I thought Nintendo was going to announce the NX console? All we got so far is the new Switch handheld. What's going on?

I thought Nintendo was going to announce the NX console? All we got so far is the new Switch handheld. What's going on?

Other urls found in this thread:


That is the NX console.

Switch is a hybrid console (which they lied about)

What makes you say that tard user?

How did they lie?

The "Nintendo NX" is going to be released in the alternate space-time continuum where the Nintendo Dolphin and the Nintendo Revolution came out.

They explicitly denied that the NX was a hybrid

show a source you fuck

It is a hybrid.

Kill yourself :^)

If the Switch is a hybrid console, so is the Vita.

Yes, so they lied

>reading comprehension

You couldn't connect the vita to a tv.


Source for that quote?

There was Iwata saying that he was working on a way to unify their home console and handheld products, but at the time, people dismissed it as CEO buzzwords.

Fucking google it nub


>emily rogers
>emily rogers
>emily rogers
>emily rogers

It fits the rumors that were going around for the last entire year.
Why are people surprised?

>using a random blog as a source
>a blog that outright quotes iwata as saying it could be some sort of hybrid
how fuckin' retarded do you have to be

There are no consoles left in man

Sup Forums was posting around this image saying what is confirmed and what isn't, and nearly everything in the "unlikely" part of the picture was actually true.

couldn't you connect a psp to the tv?

What image?

I don't have it, but it was posted to anyone saying it was going to be a hybrid.

Isn't that the name of the girl from Clifford the Big Red Dog?

Only things which would make me want a Switch


I haven't given nintedo a cent since the N64 and I'm not going to start anytime soon

>I only want the console if I can get the games for free
Let me guess, you don't buy games for your PC either?

>I'm don't want to give them a cent but I will buy their console.

>i-it's not a real hybrid!
>it's basically a shitty Vita!
>sony did it first!

Actually I do during steam sales

>>I'm don't want to give them a cent but I will buy their console

Ever hear of buying second hand? Nintendo doesn't get any money from that and other then my PC and phone all my electronics are second hand.

You are essentially buying their console though. All you're doing they still have the money from the person that sold you console. They made that sale. Theyade money from selling that console. They get money.

they made that money regardless of user here buying that guy's console. I agree that he is retarded, but this is a stupid point

Retards like you are the reason for this site being so shit

who are you quoting?
And I don't mean your autistic inner monologue

this isn't how logic works silly!