what are some good racing games?
What are some good racing games?
FM6 Apex
Pro Street was the last good NFS. Forza Horizon 3 is pretty good.
So did this game ever up not having a MT?
>r34 god machine
what game is this
FD RX-7 is pretty godly too, user. For me it would be Supra>R34>FD.
It's need for speed
The Holy Triumverate of JDM
The new NFS isn't too bad. The drift mechanics are tricky to get right though. It feels similar to Burnout Paradise.
Midnight Club 3: Dub edition
>dorito engine
i don't know the rx7's ass enough to recognize it
nice trio of cars tho
sasuga senpai
>god machine
>not weebtrash
>$4.14 a gallon
That's enough racing for me
Burnout Paradise
>racing on 4.14 a gallon
im not literally made of gold dude cant we just foot race
This shit was so fucking fun.
And you KNOW the GTR is gonna fucking take premium.
>inb4 driveclub
It's shit don't recommend it
Any performance tuned car besides a a rotary takes premium or better
That would be Supra, GT-R, NSX.
The NSX isn't really in the same category
Is the new (I guess not really new now) NFS worth getting?
It looks fun but I've heard very mixed opinions.
While we're at it, the 2010 NFS Hot Pursuit was really fun IMO
No. Also the night time and raining meme needs to die.
Dirt Rally, Grid 1
For more arcade shit, Burnout 3 or NFSMW
>ricer shit
Need for Speed Most Wanted 2005
Forza Horizon series
FH3 is trash
No u
FH3 is unplayable on W7
if you care about racing games you should just get an xbox and stop being a bitter faggot.
rFactor 2
If i cared about racing games I'd own every console, a force feedback wheel, pedals with a clutch, sequential and H pattern shifters, a cockpit, three 144hz monitors, an oculus rift and an htc vive
>Not knowing the ass of every car to come out of one of the best car country's in the world
yes you should spend thousands on gimmicks with limited use good point.
even this one?
obviously my point is a little to complex for you
S cargo
greatest game ever
which need for speed?>
The latest one
The Crew and Forza Horizon 3 are pretty good.
GRID series
Assetto Corsa
DiRT Rally is pretty sick if you want a change of pace from track based sims