Ace Attorney

This is your prosecutor

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Why does Japan insist on turning people into pedophiles?

>turning people into pedophiles

Surprise, user! You already were one and Japan just made you realize it!

This. Just like gay people, most of them just haven't realised yet, simple as taht.

Reminder to play attorney online with your Sup Forums friends to engage in multiplayer cases

>multiplayer cases

I'm intrigued user, how the fuck does that work?

it doesn't

99% of the cases are a literal clusterfuck of memes and ERP

Well shit, you shot that down pretty quick

>Being that much of a faggot
That isn't true and you know it. Stop joining the shit courts, problem solved

I'll do anything to stop people from playing videogames.

>used to have a blog where I roleplayed as Edgeworth had a pretty decent following for a few years before I deleted it
>hear about Ace Attorney Online
>it's just shitposting

It's not shitposting.

I mean, sure, the threads are terrible, but the real action happens in-game


No, sexuality beyond the inclination to breed isn't something you are born with. There's a heavy cultural and environmental condition that impacts people.

The whole being 'born gay' may be true for some who have a defect/imbalance but it can also be an acquired taste, and for the most part it is.

Watch this one instead, kek

Why do you insist to look at lolis in such a lewd manner?

user, she's holding a riding crop.

How do you prove that, exactly?

The answer is aliens, Apollo


By paying even a small bit of attention to how culture, art and society impacts sexuality and attraction. Check out Greece, the Aztecs, Chinese dynasties, Germans, Japanese, Vikings, Native Americans, African tribes... list goes on and on.

Do you think people are born to be attracted to elongated necks? Or tiny deformed feet? Or little boy toys? Or fucking cartoons with huge alien eyes?

Been a while I've got to post these


Well, yeah


Anime didn't exist in ancient China.

user has a point.

My little prosecutor can't be this cute


>How do you prove that, exactly?
Not the same user but see all the anons in trap threads saying Sup Forums turned them gay/bi.
Also there is such thing as prision gay, for a less Sup Forums-only example.

Well no shit. But hypothetically, if you had taken some weird ass porn into the past, you're going to find someone who would say: "Yeah, I'd fuck it."
Just because it doesn't exist yet or you don't know it exists doesn't mean you don't have an affinity for it. Think about just how many anons talk about acquiring new fetishes after being exposed to it.

was she even that young in the games? she was more around 12 - 14, wasn't she?


What's wrong with riding crops? Get your head out of the gutter.

Which case is it?

Been months when that shit went down so i can't remember, sorry.

Why do you insist on equating chinese cartoons with real life children?

>Or fucking cartoons with huge alien eyes?

We're talking about anime girls here.

I don't think anyone from ancient China would give a fuck about shitty paintings that don't reflect human beings in the slightest.

Loli Franny lewds when?

When adult Franny starts getting more lewds. Which won't happen because this fandom is full of fujos.