
>UGH! Mei cosplayers are so lazy. They only need to be fat, and wear a blue shirt and glasses.
>Girls don't spend time on making good costumes, because they can always show their tits instead.


>UGH! Girls don't spend time on making good costumes, because they can always show their tits instead.


Girl on the left with a little less tum, more defined legs, and bigger tits is how I see mei

The problem is that her costume is not loose clothing like in the second picture.

Its supposed to be fairly rigid, thick, and tightly held together.

the fat samus cosplayer meme needs to end.

>people stop complaining when what they're complaining about is fixed

Hmmm.... really.... makes u think

That terrible paintjob on the pants of the first cosplay fucking kills me ha

what does pussy feel like


Like bags of sand.

>far right
thick with no tits will always be the most degenerate of bodytypes

I'd gladly skewer those pigs on a pike, hearing them squeal as I twist the spearhead inside their disgusting fat bloated bellies exposing those pink wobbling innards

Not thinking hard enough clearly, because you clearly don't get it.


incredible, a human toothpick

>No tits
Too much anime for you, my weeb friend.

>girl on the left
isn't it the same girl on all 3 pictures

>Still has small, ugly tits.

she have nudes?

it's shit.

Sounds pretty hot.

>those faces

>girlfriend has the body-type of a 14 year-old boy
>just want a pudgy cuddly titcow like Kaceytron or Milky-Chan or Thick Samus to hold at night

wat do, Sup Forums?

Yes but they're really underwhelming, you will be disappointed

fat girls are disgusting
>inb4 thicc meme
go fuck yourself diabetes enablers

... Yes!

>Boo-hoo, people are generalizing assholes

If only men could be like women, and never bad talk entire groups of people.

Go ask /r/. This is a thread about video game cosplay. And the men who complain about it.

is that a man

Those are some ugly looking tits, matches the face.

L-link please

>hairy as fuck
>ass hair
>doesn't shave
Could she be anymore arab

Describing women's bodies at a boys, is a sure sign that you have zero taste. Because you can't even see feminine features beyond boob size and hair length. Your girlfriend is better off leaving you for someone who appreciates her. You're already thinking about cheating on her, or dumping her. Poor girl. She doesn't realize how retarded you are.

I don't have it, but trust me, you're not missing anything.

>those huge linebacker man-shoulders

I didn't know how important shoulders were to body shape until now.

I just want to fuck her while she is wearing the Camilla cosplay, I want her to whisper some Arab shit on my ear too.

that's the perfect kind of thick imo

Salty coins and milk

I asked a question, you're deflecting it towards me because you're fucking weak. It doesn't matter how much you work or go to school and it never will, you were born weak and you will die weak. Me, I had a period of my life I fell off, yeah. But I'm taking control. You know why? Because I can. I can surprass you with no fucking effort. Just because I chose to live the way I have doesn't mean I'm stuck there forever. I made those choices and I'm making the choice to stop letting other people run away with whatever illusion of power I've instilled upon them. I am greater than you and always will be. So don't come at me sideways thinking you're fucking sweet or something. Taking shorts cause I'm in Florida when you couldn't say a word to me when I was home. It is my concern and it will be my concern. Fall Back.

Most women who aren't anime girls or obese will have shoulders about as wide as their hips

How are they so thicc with such a sharp jawline?

>liking overweight women
ah yes i see the (((hollywood))) subliminal messaging is still going strong

Who is that? Zero Fruit Samus?