 4.

It's going to be worse than Sonic 06 and Sonic Boom combined.

>Hahaha youtube told me sonic was always bad ; )

>pull socks up
>randomly longer legs, thinner waist and wider hips

I really wish they'd just get it out of the way and realize that the current Sonic design is a mistake. I'm no green eyes autist but classic Sonic has always had a more timeless appeal to him - Generations and Mania have proved that. Keep boost gameplay by all means but classic Sonic is just the better design at the end of the day.


there are more garbage classic games than modern. modern is just newer and more people play games now than the 90s so obviously they are more relevant. some of the trash on the game gear and master system makes sonic 06 look like a masterpiece, autist.

>Knowing all of the above, what are your hopes and expectations, Sup Forums?
that 1 and 3 are not true

Oh, he was great. Once. But this game is everything the franchise does NOT need right now.

A new character, a needlessly serious plot that is way too reminiscent to the steaming pile of shit that is SatAM...gonna be terrible.

Another classic autist

Fat ass sonic looks retarded in 3D, sonic team is more knowledgeable than you are, hate to say it champ but its true

Just as long as the level design is at least Unleashed day stage tier

Also they should fuck off classic sonic altogether, or get rid of the 2D sections in the 3D levels. Makes no sense when 70% of the game is 2D, and some of the 2D is slightly different to the other

The Mickey Mouse ripoffs got old in like the late 30's. Modern Sonic is the only remnant of what the 90's stood for which makes him unique.

My personal hopes and dreams for this new Sonic game

>minimal story/cutscene bullshit
>the new character has minimal plot involvement, or at the very least isn't insufferable
>interesting environments
>bosses that are at the very least inoffensive to fight
>tight 2d platforming

I enjoyed Generations a lot.

>a needlessly serious plot that is way too reminiscent to the steaming pile of shit that is SatAM
SatAM was far more competently made than anything Sega has attempted and not attempted to do with Sonic.

Yeah, too bad its tonally the exact opposite of what Sonic should be. But nooooo. Furries and autists bitch and whine whenever it tries to be light-hearted and funny.

Unleashed day is the most expensive material in sonic ever made and its as clear as day

Unless they get another massive budget and hashimoto back they are never going to make anything like it. Just cheap shitty imitators, 2D platformers with a few 3D sections that try to reach the glory of unleashed day but just never do

Sonic 1-3 were made by industry veterans who played the game designing tools like Franz Liszt played the piano forte.

This is because the Genesis hardware was much more reminiscent of Atari than that of the SNES so the developers had lots of experience. Just viewing the code makes my eyes water up at the sheer beauty of it.

It wasn't that grimdark or anything like that.

This is coming from someone prefers the other Soinc cartoon from then.

>should be

After playing Utopia I don't see myself going back to the boost formula, let alone buying it.

I wasn't talking about the coding

I'm talking about Sega's story team

>some of the trash on the game gear and master system makes sonic 06 look like a masterpiece, autist
Not that user but I guess he was talking about "core" Sonic series games. Sonic has always been known for shitty spin-offs, from Eraser to Labyrinth to R to Shadow, but the core Sonic offering from Sonic Team themselves was consistently good in the classic Sonic era, and Generations was a smash hit. Classic Sonic sure had some stinkers, but the general public's opinion (and thus, the narrative SEGA wants to peddle) is that classic Sonic is untarnished, compared to modern or Boom.

That's why they're peddling him in Project 2017, and making Mania. Classic Sonic is their big fat money cow ripe for the milking, until they fuck it up and ruin his reputation that is.



Who gives a shit about the story? Go back to that dating sim with the burned faces.

Spinball was pretty good. Sonic Battle was great.

Besides adventure 1, heroes, and 06

There hasnt been a bad core modern sonic game

People who think every modern game besides those are bad are just memers or have only played 10 or so games in their life

>It wasn't that grimdark or anything like that.
the background looks so dark and gritty, i'm half-expecting Sonic to have a "fuck you" exchange with Eggman

Classic Sonic looks just fine in fan projects like Utopia

I don't think he looks retarded in 3D, Sonic Team just did a shit job on his model in Generations

&K was medicore and CD was shit
Adventure 2 was just as broken as 1
Unleashed is near unplayable garbage since 95% of it isn't daytime stage

you gotta care if you're gonna compare the tone of an animated show to the fucking games and still to this day complain that it was the reason everything went wrong even though ''who gives a shit about the story''


kill yourself

Funny coming from the same attention whoring faggot that complains about Amy AND jerks it to Rouge

springs, polygonal palm trees and checkerboards all over the background wouldn't exactly make for a believable world in a story-focused animated show you know

Funny how?

>cd is shit
>adventure 2 is broken
>unleashed is unplayable


how is anyone supposed to take memers like you seriously? for real man. youre on the same scale as the ff queers blowing up over the conan video. just stop man youre embarassing yourself


it's fucked. Stop trying to force the 2D meme. Boostshit needs to die.

it was particularly apparent when playing the unleashed mod for generations, some of the levels were about 2 to 3 times longer than the average generations level. fuck, city escape is over before it begins

You bitch about literally the opposite while also being an autstic furfag

It also has better physics and controls for classic Sonic compared to the console/PC version.

Quality over quantity, Id rather play City Escape 20 times than Jungle Joyride's "wow running on water is such a fun mechanic" once.

Meant for

Futures looking good lads.

>Brand new character
Except for this. Heres hoping its not awful.

>Besides adventure 1, heroes, and 06
>There hasnt been a bad core modern sonic game
In your opinion.

The simple fact is that, regardless of what games you or I like, modern Sonic's core games have seen much less favorable reviews than classic Sonic's core games, on average. You can sit here all day and debate me about why you think Adventure 2, Unleashed and Lost World are underappreciated classics but we're not talking about opinions here, we're talking about business. Classic Sonic is seen as a marketable character by SEGA because he has had more positive media/review reception than modern has. That's why he is so shameless shoehorned into Project 2017.

>new character
>new gameplay element
It'll be create-a-character

>doesn't need a serious plot

yeah because the Baldy McNosehair plots have been so good for the last decade

>2D sections
>classic sonic
>its generations 2


Shit youre only experience with unleashed is the pc mod? The engine in generations was destroyed. The filters and sense of speed completely neutered in generations

Unleashed had both and was more challenging and satisfying to play

Meanwhile Sonic hasn't introduced a new character since 06 which was ten fucking years ago.

Furfags dress up and go to cons. I'd just fuck Rouge.

Jungle Joyride actually presented challenge and is a good example of boost gameplay done properly

kys yourself

dont get me wrong i liked generations and the city escape level it was just too short

>DeviantArt OCs become canon

>Classicfags want this game to fail
>Modernfags want Mania to fail
>nobody actually wants either to succeed

Reminder that the "Sonic was never good" meme exists because Sonic fans themselves don't even want their own games to be good