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Have the tie graphics improved any? I'm really upset whenever 47's tie spazzes out in my games.
TM > Contracts > BM > 2 > Absolution > 47
Yeah but then why is that faggot complaining about it if Hitman 2016 isn't any more lefty shit than Hitman released 12 years ago was?
keep security tight
you continue to be a lying faggot
>released 12 years ago was?
Because that was 12 years ago. I'm fighting the battle going on right now. What's hard to understand about that?
I wonder what kind of retarded shit I'm going to read in this thread
Remember to vote
>Remember to vote
Remember to vote
>Remember to vote
Remember to vote
>Remember to vote
Remember to vote
>Remember to vote
Nth for bring back suitcases and kick the online requirements out.
Shill posts paid by SE of course.
Sure thing, boss.
By the way, did I mention that I LOVE being bald?
>XBOX app
>Windows 10
>Windows Store
>Cortana not disabled
jesus christ dude go back to plebbit
something something shill, something always online denuvo
Paranoid posts made by poorfags of course
this desu
Absolution wasn't that bad
It's to prevent boosting your score to 6 gorillion and cheating on contracts and elusive targets
Why are you so against having it always online?
Japan is maximum comfy
Gimme the sales in the first month or some shit, then we'll talk
>Hazmat suit coming through!
What the fuck Jerry we are working behave like and adult.
What's wrong with Chrome? Also, I've been posting on Sup Forums since before anyone even knew about reddit.
Help. the game crashes whenever I choose to launch using Nvidia graphics? I have a 660m is that why? It works on intel graphics though which makes no fucking sense.
you have to remove the /r at the end you fucking retard
like so
The hard part to understand is that you don't want SJW shit in Hitman, obviously, yet you're stir up discussion about the topic which is only likely to draw the attention of SJWs who will whine and whine to Io until all you have is a nigger mexican tranny hitman to play as.
Seriously, Hitman is neo-nazi compared to most games out there. Don't bring that aids to this franchise.
Windows 10 is reddit: the os mate
That one guy who claims he is fighting the good fight by not buying the game, and we uncover a secret leftist plot to make us hate rich evil people.
wh-what's wrong with cortana?
Because I do not think having fair scores in the scoreboard I don't use provides enough compensation to not having access to my save file if my Internet go down, mostly.
>tfw dressed 47 in sleek suit, sat back and relaxed while blending in looking at the mountain and town
maximum comfy
Colorado > Paris > Hokkaido > Sapienza > Bangkok > Marrakech
The idea of 47 going rogue is fucking mint.
Chinatown was fucking mint.
The music was kickass.
Sneaking through from point A to point B with no target being most levels? Not nice.
The retarded way instinct was handled? Also not nice.
The points system? Very not nice.
>Seriously, Hitman is neo-nazi compared to most games out there.
Okay, now I know you're some ex CTR. Hang yourself. You won't stop me from speaking out.
>Nobody pointed out there's only like 3 corporate billionaire targets out of like 16 targets
"Leftist propaganda"
Daily reminder that Hitman is leftist propaganda and by supporting it you are openly endorsing the tyranny and anti-white rhetoric of the left and you should honestly just kill yourself lmao tbqh
Can we please stop bringing fucking politics into everything? what the fuck does Hitman has to do with any of this shit?
And people getting triggered bt someone else who thought about that guys claim and starting arguments over something he didnt even really think
Not him and not trying to argue but can you explain to me like I'm retarded how being always online prevents that?
Who gives a fuck about the leaderboards? Seriously, even if they weren't contributing to the always-online cancer, I'd want them gone. They're what booted the stats screen and ratings, which were a lot more fun to have in what's a single-player game.
>lowest tier bait being taken in a Hitman thread
I expected better desu
The sad part is most games are like this these days. All we can do is keep redpilling as much as possible.
t. liberal
lol, whatever. I'm not even american you cuck and I hate Hillary.
But keep sperging out about shit that isn't a problem in Hitman. I guess you'll only be happy when Hitman gets a character creator.
y tho
Colorado is basically the swamp level of TM
Just report & hide, user. They're just looking for delicious (You)s.
I would like if they got rid of it now that the first season is over.
Honestly though, it hasn't gone down for me since the first few weeks and I've been playing it a lot recently.
Yes Mr. Hoover, everything's a leftist plot.
>not in dead last
Hokkaido ties with Sapineza for first
Sapienza has better gameplay and flow
Hokkaido looks amazing and has a nice atmosphere
some of the levels would have been great in a proper hitman game,like the military base and shaving lenny, the court house was okay
>Colorado on top and yet Marrakesh in last
You're weird
Saying 'i hate hillary' means nothing.
You know what people used to say to me? 'trump will lose'. Now they stopped because it didn't happen. Know what people say to me when I call them out? 'i hate hillary'.
Paris > Sapienza = Hokkaido > Colorado > Marrakesh > Bangkok
bait is taken every time in these threads. EVERY TIME
I wish /po/ and all the underage race warriors fighting the good fight from their basements would burn already.
Do Elusive Targets last for only 1 day?
160 hours is the norm I think.
Spot the liberal
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Colorado was awesome but really Hokkaido is the best and putting Sapienza down with bangkok and marrakesh is just downright insulting.
you're right user im a ctr shill i love the bull and soros
I'm dead fucking serious when I say that I'm on what we would classically call the fringes of the far-right, and the idea that Hitman is leftist propaganda is just a little much for me.
It is slightly anti-capitalist in nature, but a lot of things are.
Objectively correct list coming through
Paris > Hokkaido > Sapienza > Night Marrakesh > Bangkok > Marrakesh > Colorado >>>>>> The Icon
>objectively incorrect list
Spot the racists
4 targets
Lots of unique kills
Other leveks too sprawling with unused area and overabundance of poison and chandeliers. Colorado us compact but full of variety. Thought about hokkaido but that doctor area where you kill sorros or whoever sucks.
Sapienzas lab sucks ass and the entire ton.and labyrinth of apartments is useless. Mansion itself and church is neat. Overrated level.
Marrakech is literally just poison everything. School and bazaar have nothing in them. Embassy is the only interesting bit
>Bought it before Sapienza was out
>Still haven't played Japan
What's wrong with Chrome?
Hokkaido = Sapienza > Colorado > Night Marrakesh > Paris > Marrakesh > Bangkok >>>>>>>>> Night Sapienza
Hokkaido wins a lot of peoples heart with its beautiful design. But that upper section and killing the bedridden dude sucks.
Not important but the awful japanese of the clearly not japanese voice actors kills me. Not really a weeb but i live in japan and speak it so cant help but cringe at their pronounciation.
Gap between sapienza and bangkok is larger than colorado, hokkaido and paris
Does anyone like The Icon(Night Sapienza)? It's weird that regular Sapienza and the night mission are so far apart in quality.
Not him, but Colorado has four targets with paths that roam all over the map, and every target meets up with another target at least once. The huge range over which they roam means there's a lot of room to set up unconventional stuff. I think it would have worked better if they had merged Ezra, Maya, and the interpol agent into two targets instead of three, since everyone but Rose feels a little half-baked, but Colorado does have a lot going on with the targets. It's also the best level for sniping.
The stationary objective at the end is awful though.
Well, a little bit, but that has nothing to do with hitman.
Also I really hope we get additional voice actors for season 2.
i feel bad for killing a innocent guy who just wants to make a good movie but knows hes washed up
Is there any other way of getting this suit aside from pre-ordering? Are there any key resellers that sell the game with pre-order bonuses?
>Also I really hope we get additional voice actors for season 2.
Long as they don't hire actual shitskins sure.
I find it more forgettable than offensively bad or anything. Given the way Bosco operates, there's not really room to set up much interesting with him, the only time you can really do anything other than the generic, scripted "setpiece" kills is when he's alone in the trailer, and there you just have the generic "shoot him or melee him" kills.
Probably notable that it's tied with Final Test for the least number of costumes on any mission, and actually has fewer than Freeform Training.
I hear it'll be available as DLC when the game truly releases early next year
when the retail game comes out it comes with that and will come out for dlc on steam
>playing shillman
when will these leftist cucks get the fuck off my site and go back to plebbit where they belong?
>le rich evul white men
>le patriarchy
>le stronk womyn
fuck off and die, communist cucks
Ah thanks I guess. Is there any real reason to wait for the retail version?
Nothing in particular comes to mind, I don't think.
Yeah, for people that say you only kill bad guys here is a good example of a guy that probably doesn't deserve to die. Just some washed up Hollywood fag with a price on his head put there by other rich Hollywood fags.
found the libtard
Except he is literally satan in that level, saying everyone sucks and how great he is.
Its a step in the right direction but its still so, so heavy on killing bsd guys
wishlist for season 2?
for me:
>voice actors that actually speak the language of the place the episode is set in
Man you really are desperate for (You)s here's the last one you'll get from me, don't spend it all in one place okay?
Do we have a release date for Season 2? Any estimates?
Listen to him hype himself up in his trailer. He legitimately just wants to make the movie be as good as it possibly can be. He might be an asshole about it, but that's definitely not sufficient reason to straight-up murder him.
pre-order is the only way.
>Except he is literally satan in that level, saying everyone sucks and how great he is
Sounds like your typical actor to me
>Favorite Episode
>Least favorite Episode
>Places you'd like to go in Season 2 & 3
>Name one level from each previous Hitman game you'd like to see remade in Hitman™
>MULTIPLE briefcases
>more high-profile areas like the embassy and the Gama facility
>more chances for 47 to interact directly with the targets like during the Cross assassination, and more unique dialogue for targets that get poisoned, like Cross and De Santis in Sapienza
what's wrong, can't handle all this TRUTH, bluepilled cucks? not enough black men fucking white women in my posts for you?
the longer you wait, the more elusives you miss
It's coming as DLC in January
hi travis
>Shitskin Islam Market, dont even remember its name