Do people remember shooting coke cans in duke nukem 1? Owning a friend in columns or road rash II, clocking games...

Do people remember shooting coke cans in duke nukem 1? Owning a friend in columns or road rash II, clocking games, using light guns without sensor bars. Do people care anymore? I feel like games are reaching the same point as film, when you tell people wizard of oz was the first major color film, no one really cares, is that the same with games now?

I just spent the last half hour headshotting a rank 60 8y.o in gta online who was just trying to run me off the road. The kid hasnt even touched the story of gta V, i feel like im old and my hips are breaking.

Tl;dr people who say they're amazing gamers dont care for its history, is this happening/a problem.

Im into history. Not nostalgia. I aint a member berry.

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i liked it but i won't subscribe

>all that
>>>Im into history. Not nostalgia. I aint a member berry.
what do you even expect these kids to do? earn a history major learning about fucking videogames? theres already 50 years of countless videogames and you expect an 8 year old to care about shooting cans in a platformer? it was and always will be a social thing, the moment a kid starts to try older games is the moment he is trapped in a backlog and socially stunted because hes irrelevant


>it was and always will be a social thing

For faggots, yes. But remembering shooting fucking coke cans in duke nukem is that too, so as always OP is a faggot.

>socially stunted because he hasn't played the latest call of duty or battlefield
Let's not be overly dramatic.

>I aint a member berry.
>start off talking about nostalgic shit

You would at least have some credit if you talked about how certain games revolutionized their respective genres or the entire industry. Like how Doom or Half-life completely revolutionized FPS or how Starcraft did the same thing for RTS. Remembering shooting coke cans has nothing to do with the history of video games, it is just pure nostalgia.

when quake was new it was popular, now that its not new its not popular. people stopped playing it because their friends stopped playing it. same with streetfighter and world of warcraft and everything else you grew up with. arcades are irrelevant now, because there is no social experience to be had, don't say there is no social aspect to videogames

>socially stunted because he isn't playing what all his friends and family and peers are playing

>or how Starcraft did the same thing for RTS


Sup Forums here.

Comics are almost as bad. Almost no comics fans give a shit about any comic older than like 2007.

>arcades are irrelevant now

In America, yes.

Also, it's not that there is no social aspect, but that the social spect IS NOT THE ONLY ASPECT, you blind retarded nigger.

Even in Japan they struggle a lot, and the more arcade games resemble things you can play at home, the stronger is the question as to why would you not just do the latter. Especially since both focus more and more on online play now.

So far, some companies like Sega still stay in arcade business by making exclusive arcade games, but who knows how long it will keep up. Most others just shift to pachinko.

Why is nostalgia "bad" or "wrong" now? Like it's an insult, a dirty word
well, fuck me for enjoying something the way it was instead of how it is? It's not the same to just go back and replay GTA 2, I want a NEW GTA top down style where they give a hoot and it isn't just pandering to the players/fans, I want them to try something fucking new with it and not just give me what I want, how can I learn to love something new if you don't put new things in your game?
seeing star wars 7 made me realize how much I just want a god damn good star wars movie that's decent. I don't want A New Hope again, and I commend them trying something different with The Phantom Menace, but it just didn't work. You don't QUIT when things don't work, you try to fix it, and nobody wants to try to fix their bullshit stagnant games or movies

are you like 40 years old or some shit

I do

For better or worse, Brood War was an accidentally well balanced rock-paper-scissor game with an absurdly high skill ceiling that made actual money
Competitive gaming has been a concept where you make like $1k maybe at a huge event for winning the whole thing
Korea made playing vidya a career

If they try something new, regardless of how good it is, 100% of the time it's nostalgic fans who are pissed off. Not even specifying a company or a game, that's how it works every single time with no exceptions.

Of course it will become a dirty word when most of the time it's used to describe filth.

>I want them to try something fucking new with it and not just give me what I want, how can I learn to love something new if you don't put new things in your game?

That's not nostalgia. The main reason nostalgia is hated is because it's used by some people to justify their demand that nothing changes.

The only thing you're nostalgic for is when the industry was creative. And that's one bit of nostalgia most people can agree with.

Competitive gaming is irrelevant user.

The industry still is creative. The only people who disagree only had some taste as a child, but now they've lost that and can only reminisce about when they enjoyed things.

i never said it was the only aspect you retard i said it was a social thing which it is for most people, exceptions being the 5 players who still play quake online

Competitive gaming is big enough to make it into old media these days. It is becoming increasingly more relevant.

Calling a multi million dollar industry irrelevant is kind of insane, especially since only recently has video games become a multi billion dollar industry

I started playing games as an adult. The industry is definitely declining in quality. The only faggots who say otherwise are fanboys that play too many video games.

>a multi-billion dollar industry is irrelevant
Like it or not, it is here to stay is having a lasting impact on games.

So you keep your quality taste intact by not playing videogames? Thanks for reminding me that I'm on Sup Forums.

note that all the people angry at OP are faggot children who get headshot in GTA online all the time

Something doesn't become relevant to a game's quality just because it makes it into media or makes a lot of money.

Starcraft is very popular and lucrative, but then again so is McDonalds.

>The only faggots who say otherwise are people who like videogames

I just want to thank people like you for constantly reminding me of my own superiority.

post everything you have of this cat.

loving shit isnt superiority

>I've never been in an arcade in japan
>I've never played many arcade games to be able to compare them with console ports


>socially stunted because he isn't playing what all his friends and family and peers are playing
Oh god we're doing this again

I was honestly gonna try to say that it'd be like saying McDonalds is irrelevant but then some cunt would get on my nuts about making a food analogy
Are you retarded

I just did. Had a lot more, but purged everything I had a week ago. Sorry.

>videogames are shit

It keeps happening.

McDonalds IS irrelevant though.

This isn't /biz/, retard. I don't give a fuck about how much money you make from your shit.

jesus the delusion.. just because you dont like something doesnt mean its irrelevant

How, in what world, is mcdonalds irrelevant
How the fuck is a dollar burger gonna be irrelevant

The industry is barely creative. They're doing it safely so they don't waste all the fucking billion dollars that goes into making a game now.
The only things that can be actually creative are the few and far between indie games because there's not as big a risk there.
Not to mention any cool ideas are now saved for DLC later instead of being included in the fucking game. People used to want to pack their games with as much as they could, to make it fun, to make it satisfying, to get a loyal customer who would buy your next project.
now they make bank by selling $1 meaningless hair color changes or name tags

not that guy, but mickey d's is in decline

subway is kicking their asses

it doesnt matter, he brought up mcdonalds as an example, he could have also said subway or burger king or any other shit, point stands, just because he doesnt like something doesnt mean its irrelevant

>How the fuck is a dollar burger gonna be irrelevant

Because it tastes like trash and belongs in the bin compared to any properly made burger. Really, you oust your shit taste whenever you claim any of that shit is influential.

And like I said, you dumb fucks. I don't care how much your peasant focused chain manages to awe you and the rest of the masses.

>rest of the masses
Do you understand how stupid you sound

I probably sound quite stupid to a dumb fuck like you, yes.

it would be pretty hard to maintain social connections when you share no interests with them. videogames are the new media, its the hot topic, it has even eclipsed movies in discussion, people wont ask what movies you just watched they will ask for your psn to play sum cod bro and if they asked what games you liked to play you would contain your spaghetti and refuse to reveal your powerlevel

Good one
Maybe try making a point that refutes something

Jesus christ i was i was as delusional as you, my life would be so much easier

Speak for yourself.

This entire time, I've been talking about quality, but you've been ONLY focusing on popularity. Which doesn't mean anything as far as quality goes.

There's no way I can make a point of anything to you, because it's clear that you can't even parse what I'm writing.

>live in a small country
>every food related place is constantly under inspection by the department of health and shit
>as a result even McDonalds is fucking delicious

stay mad faggot

Excuse me all you said was irrelevant
Where did you say anything about quality
The original point was about how Starcraft changed the industry

So what did you even say

>live in some third world country where even mcdonalds is considered good food

My condolences.

You're right that popularity doesn't mean quality, but it is an indicator

Learn to read tho

>>>socially stunted because he isn't playing what all his friends and family and peers are playing
Meh, if you're not a repulsive faggotron you can get your friends into shit they normally wouldn't try, even at a young age. I got some Halo and Madden dudebros into RPGs cause they thought Mass Effect 1 looked pretty cool. At least one of those guys went on to play Diablo II more than even I did.

My condolences for living in a giant country where nothing is supervised and you eat shit all day faggot.

>The original point was about how Starcraft changed the industry

You mean "revolutionised its respective genre", as Doom or Half-Life did for FPS? It must be hard to be illiterate.


Only as much of an indicator as a broken clock. Sometimes it might be correct, but that's just coincidental and no reason to assume it always is.

Sorry user, but we have enough salt in our country. Go find somewhere else to make money from your only export.

Damn, speaking of salt.. how does it feel to know that a 3rd world peasant lives a better life than you?

Well it also did that too, out of funnily enough the original game looking too much like Warcraft and Blizzard starting over with a fresh new concept that was ok and then became an industry standard after Brood War
I mean, the genre died after Brood War so who knows

I feel that the last chance we had to save video games was before pro-gaming because a thing.

Because now all the money is in. The corporate money and the sponsorship money. It's that money that's going to drive the industry, just like the money that drives cutting a chunk out of the game to sell it as DLC later. Games are going to be designed for mass consumption appeal (like sporting events) with big sparkling. Good gameplay will be important but strong balance will go out the window as developers "mix it up" for the competitive season - which only hurts the average player who quite frankly doesn't have the time to adapt to massive overhauls in the skills they've acquired.

There's also a problem of oversaturation of games. There are too many people releasing their half-finished garbage onto the market, it drowns out the indie and big-budget games that actually are a good product. And the worst part about it all is that some addictive piece of dogshit that gets mentioned on Oprah makes bank and sells to Facebook while a quality product struggles and rots and a competent team disbands because they just didn't sell enough.

I believe Witcher 3 to be the very best video game that will ever be made. The gameplay was average and somewhat repetitive, but everything else about it achieved the very best intentions in the entire history of video games because it was made by nobodies who knew what was good shit with minimal corporate influence. If Witcher 3 had Dragon's Dogma, Bayonetta, or Monster Hunter gameplay it would actually be the best game that could be possibly made but the way business works, it will never get there.

>remember shooting the security camera in Duke Nukem 3D and nothing happens?

But this engine was seriously shitty.

They couldn't figure out how to do proper scrolling so the screen scrolls one block/tile at a time. And they used a VGA upgrade of this garbage for Duke Nukem 2. A lot of shareware games thought this crap was okay, Jill of the Jungle and Xargon from Epic did it. Also Sup Forums's favorite: Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure.

Nightmare mode: the PC port of Castlevania 1

>the genre died after Brood War

There's gotta be some kind of limit to this shit taste, but you keep surprising me every time. Thanks for the laughs user, it's been fun.

What the fuck does taste have to do with fact
Stop just posting when you don't have anything to say

>switches from being autistic about McDonald's to Brood War
What was user's problem