Do you prefer to play as a boy or a girl?

Do you prefer to play as a boy or a girl?


If it's an online game with classes and the female classes can be particularly obnoxious (mei) then yes

But shit like Monster Hunter or souls games I use the same character I've used since DaS

Girl. I can't play dress up as a boy.

>No bike shorts or pantyhose
>No socks
What's her appeal?

Whichever has the better voice. I'm going to hear it constantly so it shouldn't be annoying.
If there is no voice, then I play as a boy, but I don't name him after myself or think of him as a self-insert.

Guy on main/first playthrough, girl on second playthrough.

Basically it's like this:

If the guy looks like a fuckboy whose probably gonna break your windows, I'm not going to play as him and I'll choose the girl instead because not only is she cuter, she gets better customization options too.

>skintight jumpsuit with a skirt
>not the next level of lewd clothing

Shiki's a trend setter


Girl, unless it's like Persona 3 where you can only romance guys.

I play as a boy (girl)

Jesus christ what is wrong with his leg

Boy, why would I want to play as some stupid girl?

I like being cute. Bonus points if NPCs will treat you like a girl

If they have defined character designs then whichever one I like more. If it's got customization then usually male. In OP's pic I'd choose the girl because I like her design more (the hair color thing isn't as stupid as the males, namely) and also because she has based Palmon in her group.

What the fuck is that girl wearing?

The boy is adorable as fuck in OP, so male.

I don't really self insert or anything like that so whichever one looks better. which is the girl 99% of the time

Girl, 'cause I'm a tranny.

A girl

Benefits of playing as a girl
- If the game has character customisation options, they're usually better and have more variety.
- Plus one to the number of cute girls in the cast.
- A girl being the one to save the world is a bit more refreshing and fun.
- You get to look at a cute girl all the time.
- Many RPGs don't go full romance but just imply the characters have strong feelings, so most scenes will work for either gender. You can take that kind of thing as either them just being good friends, or them being yuri hints. Either is good.
- People online may assume you are female.

Benefits of playing as a boy
- ?????????????????

Seriously though, I don't remember the last time I played as a guy when given the choice. I'll only ever do so if the game has straight-only romance and I like one of the romancable girls a lot, and I don't remember the last game I played that fit that.

Not sure why, but I almost always play as a dude. I have one female WoW toon that I made as a joke but that's about it.

You forgot
>girl exclusive equips
>said equips are the best shit in the game

Girl if girl is hot.

I want to be a stay at home cutie girl with a big masculine stoic woodsman who comes by every week with food and a hard 10inch dick to fuck my silly brains out.

the only game I have ever chosen to play as a girl was Pokemon Moon

simply because chicken-chan was cute

Girls with a short skirt.

Too cute not to choose
When the Detective threatens the MC with spanking my dick was diamonds.

In games with marriage/romance (e.g. Fire Emblem) I prefer playing as a guy so I can self-insert and marry my waifu. But without that I just make my own waifu.

>character customisation
don't care
>Plus one to the number of cute girls in the cast.
>You get to look at a cute girl all the time.
these are the same thing, also don't care because i can just look on gelbooru or something for cute girls
>A girl being the one to save the world is a bit more refreshing and fun.
i hate yuri
>People online may assume you are female.
this isn't necessarily good

>Benefits of playing as a boy
i relate more to the character, which helps with immersion
i only like straight romance options
male voice acting is often better
the interaction with male cast members feels more natural

not trying to tell you how to think or anything, just saw your post on the front page and decided to give my take. it's really just preference in the end i think.


if there's a game that does this, it's probably a shitty game if they can't even manage to balance male/female items

I'll play a male character if
>the game features romance and it's straight pairings only
>the game expects you to fully self-insert

If not I'll play a girl because I like looking at cute girls and girls almost universally have better customization options.

>hate yuri

>it's a game where your customization options as a male character are nonexistent compared to females

you too

Walk me up when they make Cyber Sleuth 2.

Depends on the character designs.

... are you me

literally exactly my thoughts

games with multiple girl sock/pantyhose options GOAT


>all these bullshit statements

You want to be a girl admit you faggots.


Whatever takes my fancy at the moment.
I know it's a very wishy-washy answer but that's really all there is, for instance watching Rebels made me get back into Star Wars, made me reinstall TOR to give it a fair shot, so when I'm rolling up my Inquisitor I decided to make it like the S.S., thus female. Later on when I rolled up an AgentI decided I would make a Chiss and try play as a suave bastard like Nightcrawler, so I made male.

I just choose whatever I'm feeling at the time.

What is it?

>god, all fuckers here are faggots, talking about customization and being cute.

depends if the the female gender have things missing from the male gender. if not then ill stick on male gender. fucking weebs

do you want to be my internet girlfriend

9/10 times I choose to play with a girl unless it's as shitty looking like Dork Souls where it doesn't matter anymore. I'm a little 'obsessed' with female clothing and their (body) shapes so I choose where I'm personally most fascinated with.


I do a playthrough as a boy and a playthrough as a girl.

If the player characters gender impacts the story or improves the experience in any meaningful way then I'll play as that gender in any future play throughs (IE: Persona 3 Portable: Girl Side's Social Links)

Is it cum? Why do they shake hands covered in cum?

Take your mind out of the gutter, user.

>Blood brother can refer to two or more men not related by birth who have sworn loyalty to each other. This is in modern times usually done in a ceremony, known as a blood oath, where having each person make a small cut, usually on a finger, hand or the forearm, and then the two cuts are pressed together and bound, the idea being that each person's blood now flows in the other participant's veins.
Let your imagination run wild

Make me
So it's a cum oath, huh

i always choose the girl