What is your favorite game where you can perform objectively better than an opponent but the balance is so broken that you might still lose?
Games with terrible randomness
Pokemon Stadium 2 minigames
Modern Warfare 2.
There's a reason nukes have never returned.
>When the enemy team is at 198 on holding points but you win with a nuke
Hillary Clinton will be a great president.
>When you're at 198 and use a nuke to rub it in
Yes, just about any FPS or MOBA.
>have the most kills
>still lose because it's OBJECTIVE BASED
That said, sore losers are hilariously pathetic.
>lose at the metric that has ALWAYS been the only important one
>b-b-but guys why aren't we using this other metric that I WANT TO USE only because it benefits me after the fact
The shortest one term president ever after the world becomes a nuclear wasteland.
But those 1.5 years will be -GREAT-.
>get less votes
>lose democratic election
I don't care how you spin it.
Use whatever analogy you can think of.
It's still a flawed system and if it were the other way around you'd be pissed.
I voted Trump btw.
We live in a constitutional republic.
> Friend invites me to join his game
> He's ridiculously aggressive and regularly gets 20+ kill streaks
> I always happen to kill him before he hits 28 or 29, even though I'm absolutely shit
That said, it was just a weird string of luck for me. I agree that nukes were a bit of a poor balance choice in practice.
It's funny how the developers grossly underestimated how easy it is to get a 30 kill streak in an average game.
>shortest one term president ever
>1.5 years
So are we just going to ignore William Henry Harrison?
it's easier to manage RNG in SMT games for fucks sake
You can always tell who the underaged are
All objective based games.
>payload map
>get sick killing streak by picking off isolated opponents
>don't protect the payload
>b-but muh kdr
mario party
just ask jeff gerstman
It's impossible to say who would have won in a straight up barebones democracy vote.
Popular vote in the EC is a pointless metric outside of telling us the turnout.
>tfw never got higher than 8
>play objective based game
>camp while everyone tries to accomplish the objective
>win the game with a nuke
What the fuck was IW thinking?
>It's not fair! It was HER turn!
>President Trump
>climate change escalates
>higher percentage of carcinogens and rat shit allowed in food
>Net Neutrality repealed
>corporations gain more power than they would've had, even under Hillary
>NEETbux system discontinued
The damage may not be irreversible, but goddamn are the next four years are going to be dark. I almost guarantee Sup Forums is going to turn on Trump once they realize how fucked they're getting.
harder difficulties in civ series (haven't played 6, yet, though)
>climate change escalates
>NEETbux system discontinued
>people were murdered on her behalf
Citation needed
>phone screenshotting an image
Jesus christ stop posting anytime soon, please.
You have no proof
>The goal of the game isn't to get the most kills but complete the objective
>Focus on getting the most kills instead of completing the objective.
You're just salty you've been called a faggot on Overwatch for being a Hanzo main huh kid
Not an argument
>Losing more states
>Performing objectively better.
This is why autists like user don't decide the election process.
>more people voted for the person who lost than the person who won
wow what a fuckin strange turn of events
Shadowverse? It's a card game so sometimes you just get the shittiest hand and you can't do a damn thing about it.
>Initial hand is 6, 6, 7 cost cards
>Redraw the entire hand
>6, 8, 9 cards
>Literally can't do anything until I either get enough play points or I draw a cheapo card
>Meanwhile fucking dragoncraft or whatever is already on 7 play points and over drive with 2 wards and a cost 6 monster
>loses at 6D chess
>wtf I would have won at checkers
this is u kid
You can't have a perfect democracy. Either you equalize individual votes or regions.
Regardless of which one is better, Trump played the objectives and won. Hillary thought it was a deathmatch and went for the kill/death ratio.
>the election should be decided by a handful of copypasted beaner cities
Because California and New York aren't the only states that decide elections.
>the opinions of the majority don't line up with mine therefore the system that directly goes against the philosophy of every vote counting is better because it worked out in my favor
dont hate the player hate the game
>she should win the popular vote because even though every presidential election is based off the electorals, I'm going to protest that he is NOT my president with the other beaners outside! this time the election should be based off the popular vote!
the electoral system is a relic that directly goes against the purpose that led to its creation in the first place. you can just go ahead and start posting pepe's now.
yeah for all the cuck slinging going on there they really don't seem to have their own interests at heart when voting.
This election is proof that no one on either side actually likes any form of Democracy. Everyone loves Democracy with stipulations though.
>Democrats who claim to care for marginalized people now want to get rid of the electoral college which helps those same marginalized people
The older Call of Duties were real bad about balance, but somewhere amidst all of the chaos was a lot of fun
>I'm the minority but its okay because I can pad the numbers by importing mexicans
Except every vote does count because you have to win the states in order to get the electorate. Hillary lost over half the states in the country.
The good ol' electoral college, grabbing dems by the pussy since the dawn of time
This guy gets it. It's become clear that the Clinton campaign didn't play the game nearly as well as they could have. While you can point to the Popular Vote, that's not how the game is played and both parties knew this.
The solution is only college educated citizens should be allowed to vote.
please tell me this comes with a sauce
>we should only let people who agree with me vote
>this election proves nobody likes mob rule
Thank fucking god.