Oh good hunter

Oh good hunter...

What was her endgame, Sup Forums?

shut the FUCK up and give me my levels you stupid SLUT

big hunter cock

Do not bully the doll, you piece of shit.

>May you find your worth in the waking world.

Why the fuck was she so tall

She was like seven feet tall

Doll is NOT for bullying you stupid cunt! Go piss on Maria instead

You were just a manlet


For sexualizing.

Don't speak to the Doll that way, you savage cunt.

Gud Hoonter is a manlet. Have you seen him next to Maria, Gascoigne, and Gehrman?

Don't bully her you triple nigger.

I'll wake you with my dick


Doll is ok, Maria is better, Maiden in Black is probably better than both.

Maiden in Black is #1


>hunter is like 5'0

I just thought yharnamites were all lanky sons of bitches because of lycanthropy and aliens and what-not.
In Dark souls, souls will usually make people physically larger.

More like she's 7 feet

sizing has always been off in souls games. All of the yharnamites are taller than you, all of the human hunters like Gascoigne, knights like artorias and ornstein. Design choice I suppose

i would like to partake in sexual relations with this.

Doll probably has no nipples, no vagina, no body warmth, and can't even give you a blowjob

You couldn't even if you wanted to.

The yharnamites and Gascoigne are beasting out, so they have an excuse.

Don't know about Artorias and pikachu though.

Ara ara good hunter what is that you desire

Can you guys stop talking about my wife? Thanks.


>encountering a boss for the first time, walking slowly to it and transforming your weapon to start the fight

i don't know why i did this, it just felt badass

Epic, we gamers all have stories this legendary

>no tits
>no ass
>ugly Eva Green no eyebrows mongoloid face
>10 feet tall
if you actually like the doll you're either a closeted fag or the most pathetic beta male on earth

i killed the shit out of her literally every time i finished using her

>Eva Green
now I know you didn't just assemble a phrase with these parts next to each other

Doll a cute

....is this picture supposed to help your case?

>tfw made my Hunter a mature version of Eva Green in the character creator
>65 year old version of my waifu slaying beasts

I fucking love Bloodborne

we've already established that you're a tasteless homosex

shes ugly as fuck my dude. looks like an incest baby

>Attracted to something with fetal alcohol syndrome
>Questions someone else's taste and sexuality

>doing hunter's rally gesture after beating a tough boss

no better feeling

Artorias and Pornstein both aren't human, they're whatever godly race Gwyn was just not as powered up by souls.


>no nipples
>no vagina
you don't know man.. doll was made to resemble maria. maybe it resembles her a little too much...
>no body warmth
yet necrophiliacs do it just fine
>can't even give you a blowjob
oh well.

Didn't Gehrman tell you to fuck the doll if you like?

>he thinks my shit waifu is ugly so he must be baiting
im 100% serious, if you think this hag is hot you're not heterosexual

Looks like Putin

She ugly

>you're not heterosexual
we've already established that you're a tasteless homosex

>Doing the Point Forward gesture while slowly walking toward the boss at the start of battle and before the final blow
>Do the Applause gesture while walking around an easily-telegraphed move like it's fucking Devil May Cry

Best new feature in Bloodborne.

Because even German knew that talk girls are best.

I hate this board. You all don't deserve for the doll to be present in your favored form of media nor do you ever deserve to be graced with the presence of Eva.

If only they had kept the Dark Souls 2 level of ultimate disrespect.

Oh no you've been bullied for your shit taste in waifus, are you going to cry? Fuck off back to Sup Forums with the other betas who worship ugly women.

>get a PS4 for LITERALLY a bloodborne machine
>It's okay, better than DaS 2 and 1, only slight better than 3
Don't listen to the exclusivesfags, exclusives are never worth it. BB needed to get ported. From better make their next game multiplat not that it matters to me anymore because I have a ps4 now, lol

I'm sorry all I hear is the sound of your taste shitting in the corner

>listening to Sup Forums
its your fault retard

My brother got a PS4 for Destiny and stopped playing it after 3 hours so I got to play Bloodborne without investing in a dead generation.

i want to fuck that doll


She's a kike, what do you expect?

"You're welcome to use whatever you find. (Whispers) ...Even the doll, should it please you..." - First Hunter Gehrman

literally what the fuck did he mean by this

hes afraid of the doll


Sweeeeeet JESUS! MOAR!!!

I'll find a way.

Shadman makes me want to vomit.

This should have been the best thing by From Software, a shame they were so uninspired. Should have made Demon's Souls 2 instead.

or they were all just huge

there are many other hunters in the game who are the same size as the player

She was based on Maria, herself a vileblood, ancestors of ancient super humans, the Pthumerians.

Nope you're all just manlets mate.

I started playing Bloodborne yesterday, just beat the Blood-Starved Beast and soon thereafter lost all my echoes to some dumb shit (I fucked up). I still don't really know why I'm doing what I'm doing. But I am having a lot of fun doing it.

Am I a ghost in some kind of limbo / hell where I just have to keep fighting forever? Why am I killing everyone in this city?

Don't ask for spoilers m8, it's more fun to be surprised by what's coming.

What it's safe for you to know is that some people in Yharnam are said to be cursed and go all werewolf over time. You're basically there to cull their numbers. That's about it.

You're sure to be in a fine haze right about now.

Just go and kill some beasts, its what hunters do.

Sick creature, may you rest in peace. Umbasa.

You got aids from a needle when shooting brown and now you're looking for the cure while tripping in a town full of junkies who read too much Lovecraft.

>tfw finally just beat the orphan fucker
also does anyone know why gherman completely disappeared from my game on this character, last playthrough I could usually find him napping in the garden or something but after giving the dialogue on chalice dungeons or whatever he just kinda fucked off permanently


It's all a dream.

>he fell for the its all a dream meme

You understand so LITTLE

i remember they did that in the leaked footage of beast souls and everyone lost their shit over the idea of trick weapons
>not doing the scream gesture right in his dying face

I can still suck her toes.

He stops showing up at some point before Rom aside from those garden naps which you need insight to make happen (I believe 40+ but might be wrong).

Though if you just never talk to him he'll just stay in his spot, makes a comfy decoration.

Bear Seek Seek Lest is by far best souls girl.

maybe thats why, i havent saved up much insight on this character

t. 10 insight babby

>tough boss
Unless you meant cleric beast on fire, because that's the only one.

>Hating Shadman
Oh god I want 9gag to leave and stay leave forever

You don't really mean that.

I jsut started this game 2 weeks ago and doing a skill based build since ive gone str in almost every other souls game. And this games str weapons are a bit too fuck huge for my liking.
Should i only increase vit/skill/maybe blood tinge?
Also is there any reason to increase END past 10(my default)?

>that moment when the hunter's dream theme changed

another nod to Demon Souls

She's not even best girl in her own game. The fucking mannequin is better than her.

BB has worse bosses so far than any of the Souls games, and I'm probably half way through the game ( just killed The One Reborn )
Every time I fight a boss I feel zero tension unlike in a souls game.
I've literally beaten a few bosses on my first try without even knowing how to beat them. I literally just mash r1 and dodge after every few attacks. I can heal anything that doesn't kill me in one hit/combo. Rinse, repeat until the boss is dead.
At least in the Souls series you have to learn a boss before you can beat it.
All the BB bosses so far have just left me feeling "that's it?"

Just Holy Blade your way through the game and it's all good, wether you choose STR, SKL or both.


i just want to kiss it

90% of all souls bosses are easy dude

And you cal also roll/dodge about 10 times with the starting stamina. I still hate the DS2 bosses more, though.