Name yourself after the worst level in the Halo series

> Name yourself after the worst level in the Halo series
> Proceed to make the worst games in the Halo series


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Actually Halo 5 has the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2.

That level was fucking amazing.

I honestly believe that 343 are just trolls at this point, there is no way anyone looked at Halo 5 & thought
>"hm yes this is vey very good"

What kind of developer publicly calls fans entitled when they ask the devs to fix a totally broken collection? And then proceed to leave it unfixed for years?
But then again, after Halo 4, none of these people will get a job in the triple A industry ever again. Who would want any of the talentless, crybaby hipsters who killed the best console FPS by fundamentally missing what made it so good?

MS were dumb as fuck giving this IP to a bunch of nobodies.

Did you take a blunt hit to the forehead as a youngster?

> Name yourself after the worst level in the Halo series
Cortana Industries?
> Proceed to make the worst games in the Halo series

Is MCC still a problem? I've been play it for a few months and not had any issues, both campaign and online.

I'd love to see DICE or Platinum do Halo, they're the only developers I'd trust to 'evolve' Halo.

Even though it never fucking needed to 'evolve'. Then again, what do you expect from a nobody studio made up of ex COD & Killzone employees, little more than Whiny failures who were desperate for a gig.

>I'd love to see DICE or Platinum do Halo, they're the only developers I'd trust to 'evolve' Halo.
>Even though it never fucking needed to 'evolve'
Then why did Bungie add duel wielding and sprint? Why did they change the weapon sandbox every game?

The lead designer of Halo 4 and 5 left 343i recently, so at the very least they might re-organized in 6 and get better campaign designers. And the whole Cortana plot seemed to be way less shitty near the end of 5 (Which is clearly the point where Joe Staten yelled at them)

Mcc sorta works. tho since the multiplayer options are so spaced out, you will have to wait a bit to find enough people to create a match and there is still issues with connection

That level reveals what the secret weapon that the covenant were after and is a huge twist in the plot, along with being unsettling and presenting a completely new type of enemy that needed new types of weapons.

You're a dumbass if you hated that level because "it was the most boringest"


> Name yourself after the worst level in the Halo series
That's not Cortana
> Proceed to make the worst games in the Halo series
That's not Halo Reach

Staten doesn't work with 343 and he NEVER EVER will. His last work was with Recore which everyone forgot about already. It's over for Joe, goodnight sweet prince

Take note people, these are the kind of people that also want to ruin 2D Metroid.

Joe said he just looks over what 343i does when they are nearly finished but he works mainly on other IP's as a courtesy since he created the lore, after all. But he's mostly a general creative director working on new IP's. Recore was only a tiny game as well. He's been working on Scalebound too.

Did they add split screen in a patch or something?

They actually are just people who wanna run the franchise into the ground. Halo 4's credits even says "Thank you for trusting us on this Great Journey".

Everyone knows what The Great Journey was so what the fuck?

343 is actually really fun once you learn to speedrun it. Same with Keyes.

>the passion
>the love
>for the fans and games
>all gone

What the fuck happen


I loved how they took pretty much everything great about the series and just shat on it. They said they wanted to distance themselves from Bungie's Halo, and man, they did.



to be fair, bungie already did that with Reach

>343 Guilty Spark
>Worst level
Might I remind you of the fucking Library.

>Actually Halo 5 has the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2

I would agree with you had the maps not been complete garbage.

I'm still salty about MCC.

How do you fuck up something like that so badly? You're not even making a game, just repackaging older ones.

Even worse, you refuse to fix the major problems with the game and abandon it all together after a few months.

Give bungie some credit, they at least had the courtesy to say they were trying something new with reach.
Blame 343 for looking at reach, all the things people hated about it, and then choosing to do it again but worse with 4.

>H2:A multi is goat when it works
>Doomed to be a curious footnote in halo's history because 343 fucked up the MCC that bad

They didn't name it after the level you obtuse cockbite.

You mongs repeat this so much I bet you even believe it. Halo 3 already had a better multiplayer component than 2, and Reach was even better.

You should have stop at Halo 3, your point would've been valid then

Not to excuse 343i but there wasn't much to do after Halo 3 in terms of story. They turned it into horrible schlock fanfiction bullshit because the story was over and they had to build on top of that. It was either write some contrived continuation to the story or prequels.

It's still valid, Reach had the best multiplayer in the series.

>ooking at reach, all the things people hated about it
I love this meme, it literally only happens on Sup Forums. Meanwhile, it was the most active halo game online even way after 4 came out.


>Reach had the best multiplayer in the series
You want to know what's valid, you're a Bungie faggot that started the series late. Your opinions don't mean shit.

Reach has held a dedicated fanbase, but halo 3 lasted nearly 3 times as long.

sweet arguments broheim, you sure taught me a lesson

343 and Library are as bad as each other, the only thing putting 343 on a shittier level is that you could feasibly get turned around and lose yourself in the awful level design. Library has the sense to be a bullshit enemy grind that's at least straight enough that you can't go back on yourself.
I swear I've played that campaign a dozen times over and the only level that gives me any trouble (and I mean the level itself, not enemies or AI or whatever) is 343. Some of the doors on that level open or lock of their own god damn free will I tell you.

>You want to know what's valid, you're a Bungie faggot that started the series late.
Wrong, started with CE, try a different ad hominem.
Sort of, by the time Reach came out, Halo 3 was superdead online.

>armor abilties

Reach is my favorite halo, but you can't deny that it's divisive as fuck. There is a lot of things it did that a lot of people didn't like.

stupid scrubs who kept getting wrecked by armor lock babbies and crying about it being unfair detected

Sprint IS an armor ability, idiot. Even Halo 2 had bloom up the ass.
Maybe you should stop discussing games you've never touched, and stop copypasting failed arguments from other people.
It sold rather well for an offshoot game. People tend not to know what they want from games, anyway.

Plus the ending makes no sense, you go in and find the lost marines, oh wait you have to escort them through flood-infested swamps to nowhere in particular so that Foehammer can take her sweet ass time not even rescuing you.
419 should have been on its way before you even leave the tunnels, or you should have found the marines all dead besides Johnson as they can't even take an infection form in single combat; I've never seen those guys all manage to fight and survive that level.

>Wrong, started with CE
Keep telling yourself that Bungie faggot, your opinion doesn't mean shit and even if you started with CE if you didn't play Halo 2 and 3 you're still a fucking Bungie faggot if you played Reach after CE.

I bet your dick sucking ass plays Destiny but you faggots don't know what a real Halo game is so again who gives a shit what you say.

>Keep telling yourself that Bungie faggot
What does that even mean? Are you pretending this series wasn't made by bungie?
You can't discuss the games themselves because you haven't played them. Now go get your fucking shinebox.

>Even Halo 2 had bloom up the ass
but that wrong

Destiny is nothing like Reach. I bet you think Halo 5 is a return to form. What a retarded faggot.

The only good Halo games Bungie made were Halo 1-3 putting anything they made after those 3 games above of next to those games and your opinion is discarded.

I was playing Halo at LAN parties when it was released and haven't touched the shitshow that is Destiny, but you sure showed me, you butthurt faggot.

>The only good Halo games Bungie made were Halo 1-3
>ignoring ODST and Reach
Keep parroting whatever shit you read here, you will fit in in no time.
Shit, Halo 2 sucked shit and ended on a cliffhanger. Dual wielding was the worst thing to happen to the series.

>parroting things that other people have said
>can't make any real arguments so probably never played Reach
Just go away.

Dumb frogposter.

Halo multiplayer tiers.
A: H2, H5
B: H3
Reach, H4

>nothing like Reach
It has a shitty story, empty world, boring as fuck, special abilities, bland color palette. It holds similarities, Bungie faggot

You're not Halo fans you're Bungiefags so get the fuck out of here. Getting tired of both you shitheads and your girlfriends the 343Shills. You're both anooying as fuck.


>hurr anyone who disagrees is a Bungiefag and not a real Halo fan. I'm a complete retard who can't form an actual argument to save my life

Still doing a poor job proving that you're not a Bungie faggot, it took you 30 fucking minutes to post back, you should've thread end if your sorry ass couldn't make a decent combat.


>worst level in the halo series
That would be any of them.

Halo isn't exactly known for having quality level design, unless you consider "copy and paste" to be quality.

Your retardation is so predictable at this point, even if I posted proof that I've played every Halo game and played 2 and 3 the most, you'd probably come up with some reason I'm still a Bungiefag.

And excuse me for having something better to do than wait for you to come up with something else equally retarded as everything else you've already said.

Best multiplayer - reach
Best campaign - halo 2
Best custom games - halo 3

You can't disprove this

>even if I posted proof that I've played every Halo game and played 2 and 3 the most
you can't because you didn't

Not gonna post my gamertag on Sup Forums to prove a retard wrong. I will tell you I had 7656 games played in Halo 2 with a total KDA Total Kills: 56580 | Total Deaths: 38343 | Total Assists: 13055

yeah let's called the Halo fan that loves Halo 1-3 more than anything else in the series a 343Shill.

How could I believe a word you say when you say shit like Reach was the best in the series.

>Best multiplayer - reach
>Best campaign - halo 2
This is a straight up Bungiefag post.

This individual speaks the truth