Bad writing

>bad writing
why does everyone use this argument so much? what does Sup Forums know about good writing?

I'm confused.

If I read two stories, I can surmise that one of them has better characters and diction than the other.

every game has a bad writing here.
Post an example of a 11/10 perfect writing and someone will shit on it.

>what does Sup Forums know about good writing?

That's why we talk about bad writing.

Hi kojima

First of all, like 99.999...% of modern games don't involve enough actual 'writing' for good writing to mean anything substantial. When plebs talk about 'good/bad writing' what they really mean is superficial commercial garbage relating to narrative structure, characterization, etc. Shit that will make the game popular among autists that like to be overly endeared to characters, not actual writing in the sense of things like prose and else among those lines.

i read books

Then there would be nothing to compare 'good writing' to. Everyone argues as if they once lived in the golden age of wonderfully done characters and plots and how every single character nowadays is made by SJWs

I'm confused.

If I sucked two dicks, I can surmise that one of them has better characteristics than the other.

Alright, compare the last two dicks you sucked.

I've been gagged by the penises I have inserted into my mouth so much that the loss of oxygen has affected my brain. As a result I don't think it would be fair to you to try and give my opinion on my penile experience.

don't joke like that, I'm dry as a bone

However the bone in my mouth isn't as dry if ya know wutta mean

>implying I know what you mean

i'm talking about the penis i'm currently sucking on

by that I mean my dad's

I'd rather have a good game with bad writing then good writing in a bad game

Would you rather have your dick in my ass or my mouth


don't forget to rate it highly on steam

Go back to writing poetry user. This is about big boy writing.

Why are you talking to yourself?


It's easy to see bad writing:

>plot holes that either don't get explained or are badly explained when given the information of the world

>Using a deus ex machina / asspull because the writers wrote themselves into a corner

>Characters acting stupid or wildly out of character just for the sake of conflict or drama

Those kind of examples

what if the story is an absurdist story?

Plot holes don't have to be explained then.

The only plot hole that needs to be filled is the one between my buttcheeks and the only thing that can fill it is a penis if you know what i mean

is that Nicolas Cage?

Any story with black and white morality is trash
>90% of story driven video games are defeat muh evil dood

find me some subjects

Planescape: Torment

This thread is so shitty it deserves a food analogy.

>Bad cooking
>why does everyone use this argument so much? what does Sup Forums know about good cooking?

Considering books stand by themselves as writing, good or bad, they're a good start to building your gauge of writing
most writers for movies and video games now? they either 1) don't read or watch the source material, or 2) don't read or watch other things at all.
reading is a necessity if you're trying to write creatively, and NOT just because it helps you steal shit from other series and make it your own (but that is a big part of it. everything good you like is stolen from something else. everything. everything. everything.)

I'm a registered tripfag on /lit/, I know that I know my shit.

Oh yeah well i'm a namefag that noone cares about


Because it's an argument that is almost 100 percent impossible to argue against. If an user says a game has poor writing, there is nothing you can say to prove him wrong.

bad writing is obviously a legit criticism you can give something, but Sup Forums mostly tacks it on as a bullet point and never explains why they think so. If you press someone on they'll just go on about how "objectively" bad it is and call you stupid for not agreeing. Sup Forums is pretty bad about this too.

How about
>Not in my opinion

The best way to shut this down is
>So what is your favorite book, user?
It works every time. Even if they say an actual book title, just respond with a reaction image. It's amazing how retarded it makes them seem

I know that the west can't write villains so the big bad thing is always a 'force' or 'mysterious'.
I know they can't write females or them interacting with each other normally.
Hell they can't even handle more than 2-3 main characters, the witcher being an exception.

If you don't relate to anything anybody does, you wont give two shits about what happens to them nor remember who they were.

You don't have to have a degree in literature to recognize bad writing.

Because then you can be easily dismissed as having poor taste

>I know that the west can't write villains
I can't think of any well written villians in an eastern game

Sometimes the villain being mysterious serves as a driving force for the player to continue the plot.
Notable examples include games like Planescape: Torment Baldurs Gate and the original Fallout games

What about Mithos or Dycedarg?

What's wrong with you retard? Why do you keep having discussions with yourself in every thread

When two people argue they usually have to disagree on something.

You know there is nothing stopping you from just pretending to be the same person, right?

You literally need more than a high school diploma though, which is more than the majority of Sup Forums can claim

No you fucking don't, Anyone with half a brain can realize when writing is dull or cliche.

The problem is you're one person

I know fuckhead, I'm doing that right now by being the other saucy from before.

then who was phone etc

How's freshmen year going?

How's retardation going?

Well most japanese games are very niche and we on this anime image board play a lot of Japanese video games.

they are usually much better with writing that shitty western games. persona 5 for example and before you say it. no not that shitty dub those subhuman dubfags suck on, it doesn't count since atlusJewSA are shit compared to atlus jp plus jp wrote the game.

compared to a shitty western game such as watchdogs 2 literal memes everywhere.
fucking western sjw garbage writing.

Turns out I can still obtain a college degree, unlike yourself

is this a sincere post?

>why does everyone use this argument so much? what does Sup Forums know about good writing?

By your logic, I am not allowed to say that X food tastes bad because I don't know how to cook a better meal myself. You don't need to be able to make better writing to know something has bad writing

I like it when characters act like actual people and the plot isn't fully predictable from the start.

Western RPGs > Eastern RPGs

>why does everyone use this argument so much?
Because video games traditionally have miserable stories. Being a story-writer and being a game developer are not related in any way.

Also assuming no one on Sup Forums, anywhere, knows anything about writing is assuming that no one on Sup Forums has ever read a book. Which is just stupid.

claiming everything is awful doesn't give you good credibility yourself

I unironically think Dwarf Fortress has good writing.

dude education is its own reward

you're a mong

>Japanese video games
>they are usually much better with writing
Only weebs think this.

its fucking Sup Forums, we live and breath bad writing. dosent mean we know goof writing, but we KNOW shitposting when we post it

this topic is a little more heated than before

It is terrifying.

seeing as persona is being priased as fuck

and watchdogs too

blame the shitty western devs for giving everyone here shit taste. fucking memes everywhere, cant make a game that isn't cliche or full of le refrences.

even persona games over here are shit because of the shitty dubfags that let atlus get away with their shitty voice acting. making that whole game sound like a cartoon. makes shit less for adult and more for kids. so even then they fuck up the writing jp gave them and make its full of memes and a shitfest.

>play a game with excellent writing such as RDR
>play a game with shitty writing such as MGS V
>immediately notice the drop in quality and deduce that MGS V has bad writing

It's not complicated

Im sorry but I cannot comprehend your post and I wish I could

You are a shitposter. Thank you for all that you do.

>writing in games
You kids are on the wrong board again.

When writing is so bad it makes people who don't know shit aboud good writing cringe, it must be pretty bad

it was just a joke bro etc

The real question is why anyone cares if a game has good writing or not, when everyone always bitches about plot and story getting in the way of gameplay.

>"We need at least 20 minutes of cutscenes in order to properly set up the conflict and build the characters"
>Game released with bare minimal exposition to maximise gameplay to story ratio
>"wtf writing sucs :("


This can be really subjective and the reasons why something is dull are for more damning than saying that something is dull.


Plenty of well crafted works can have their fair share of tropes or cliches but that doesn't mean the writing within them is weak.

There's a difference between an observation and a criticism. To say that something has similar elements to others is merely an observation, to say that the work had tone issues because it kept jumping from one tone to another emotionally confusing the viewer could be a valid criticism.

>what does Sup Forums know about good writing?
Nothing. nu/v/ needs to go play infocom games.

Gooks churn out overly commercialized shit. The "western sjws" are a result of greedy japs dumbing down good western games like Wizardry into easily digestible shit like Dragon Quest. This process was repeated over and over until the design philosophies of the golden era of vidya were no longer profitable.

this may be surprising to you, but games like persona sound like cartoons to native japanese speakers

The difference is that MGSV is way more fun than RDR. Not saying that RDR is a bad game, but MSV is a fucking masterpiece in gaming.

Yeah, maybe the story ain't as hot this time around but it's a great game all the same. Too many people judge video games by a single metric like JUST the graphics or JUST the music or JUST the writing. MGSV is a pretty good complete package. Covers all the bases and then some, it's a damn good example of next gen gaming. It's looks great, it sounds great and it fucking plays great. That's a goddamn miracle for gaming right now, video games that fucking play well.

I know everything about bad writing and am capable of commenting on it how bout you?

well if you didn't have shit taste you would know how shit the dub is in persona 4 for example.they fucked the writing up they added in those shitty honorifics, fucked up the writing and the voices cartoony making even the good written parts sound bad.

But I guess a dubfag like you wouldn't understand. fucking pathetic faggots, the lot of you. just because you can't read subtitles. and If you can't then how would you know what good writing is. go back to playing your shitty watchdogs ebin memez xD senpai kunn

Nigga that was some of the most extreme projection I have ever seen in my life
I never even played a persona game in my entire life

Well if you haven't you wouldn't know. only people who have played it know.

too busy playing your western and shitty localised games i see.

Chill out I just prefer western RPGs
Are you Japanese or just an autistic weeb?

>calling someone weeb on an anime image board
literally cucked into shit taste.

Enjoy your poorly acted sjw games

You realize people don't like the writing because it's fundamentally bad, right? The whole game is just some cringey teenager's wet dream and that's exactly who it's written for. I bet you think FLCL is a masterpiece, too, you pathetic waifu loving manchild.

/lit/ fags think reading Harry Potter or a summary of Catcher in the Rye on wikipedia makes them patricians.

I don't get why people like FLCL that much, it all seems like LOLRANDUMB XD nonsense to me. But the second you try to point that out, you just get >He doesn't get it

Same with Evangelion. Anno's already admitted half the imagery and shit was just added in to look cool. There's nothing to "get", it's all fucking fake.

>88 posts
>no megaman discussion

>I know they can't write females or them interacting with each other normally.
Holy shit this. The good old "durrr write them like men except they aren't men" never fails to annoy me.
inb4 Ripley as if she fucking matters in this discussion

You are deluded to the point where your ability to project arguments and spout autism could land you a key role on a shitty game show in your perfect little slice of utopia you call Japan (actually, you probably call it nippon)
Well guess what
The only reason that Japan is so successful is because they lost WW2 and the USA forced western values on them

Fucking weeb thinking generic waifu bait shit is good.

Why? Mega Man fans play the franchise for the gameplay and music. The writing is either non-existant or just badly executed.

And how the fuck would you know, gaijin?

I'd discuss why MMX was the DmC of Megaman but then I just get memed on hardcore and nothing interesting happens

yeah the localised version is shit because of all the childish VA acting. Enjoying anything in its original language is the only true way to experience it. no argument, dubfags will try but fail like always because they can't read a few subtitles. fucking babies. in japanese though they have much more mature VA and don't go all spazzy when something happens.
Its not for kids either because of all the violence and death, and you even fuck a bunch of chicks. more mature than shitty cartoons we put out here. Just like anime isn't for kids this isnt.

also FLCL might seem LOL RANDUMB XD to you but that just means you really don't know what you're talking about. typical dubfags. I bet you watched it in english too. pathetic cuck.

It's easy for neo Sup Forums to criticize writing because very few people know anything about writing.

>Just like anime isn't for kids

do you know anything about writing?