Hey guys im new to pc gaming and im indecisive on which game to pick up. Rainbow 6 Siege of Counter Strike Global Offensive? I only have enough money to get one.
Siege vs CSGO
Insurgency without a doubt
r6 easily
csgo easily
Is this the consensus for a tatical fps?
Siege is a better game
Get both on G2A or some other cd key site
it's what modern Counter Strike should be if they actually innovated the game instead of rehashing with better graphics
>tactical fps
Play Rust or Arma. Not even kidding about Rust. Shit is much more tactical than most
GO is literally nothing but memers, trolls, smurfs, CoD generation playing for streamers, with streamers, being a streamer, skins, XP, literally playing it to make money
>t. Insurgency dev
I say this as someone that's played CS since it was a mod using won.net
seige fo sho
t. casual
Game's dead, man. No matter how much they try to sell it (even for 1$), no one is playing that piece of shit that doesn't know what it wants to be.
I don't like CSGO too much anymore, but I'd say get that one because it's a safe bet that people will still be playing it 3-4 years down the road, where as siege will last maybe a year.
Siege has been out for a year already you fucktard.
It's getting support for another year, and free dlc.
It's the most refreshing shooter in a decade.
Insurgency is pretty shitty. Get that game if you want to get dominated by the 2000 players who are on right now. the game is dying due to the steep learning curve and new players getting dominated by people like this
They are always shilling their game just to trick people on buying it.
Buy it and you will want a steam refund
Rainbow Six Siege
I think both are great choices.
CSGO is more reliant on reaction speed and individual skill than R6, but to get really good at either game, teamwork is required. I personally am enjoying R6 more because the amount of operators and their special abilities makes for much more variety in rounds than in CS.
Also CSGO's community is absolute trash, and R6 at least has some decent people who play it and it's not all 16 year olds who get upset if you fuck up.
>there are two insurgency devs
>three posts
Haven't played CSGO in ages but I don't think something is suddenly wrong with it. Well made FPS with shitton of people playing it. The community is toxic as fuck but the great thing is that you can be toxic as fuck too. It's fun if you don't take it too seriously, I really enjoy a game where I can engage in a friendly game of trashtalk without risking going into the low priority or some other shit.
R6 is a huge casual filter, I'm around 30 hrs in it and I still don't know most of the maps. You will get killed and humiliated but it's a great fucking game, one of the best modern shooters out there. People are more often chill and helpful to newbies and the playerbase feels much older overall.
You should just completely stop playing video games before you play CSGO.
People shit on Insurgency but even it pales in comparison to the bullshit that is Counter Strike
Siege hands down
In R6, when you win a match, it feels like you've actually achieved something.
CS:GO, on the other hand, feels like a perpetual clusterfuck of squeakers, AWPs, smurfs, and pattern memorization
I would not call CSGO a casual game, but Siege might be a fucking nightmare for newcomers. People with CoD background might not expect a git gud simulator that's EXTREMALY reliant on communication.
Siege feels way more dynamic and open on how you can approach a situation.
Siege is so fucking slow and boring, csgo all the way
Spotted the CoD pleb
Siege IS a fucking nightmare for newcomers. I bought it yesterday since I heard good things and it's incredibly frustrating to play against people who have been playing since Beta.
Fun game tho.
>6k people playing r6
>150k people playing csgo
yep player count means better game.
I kinda like the feeling of frustration of being beaten by a stronger opponent, makes me want to get better. Playing in standart against 2+3 might feel unfair as fuck though.
I haven't played Siege yet but it can't be as bad as CS:GO. I spent about 1K hours in ranked and I can tell you it's not worth buying once you get good at it. 90% of the low ranks are smurfs that paid for a second copy just to feel super good stomping new players for a while but ended up getting paired with other smurfs. High ranks are plagued by RNG due to some of the shoddiest netcode I've ever seen. You can complain about Overwatch hitboxes all you like but when you hit somebody, you actually hit them unless you're super laggy, in CS:GO around 50% of your hits will not register server-side. People like myself have all abandoned the game at this point because skill becomes less and less relevant the more familiar you are with the game, it's all about coin flips on the first headshot with the AK, sometimes you get it sometimes you don't, the only difference is when you're good you realize that the times you don't get it isn't because of your aim. So since people who actually want to play have vanished the only people you will ever encounter at high ranks are people who are literally playing for money either through tourneys, streaming or gambling
I've played both (reached Global Elite on CSGO and plat 1 for Siege) and I enjoyed Siege way more. complex maps combined with destructible environments make for way more dynamic games. Gunplay in Siege is better and with recent updates the caliber of your gun changes the holes you can create when shooting through walls.
R6. Better game, better community, free content for at least another year.
I've yet to find a FPS where nobody shits on netcode or hitboxes. Was there such a game ever?
unfortunately, both games are full of kids, so they can't be recommended unless you're able to play after their bedtime.
Trust me, if you've played CoD or Battlefield (with the exception of Battlefield 1) and you think the netcode's bad you're taking what you've got for granted. All netcode is imperfect simply because of lack of synchronization between players and it's unavoidable but you will not encounter a game where any single shot is as important as it is in CS:GO and you will not encounter a game where any single shot is as likely to be eaten by lag compensation as it is in CS:GO even when all players have
Hibana is fat
I'm too casul to notice or care for such things. As I've said before I mostly come to CSGO to trashtalk some german or turkish baddies.
>game is bad because people are better at the game than you
s-shut up!
Every multiplayer game is either full of kids or practically dad, grandpa.
I refunded the game since I couldn't beat the first scenario. I bought Borderlands 2 instead. Did I fuck up?
yeah rust is real tactical like, it feels just like arma when you bash someones head in with a rock
I wish they didn't go full anime with Hibana and Echo's designs. It's not like japanese don't have their own gasmask design.
>ive never played the game and have no idea what the fuck im talking about: the post
Hey guys thanks for the feedback, I ended up buying siege. I noticed that nobody had a good thing to say about CSGO so i just took the initative.
Not everyone is buthurt about losing like you. I bought Insurgency late purely to play the Socom mod and I do just fine despite only playing when once a week ehrn I can play during the day. Learn to adapt faster to new things or stick with welfare games like Overwatch.
Siege is a steeper learning curve but far more rewarding.
Siege as it isn't diminished by arbitrary mechanics, an arbitrary meta and the single most egregious player base in modern multiplayer PC gaming.
Good choice, but the Siege servers are down for maintenance for a few hours.
Yeah I hate their designs, but at least Echo's VA abd character isn't absolute shit like Hibana Sue.
People have nothing good to say about GO because you're on fucking Sup Forums.
CSGO is fantastic for reasons established over a decade and a half and doesn't have UPlay.
Siege is fantastic and has its own merits that make it a good game, but also has pitfalls.
Just fucking google it.
CS:GO just sucks money out of retards and has guns. Siege is far harder to learn and get the hang of, but better playing field.
nice, you'll like it. I suggest playing the situations that are basically tutorials and maybe watching or reading a guide or two, I see too many new players waste time reinforcing walls that don't need to be reinforced or new players picking Rook and forgetting to put his armor down
>the new castle that boards everyone in the hostage room
anyone else having trouble with uplay?
I'd say go for R6.
As others have said it will take time to learn the maps, and the feel of the game before even getting to a point of competency.
But it really is a well thought game. It is a little rocky here and there but right now its going through a big change in growth. We now have community managers and communal growth. Game is gaining newer players are a regular pace. Ubi has gone on record of saying theyre changing their business model to support their titles for longer.
R6 has 2017 already planned out. Game only seems to be getting better.
At first I was really disappointed. Cause the game is a really good formula but it was handled by Ubisoft and i believed that to be a sign of wasted potential. But the turn around in the last 6 months has restored faith.
As for gameplay/fun factor. Myself and my 3 friends all love it. We play overwatch and other gmaes but only in R6 do we find ourselves in a situation that is a real blast and we come out thinking "well you cant have that experience in [game here]" The game just offers a level of satisfaction when you're truly working together and pulling of some great plays.
Project Reality
R6 also has the best fan art.
Please tell me how Rust is even close to being tactical.
>get shot through a kill hole in the ceiling
>huh good idea
>use it in your next match
Feels good.
>want to git gud with Tuchanka
>the reactive nature of the game puts his stationary playstyle at a disadvantage in most situations
>that one kill hole in Oregon that looks down on the staircase that leads into laundry room
if it's on sale get siege (starter pack)
otherwise GO is good for gungame and insurgency is if you have a lot of energy to burn off since it takes a lot of concentration to play that game
theyre all good in their own right though
id just do a 3 way coin flip
his gun is pretty good though.
big time
>vee semi-unsarcastically shilled ubishit memegame to OP instead of fucking counter-strike
actually lmaoed, you guys should apply on ubisoft.com/careers and attach a screenshot of this very itt thread
sorry OP didn't choose your favorite video game
>Sup Forums doesn't like csgo because they are a bunch of crybabies who can't handle the bantz
lol, get a csgo if you're a man, get r6 if you're a baby, insurgency if you're a manchild.
I'd get CS:GO. It's a game with a long pedigree that is going to relevant for a long time. Even when a successor comes out, most of the skills you've learned will directly transfer because the core mechanics tend to stay the same. It's the long term choice.
>13 year old tries to fit in by cramming as many buzzwords as he can into a post
Enjoy a game you will play for 3 months max.
Ubisoft defense force in full-swing
>vee semi-unsarcastically shilled ubishit memegame
I think you need to take a break from the internet for a while.
> pulling the age card
CS:GO by far has the larger community (plenty of tutorials, guides, people to queue up with, etc) and will run on a potato computer (which I'm assuming is a consideration, because you appear to be limited by money).
It used to go on sale for 7.49 - not sure if that still happens. Wait until a Steam Sale.
>all these actual retards claiming siege is more complex than csgo
Even those of you who claim to be global have no clue what you're talking about. Being global elite is the START of playing high level csgo, but its not necessary. Playing with a dedicated team or with a pug service is the only way to really enjoy csgo. To give an analogy:
Playing MM is like trying to play a soccer game with 1 player from 5 random countries.
Playing PUGs is like recreational soccer.
Playing in a real league ranges from playing travel soccer to professional club soccer.
It's on sale, should I buy it?
I need a good food analogy for siege vs. cs:go comparison
siege is like eating a grilled cheese for the story and CS is the plate you put it on.
Why do people hate kids in gaming? Kids grow up to be passionate players of a franchise. Those are people you're likely to play with for a long time if you're an actual fan of a game, keeping the game's scene alive.
t. former kid
Which one?
You'll get some mileage out of either, but be ready for some cringey interactions if you pick CS:GO
csgo is like youre favorite cereal - it might not be healthy but that's not why youre eating it
also you can eat it any time and as much as you want
siege is like quinoa and ancient grain cereal that's gluten free and comes in a small as fuck package that costs $5+ a pop and while it is healthy and does taste good it's expensive for what it is
Not him but he's probably talking about the raiding part of the game
CS:GO is a big mac.
Siege is one of the best burgers you ever had but you have no idea how to fit this shit in your mouth, it always falls apart and is always extra messy and occasionally the waiter so shitty that he drops it on the floor 15% of the time.
It's a fact of gaming life you dumb tard.
Siege if you want to play for fun
CSGO if you wanna tryhard and get to GE + good stats in ESEA
Sup Forums hates CS:GO with a passion and loves Siege.
That alone shows you that CS:GO is good and Siege is garbage.
CS:GO is the only relevant shooter, Siege is Ubisoft meme shit.
Wow hard choice here.
reverse it and youre right
>meme shit
what does that mean
>just want to shoot things
>want to play with gadget and then shoot things