How much shit do you talk in online vidya?
What's your policy on shit-talk?
How much shit do you talk in online vidya?
What's your policy on shit-talk?
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Basically one wisecrack with every other game in LoL
i dont
I mostly just play music over the microphone and only shit talk when people complain.
I typically crack a joke or two and only talk shit as an obvious joke
I only talk shit if the other guy gets lucky or if he does some unnecessary celebration over a single kill.
I like banter. I try to avoid talking any shit that feels too mean or personal, but I'm a 911 dispatcher by trade so it's physically impossible to get under my skin so I can take out anything they dish. I just want the game to feel fun and sportsmanly.
I engage in playful banter with my teammates and get salty and quiet if someone on the enemy team is bming me.
Shit talk should always be ironic in good fun
Shit talk shouldn't be cruel or antagonistic
If they take ironic shit talk seriously, then you know you got some real losers right there.
Its funny when people talk strats or something and you tell them to shut the fuck up. When they complain call them pussies lol
I haven't played a multiplayer game with strangers in years.
i dont because online bullying is wrong.
it's also harassment.
I've only done it in extremely awkward and forced ways because I once read online that it would help me win games by putting my opponents on tilt. If I remember right, I lost those few games and never did it again. Yes, I am as autistic as I sound. Banter's fun though.
If someone's BMing me I just become mildly passive-aggressive.
>this will become the world we live in in just a few years
canadian or swede detected
I don't.
I try to be the nicest person in the game.
Hey I'm Canadian and I love shit talk.
I don't like what's happening here any more than you do.
When certain people eventually get their way it will be illegal to post anything without your Human Identification Number attached.
I love it. Tilting opponents is one of the easiest paths to free wins. Also it's the best when I catch the idiots who take it too seriously or get mad about it
I only shit-talk if other people are doing it, and if I'm destroying them.
Like playing TF2, there's usually some autist that whines when people don't play by his rules (in a non-RP server), it's always fun to shit talk those kinds of people, no exceptions.
People who fuck up must be informed just in case they are under the impression that they didn't. Including myself, but I don't type that out.
I simply type :) a lot to the enemy in games
I usually assume a wacky character and entertain my team mates to boost morale. My Forest Gump impression is pretty good so sometimes I'll run around talking about chocolate and calling everyone Bubba.
I spent quite a while modding my voice changer to make me sound convincingly female so if I'll often pretend to be a girl and talk about how tiny the other team's dicks are as I beat them. I know that's a lazy approach and dick jokes are easy but it's amazing how pissed off most men will get when a women calls their masculinity into question,
:^) is objectively superior i find but yours is fine too
it's supposed to be shit talk
it's not supposed to be rude and nasty "but you didn't mean it," it's supposed to be shittalking. Figure out whatever you need to in order to make sure you are taunting, but make sure you are taunting and not being an asshat.
That makes it a little too obvious that I'm being a douchebag, :) is just patronizing enough.
What do you think should make people more upset-
"You'll get them next time :^)"
"You'll get them next time :)"
It's called zoning bro, ZONING.
Here is a video of the largest salt mine known to man.
Now that you write it out I see what you mean. Patronizing is a good word for it.
I am very toxic. Sorry if you get in a game with me.
What are your thoughts on :v ?
:^) has become synonymous with ironic memeing idiots, you can't really do it anymore since everyone just reads it as "I'm trying to be funny and am totally unoriginal."
Sometimes I like to send ^________^ or ;-; since that causes people to assume you're a weeaboo and for some reason that still triggers a lot of people.
I don't at all, I'm not a faggot
>People who fuck up must be informed just in case they are under the impression that they didn't.
God damn, finally someone says it. It sucks to be called out for being shit at a game, but HOW ELSE WILL YOU KNOW? For a while you could at least check the scoreboard but now shit like Overwatch has done away with that now so there's no definitive way to know if you're good or bad.
Fucking millennials can't handle the slightest sense of failure these days.
Yeah see I don't like you.
You create an atmosphere of bullshit but "it's just a joke,"
If you shit talk me I will never speak to you again. I will never help you even if you were drowning and the only person around capable of swimming and saving you was me. Don't shit talk me. Do not incur my wrath. You will regret it.
I mute and ignore the shitters because im not 12.
When im feeling about making fun of them i go like "Guys can you please be less demanding? Im only 14" then sit back and watch them flip the fuck out.
But i generally avoid mobas and such for that matter. Haven't played any since last year.
As a general rule I never talk to the enemy outside of the common etiquette. If the other person it's actually being a cunt I reply with "ok". If their bant is friendly or fun, I usually play along.
I don't really bother, I don't get anything out of shit talking online. In person it's great fun though.
Meanwhile someone is fucking roasting you and you're oblivious to it because it sounds like lyrics to a song.
Because you fucked up. How would you not know? I don't understand.
Do you assume that people are so braindead that when they make a mistake they aren't aware of it? We all do that, it's only human, usually I'll just send a quick "sorry mb" to chat when I goof.
It's annoying when people don't own up to their fuckups, but pointing out the obvious just causes infighting and that compounds the consequences of whatever the mistake was.
>Do you assume that people are so braindead that when they make a mistake they aren't aware of it?
If im talking shit its generally after someonr has shown themselves to be completely inept multiple times in a row
And I dont even make it personal just telling they are really fucking bad and how to fix it
as much as possible
I only shit talk if someone is legitimately hacking or if, as is in CS:GO, someones fucking blasting music into the microphone.
A lot but to not once to enemies, just dumbass teammates that don't know HOW THE FUCK TO PLAY THE GAME LIKE HOLY FUCK GET ON THE OBJECTIVE YOU CUNTS WE ALMOST HAD IT.
It surprised me too because I never thought I'd be the type to yell into my mic. But that's just what happens when no matter how good you are you can't carry a team made up of complete idiots and losers.
you need a diagram
If I'm not saying anything then I'm okay, but if I open my mouth I'm taunting you. Where am I supposed to be nice?
Here a post of somebody who got banned for hacking in Overwatch.
If they're that stupid what do you expect to get out of telling them they screwed up? They clearly lack basic self awareness and will not improve even if you tell them.
I don't say "you fucked up bad," I say something like "mccree, save your out for multiple enemies on their team instead of a solo out," or "lee, if you don't kick Leona into our Caitlyn, she can get off the dps she needs to do we can win fights," something like that
I don't. I don't find being mean to strangers to be fun. If I find the need to tell somebody that they're doing something wrong, I'll be gentle, but usually I simply don't care enough and will leave the room once the match is through.
Sometimes, in the company of close friends who know I mean no harm, I'll throw out a few patronizing smileys. :)
I used to be a really shitty person when I played online.
>If I didnt like you or you're a just cunt
I'll learn who you are, get personal, learn what makes you tick and one day roast you hard. I've made a few people stop gaming all together and depressed them.
>If I wanted to fuck with your head in the pre-game lobby to win
Say something crazy or shit talk you into raging with your own stupidity.
>If you were one of those people who like putting your kids on the mic/liked openly talking about shit one one asked about (E.G. You getting over your heroin addiction) or one of those fags who liked killing a fun mood by getting political/shit talking someone else's country .
You got the same treatmenr as the first guy.
I let people have a good time and play their way, and participate in banter if I feel I can add something funny.
I only talk aggressively when someone is shitting on someone else for being shit when they themselves are shit, and then it's just
>well, how many have you killed?
>he's the same rank as you
Not overly white-knightish.
If they are totally sperging out with a milllion curse words or swearing I just report them.
I give props to the other team when they do something awesome.
I don't like memeing and shitposting but sometimes it can be fun if we still win.
I've spent an entire game not babysiting and not healing a specific guy because he was an asshole to me.
He kept screaming "report" but in the end because i fucking carried anyway my other 3 team mates and 2 opponents commended me. It was hilarious staying on the post game screen and see him beg for someone to take his side.
Almost never.
I'm not against it at all though. I love having a shit talker on my team demoralizing my opponents. It's a free win and I didn't have to say a damn word.
absolutamente pathetic
>my gf WILL be treated right
God, I wonder what it's like to have someone go complete retard for you
I stay in team chat and only ever type. Sometimes if I'm feeling like a cunt I'll be a shit to someone obnoxious on the other team. I've never actively annoyed someone that was quiet or didn''t deserve it though.
I'm naturally very monotone and have a deep voice, so I shit talk/banter very sarcastically and usually in short sentences. But it's fun so unless someone is being a salty faggot or a shitter, I don't really outright insult people. When I do it's usually responsive or playing on what pisses them off. Like earlier today playing the Space Hulk beta this rando kept bragging about how he's basically carrying the team so I kept saying "yeah, all me" whenever we'd survive a wave or complete an objective that really pissed off this random guy. I even started saying it whenever I did something petty like opening a door or healing team mates. What made it better was at the end I ended up with the least deaths and most kills, so I just kept saying "I carried the team, all me" while this guy screamed into his mic about how my parents should have aborted each other.
Or back when CoH2 was actually popular, I would play as Germans if someone complained as them in the chat. And if they made some preemptive attack about Tiger tanks, I'd make sure to horde them up in the back somewhere and wait until they started bragging in the chat about how they're beating a "scrub kraut" before unleashing the arrival of their butthurt.
Always. It's become an addiction where I shittalk almost every person I play against. I've had so many bad experiences with players that I've grown to hate them, like L4D where people kick you for trivial reasons, or fighting games where people get mad at what character you play. Every time I win I have to rub it in their face no matter how cancerous because "I won that game tho". Only times I don't do it is when I actually have fun playing the game (which never happens anymore.)
Whenever people do it back I respond with "just a game", I never give people the satisfaction of beating my endless sea of garbage. I've been doing this since TF2 came out and I want to die.
Yeah,you can't tell if you are doing something wrong unless someone points it out. I cant think of any great examples but when I first started playing LoL I wouldn't ward over walls because I didnt think you could. Then someone told me I was dumb for not warding over the wall because when I was going to ward I died, it made me improve drastically.
Millennials don't think about improving or looking to improve since we all get baby'd.
More pls.
These guys are hillarious.
I only shit talk if someone else shit talks me and I beat them or they make a really stupid mistake. You only need 2 characters to make anyone enraged. :)
I fucking love notch. Hate his game, but love the guy.
I shit talk like it's my religion and collect all the delicious autistic comments on my Steam profile as a badge.
Who even uses a mic these days?
I talk shit solely to get bullied because I like being dominated
post profile
Not much. I don't talk to people I don't know. I'll listen to what they have to say in terms of strategy, but that's it. If I'm playing with friends though, I can't keep myself from complaining about every single thing that happens.
You should play a game with no private servers like Overwatch.
The private-server kick-you-because-your-too-good or rude mentality is the single most infuriating thing ever.
Also, try being nice. You'll go far.
Who the hell take a picture of their butts like this?
I always want to know what the boss made the person did in these type of posts.
>can you clean the storage room?
Probably something really basic.
People with 0 qualifications raging when asked to mop floors.
As long as the boss doesnt go like "Slave#6 fuckin mop the backroom" i dont see their problem. Huge ego maybe.
if someone else is shittalking and I rek them I'll shittalk back twice as hard
otherwise I'm usually pretty quiet.
I just can't bring myself to get angry or excited, so I never really do.
based 60fps man
>it's a millennial complains about millennials episode
I don't speak up unless a person is being obnoxious and then I only do it if I've got the perfect thing to say. If people are being whiny assholes I'll suggest they put each other on mute, on ignore, or whatever functions the game has to make them stop back and forthing with their lame ass god damn cringeworthy insults that make them feel so cool and clever
I'm not twelve on anymore, you're not going to bait me into arguing, you're just going to get /ignored, reported for whatever button I happen to click in the menu, and I'll get a friend or two to do it as well.
>>it's a millennial complains about millennials episode
what he said.
Also most of the people shitting on others usually have no idea themselves and THEY think that the guy they shit on sucks while its their fault in the first place that the game is going to hell.
So unless the guy thats bitching is a korean superstar with 5 international champion victories in a row its not worth even reading the chat box. Too bad you will never play with such people.
she's about to shitpost
This. It's not in my nature to be antagonistic. I feel it just ruins the nature of the game and takes the fun out of it.
>playing online
>especially playing with anybody who admits they go to Sup Forums
why would you do this to yourselves?
don't you just cringe when you see some faggot with a frog or feel avatar? when their usernames are DYELBro and uMadTroLoLoL?
>frog or feel avatar? when their usernames are DYELBro and uMadTroLoLoL?
I never see this though, and I friend people from Sup Forumsteam threads all the time. Unironic memeing is an /r9k/ thing, or reddit.
your mom is your dad lol
i usually dont say anything unless other people start shit talking
I usually just play a very loud audio file of static/white noise and put my wireless headset right next to the speaker.
Uninstall faggot
Reminder that 90% of people talking shit in-game just so happen to be black.
I love shit-talking. I'm a firm believer in it, being Australian. Bantering back and forth promotes growing a thick skin as well as developing social skills and communicating effectively. If you're subjected to the shit-talking enough, you're forced to come out of your insular shell and develop basic skills in retaliating, as well as ignoring it.
People who get mad at shit-talk are pretty obviously underdeveloped and immature people who suffer from developmental boy-in-a-bubble issues.
Especially excellent is shit-talking on deficient servers, like TF2 furry servers. Me and my friends frequented them just to shit-talk the bad players and slam them into the floor at the same time, whether it was verbally dragging our nuts over their faces on the mic or spamming emotes after killing them for the fifteenth time in a row.
Truly those that shit-talk are doing the work of god.
I barely talk let alone talk shit...desu I only talk shit after I wreck shop or during the wrecking of the shop.
Id rather let my actions speak and not talk at all unless necessary or sometimes if prompted to.
When someone shit-talks I just say "video games".
They usually stop.
It's our fault for being boring no-life losers who spent our time since the late 90s online and calling each other faggot for 6+ hours a day. Now when babies join up on this hot new internet thing and get called a faggot, they cry and try to get everybody else to change instead of assimilating. Girls get rescued by white knights and the ones calling her a faggot get banned, and she rewards them by calling them creepy stalkers and gets them banned.
This isn't a good point. You're not mad at the video game, you're mad at things outside your control, like the faggot who is beating you, or the one time your computer lags and you get killed.
I repeat, you are not mad at the video game. Being mad and on a video game doesn't mean the game made you mad.
If you can't handle the bantz, get out of the basement