Filename Thread

Hit me up with the best you've got

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I named mine Luigi, to make me think that Luigi is pretending to be Mario








>kicks the fucking board in half


I know where you got that name from, user


Reverse NTR is pretty great


>yfw the female models aren't even squeezing it


Every time

just stop, user. these are fucking awful

this is fucking great tbqhwyfampay




sauce pls




goddamn that little nigga is gonna drown in pussy when he gets older




Well that's a niche joke that only a few people will get, then be upset because it's too true.



oj jesus fuck


clever bastard

i know that feel, eh


>partial arts


>that fucking black kid scheming with him

Why in every roll, there is something different but the sides are always the same?

>bought the hard copy for my collection
>mom strongly believed it was smut because of the updated cover art and author name, still does

tfw you run so fast you turn black




does anyone know what the context of this figh twas?




If this had the UI and the visual effect of him unleashing the godhand right about the 7 second mark (complete with the kick me sign flying off), it'd be fucking golden.

I love video games, too.




Alternate name:

>Lllllllllike a glove!

>40kg resistance




>guy in red besides the black kid sees the whole thing and laughs it off
Truly the most Neutral Chaotic



Where is this from?

He's the kid's father



Have I traveled back to 2012?







Or maybe King Crimson would be closer






people who poison squirrels should be shot

Nice try, but still not video games.