Implying Paladins isn't better than Overcuck

>implying Paladins isn't better than Overcuck

Other urls found in this thread: players in first month&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

I don't understand Battleborn.

Just do a free weekend on steam or something.

AND games that goes f2p later in their life usually doesn't recover and Battleborn is a meme game like NMS at this point. They should just end its suffering.

People already don't want it at a heavily discounted price and they aren't going to want it for free.

It had its chance and it blew it spectacularly. Blame Gearbox above all else.
I don't know if I should be comparing it to Tom Preston or Movie Bob at this point.

No what I mean is make it free just to entice people to play it.

It works. I'm willing to drop 5-10 bucks on it if I enjoy it with my friends. A major detriment to the game is the population though.

>to entice people to play it.
I don't think you understand which game and developer you're talking about here.
They've blown it and there's no recovering. Remove money from the equation completely and people still aren't interested.


>If more people play it, it's a better game.

But really, you're just comparing shit to a turd.

Its like 6 bucks on G2A, its not about price anymore, that ship has long sailed.

Thanks for sharing your hallucination.


devs in complete denial

This is good for Paladins, its pretty likely Overwatch doesn't have that many players online worldwide.

>Has a fatass lard wife

Overwatch claims millions of users but a lot of times i have a hard time finding a match.


holy fuck she is huge

Paladins fucking IS overcuck

this is a joke, right?

i don't understand why the picture includes battleborn if it's another paladins vs overwatch episode.

I had enough fun to play it for free. If the open beta was just the game yeah, I'd play it. But they wanted $40 for a game where you have to grind to unlock characters, money to open crates and unlock inventory slots, they were out of their minds. The story missions were the worst of it all, I can't believe they were trying to sell them as a feature.

Battleborn should have moved over or gone free to play at first sign that they were going to be in direct competition with Overwatch.

The one thing i prefer from Battleborn is that it's properly balanced. No bullshit like Roadhog or McCree. Not even their sniper can one shot, he just forces a retreat. However, I do hate to near minute long respawns

To make Paladins look better than it actually is. Simple psychology.

She's a big girl.

I unironically think paladins has more players than overwatch.

Blizzard are hiding their numbers. You don't hide them if they are good.

no less gayer than overwhore

>20 million players in five months


ignoring the whale how many fucking times does this faggot say badass throughout the entire video because he says it way too much in he short amount of time i watched

>tfw you will never own a game studio


One russian/brazilian is only worth like 1/5th of a proper human so you should adjust those numbers accordingly.

Someone needs to donate a thesaurus to Randy.

I personally refuse to support Hirez after what they did to global agenda and tribes. I refuse to give them my time or my money. If it was any other company I would give it a shot, but they've burned me one too many times.

>20 million players in five months

That's not even true. Go on, post your source and i'll tell you what you didn't understand about it.

1/5th? That's far too generous.

>my son randy

It looks like you forgot to add a zero after that five.

I dont know if paladins is a shill campaign going on here but I downloaded it.

gonna try it out now.

>That's not even true.
good thing you gave reasoning to refute the assertion

I just skimmed through the video until I saw her. Lord Am I Laffin.



Sup Forums likes it because it's free. For some reason Sup Forums is poor and cheap so they love Paladins.

I started playing Paladins before Overwatch as a good poorfag and when Blizzard did the free weekend they convinced me to buy it. I don't know why people think Paladins is anything but a cheap Overwatch clone.

Good thing you gave a source to mill.

>as a good poorfag
you answered your own question

people with jobs just shitpost on Sup Forums instead

>his wife is a whale and his son wears a fedora



So what about it makes you think Paladins has more players than one of the biggest games of the year?

this guy here. so far I like it. don't know if its gonna keep me from buying overwatch.

it has all that f2p login and chests, and buy gems here and all that stuff. which is fine if it doesnt become intrusive.

but it was pretty fun. didn't know they were behind tribes. so I have faith. for now.

TF2>=Overwatch>TFC>TF>offbrand players in first month&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

Time is a currency that everyone here has plenty of, despite being one of the most valuable currency.

Notice how it says >20 million registered players to date.

Not sales. Aka multiple accounts. Also the game is f2p in korea, so multiple account that will be huge.

>so I have faith
oh, man. it's better to leave you in the dark. you need to see it for yourself.

overwatch is 35$ right now. should I pull the trigger or not?

Smite is still going strong after over 4 years though?

>only F2P in Korea
>40 dollars everywhere else


>F2P everywhere

and you assume the former has more account inflation than the latter? ROFL

Paladins is decent
Overwatch is better
if you don't wanna spend money paladins is a nice alternative

>Also the game is f2p in korea
How's it feel to lie because you don't know shit about Korea?

they SOLD 20 mils, not player on-line
No man sky also sold incredibly at launch but i doubt many people are still playing it

here's a overwatch google trends map to give the idea

tried OW on free weekend, not worth the price, i feel better over paying 60$ fallout 4 rather then 40$ for that thing

I honestly enjoy playing paladins more at this point, the cards system is just fun to play with and try different ridiculous builds mines kinessa

>using the biggest disappointment in years as a fair comparison
Do you honestly think it's fair to compare player retention in Overwatch to No Man's Sky?

And you're completely misinterpreting the graph. That's the common interest curve for AAA games: before the game is released and no one can play it, everyone wants to see what all the excitement is about. After it's released, search interest and hype die out.

Paladins has the same f2p login and chests system if not even worse of OW but OW is 100$ if you want ALL the possible content:
60$ origins edition 40$ blizzcon bastion

no most of your games will be like this

I have both and I kinda prefer Paladins.

Overwatch LOOKS a ton better though and it has best husbando.

How's it feel to shill for blizzard?

He's not a shill, he's just being pedantic. PC bang != F2P, but it's close enough

overwatch borrowed too much from tf2 desu, its bloated with antiquated design that doesn't fit with a class and role based fps. paladins is just more fun to pick up and play

>1st point:
it was to give the idea that having big numbers of sales at launch doesn't mean having the same numbers of on-line players, usually you need to exaggerate to explain something like that.

>2nd point:
fair enough but why is pic related like this then, shouldn't be happening the same thing?, it's not like overwatch is not being updated

I played a lot on the weekend and felt like I would play much more, so I think the price was worth it. Burned out on Paladins too after the Barik nerf, it was pretty disappointing. The option to change the hero after you die makes the game a bit more interesting as well.

didn't load

>100$ if you want ALL the possible content
*Assuming you're willing to grind for all the cosmetics

So what went wrong with paladins then?

funnly i liked locked hero matches much more, so i guess it's just personal opinions, + the fact that it tooked forever to find a match

I Got bored of Overwatch in 30 hours
I don't understand how people play this for hours on end

it's dissmissed as a useless shameless worthless time-wasting ripoff and some waifubait game controls the market

also you're changing topic of our conversation,
i was genuinely curious

Sup Forums slobbers Paladin's knob for the same reason they love getting cucked by Nost, its free and it makes them feel like they're sticking it to the evil Blizzard.

League of Legends is one of the biggest games in the world. It didn't have a traditional "hype and release", it just became a big hit inexplicably.

There are some tertiary reasons, like how their esports scene is huge, but my point is LoL is a big anomaly.

wasn't me

indeed paladins its better, game have a massive verticality unlike overcrap

i suppose world of warcraft, although there are some suggestive jokes and other "humor" left from quest designer game devs

opposite examples: witcher 3, elder scrolls, overwatch

ok thanks

Rare to have good discussion on Sup Forums, usually people dont' bring up counterpoints, aren't civil, etc

Take care

Paladins is pay-to-win. Overwatch isn't. Nuff said!

who cares?

It's all about sales in this industry my man

>Paladins is pay-to-win.
>Paladins is pay-to-win.
>Paladins is pay-to-win.
>Paladins is pay-to-win.
>Paladins is pay-to-win.
>Paladins is pay-to-win.
>Paladins is pay-to-win.
>Paladins is pay-to-win.
>Paladins is pay-to-win.
>Paladins is pay-to-win.
too bad it's not

what? all you can buy in paladins is chests and random skins. and chests just have skins in them. cards/items barely do shit too

This looks surreal man, im see a plastic castle bed fixture, a kid of blind spitballing 15 years maby who clearly diddnt dress himself, wearing a fedora and full suit, sitting crosslegged in said bed reading a book.. . . with his fucking shooes still on.

Like what the hell man, this is either done up to hell and back for the vid, or randy and his wife are fucking crazy.

I would buy a shield tablet if the thing ever went on sale but it never does.

Paladins is as pay-to-win as TF2 is.

Blizzard doesn't give out actual player counts anymore. SC2 had player counts in-game and it just made people decide it was dead.

i can see how some one might think Paladins is a ptw, but team fortress? how?

In each game, the only things you can buy that have an actual effect on gameplay are intended to be sidegrades.

I hope Sup Forums plays Gigantic when it comes out in open beta.

AND you can EASILY obtain them without paying

He meant it isn't P2W. Any OP champion or build can be gotten within 10hours and the starting heroes and builds are all top tier.

Fuck Hi-rez though

>he's still mad about tribes

>he still isn't mad about tribes
Hit the gym
Get a clue
Have sex