Holly shit, show me a better exclusive on the PS2 or XBOX


Not better, but on par.


If you can emulate it, most PC users wouldn't consider it a proper exclusive.

Better is hard to qualify, Metroid Prime is one of the best.

God Hand
Ace Combat 4
Phantom Dust
Jet Set Radio Future
Ninja Gaiden Black
MGS 2/3
Shadow of the Colossus

Are some games that are up there.


That wasn't on ps2 or xbox????



Learn English, underage retard.

Are you fucking retarded, PC man?

Metroid prime was Game of the Decade

Umm? Who are you talking to?

Why is it saying you when I didn't even write that????

Exclusive implies you can only play it on a single medium. Playing it on a PC means that exclusive access is now gone.


Metroid is shit, especially Prime.

i will do you one better and post a better exclusive on the dreamcast

Did Nintendo officially released Metroid Prime on the PC ?

mgs2 was on the xbox

You can emulate at a better quality on your PC so I don't understand your point on "official" or not. And this from a faggot with a toaster of a laptop.


Deus Ex and Half-Life were on PS2. No one cares.

To all the pcfags talking about emulation and how it's not an exclusive, all you have to do to shut this thread up is point at the metroid prime trilogy.

>it d-d-d-doesnt count

whatever retard

Iornicly some games work better emulated than the "official" Port.

Hell if you emulate the WII version you effectively have mouse aiming as if the game's made for PC.

>Deus Ex on the PS2

You and me know that that version doesn't count as actually having Deus Ex.

Nice stutter, retard.

nah your the retard for not knowing what exclusive means

>OP gives a simple task to find a better exclusive on the competing platforms of the time
>thread turns into some pcfags claiming nothing is exclusive because you can emulate it
god damn this imageboard is so retarded some times.

either way OP, the backtracking wasn't that great and especially the last 3rd of the game was absolute ass.
I think Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence is a better game and a PS2 exclusive.

>says the guy who can barely type
Sure. Uh-huh.

>hurr durr


Metroid Prime is the Ocarina of Time of vidya, but without the side-content of OoT.

It's so freaking good.

3DS port when?

>Literally names a version of a game that got rereleased on the 360 of all things
You're dumber than OP.

>it's somehow not an exclusive because it got ported to other consoles 10 years later
user please...
MGS 3 was an exclusive, just like Metroid prime.
ofcourse they repackaged and resold those games on other platforms eventually.

Halo, now get fuck out of here, the Prime series was boring as fuck and should have just stayed 2D.


this series must be a cult classic. i enjoyed prime 2 as a kid, cant get back into it now. cant find enjoyment from the other games in the series either, it isn't very fun, its "atmospheric"

i somewhat agree with you.
the music and athmosphere are great.
gameplay works but i remember the game being really easy.
the backtracking gets really tedious eventually.

>posts pretty much the only notable gamecube game besides Wind Waker and Mario Sunshine

>b-best console!

PS2 had a laundry list of "exclusive". I could replay the shit out of Armored Core games but Metroid Prime would only get one playthrough out of me.

Xbox was garbage for the most part but an impressive console (after all it was Dreamcast 2.0).

Gamecube had only good/ok first-party games and garbage third-party games.

If you didn't have a PS2 and PC you were throwing away money for brand worship.


Metroid Prime is better than Halo. Anyone who likes Halo is a tasteless retard. Halo Combat Evolve was playable. That's it. Something to tide you over till UT2K4.

Epic Games went full retard turning Unreal3 into a console game and stripping it of everything that made UT2k4 great. They basically said "fuck it, no point competing with retards who love Halo so we'll just focus on actual console games."

The only difference is Metroid Prime didn't have online multiplayer worth playing until Hunters and nobody took Nintendo seriously when it came to multiplayer shooters.

It's a ripped rom It's still exclusive for Nintendo, the game wasn't released on PC.

Finally! Someone with taste on this board

Anyone who says Metroid Prime is beter than any FPS or even 2D Metroid is a faggot baby who has never played a real FPS and just has shit taste in general. Comparing Prime to any FPS, you should be hanged for this post alone. Tank controls, slow movement, auto targeting, beam switching and you're comparing this to any FPS, get the fuck out of here, bitch.


I can show you worse games on PS2.

But there's also be about 300 more than Gamecube.

I own it on 3ds nerd, not exclusive

Soul Nomad?
Panzer Dragoon Orta?

I love Metroid Prime, but there's better games.
