I really hope the controls and camera angles have aged better for the other two, because this is borderline unplayable.
I really hope the controls and camera angles have aged better for the other two, because this is borderline unplayable
1 is the best game of the trilogy.
I'm so sorry OP.
It really isn't that bad. It's probably just you.
1 is the best one out of the trilogy, and 2 has one of the worst camera segments in the series, so...
>can't look down
>can't look up
>sometimes can't double jump at all
>delay on attack is terrible.
nah, it's the game.
I've played 2 and 3 before. I remember them being way better than this.
Op I think you may just suck at videogames since this is one of the easiest games of all time that you can literally 100% in a day
The controls are fine
>can't look down
>can't look up
True, but you do have a 1st person view.
>sometimes can't double jump at all
Because you have to time your jumps, it's really easy to learn it.
>delay on attack is terrible.
I don't really get what you mean. You can chain attacks infinitely, which is the easiest way to play it. You can beat the entire game by doing the Square to Cross to make Jak punch then uppercut.
I've replayed this game virtually every year since 2001. The controls are fine.
They're a completely different kind of game, but they come off as a mediocre combination of Ratchet and GTA. They're cool when you're little, but 2 is a REAL bitch to go back to and like
said 2 and 3 have parts where their camera is way more of a problem than they were in 1.
this, and I only played it for the first time about 5 years ago
>can't look down
>can't look up
Reminder that Ocarina of Time also does this and nobody gives a shit
>sometimes can't double jump at all
>delay on attack is terrible
2001, when you needed to actually learn the controls instead of mashing random buttons like in 2016
Just time your jumps and attacks, faggot.
>Want rule34 of Jak1 Jak.
>Porn is for Jak2/3
Will we ever get a Jak 4 that finishes the story once and for all?
Jak 3 was the ending. Jak X doesn't exist.
Is it fun on the Vita?
How's the HD collection on the ps3?
It's great. Plays just as well as the originals.
Jak X was badass and a cool side story.
Desu it's good
its ok it has some glitches and fps is fucked in some parts
You don't need to look up and down in Ocarina and if you do the game always puts an enemy there so you can target it and look in that direction you fucking retard.
This, OP is retarded
I've had no issues with any controls, maybe you're just shit OP