What video games did you play today, Sup Forums?

What video games did you play today, Sup Forums?

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? Doesn't look like anything to me.


None yet, I've been trying to figure out some serious problems with my life, and put them into a concise list.
It's taken up most of my morning

If I do play something today it'll probably be more Pokemon Sun, or maybe setting up and trying CODWAW Zombies

Fuck off vendettafag, stop harassing me

play me either now thats when however see soon bye thank you. hahaha

Monhun. Gonna play some bloodborne of SF5 in a bit.

You know the usual thing
i didnt play any

What did you play today, Lee? You sure spend a lot of your time in Sup Forums.


Like, there is no reason for you to be doing this

Played the entire first Dishonored in a sitting (only like 8 hours or so). Have the second coming tomorrow from Amazon, they have PC physical copies for $34

new vegas and battelfeels one

There never has been and you should feel ashamed of yourself.

>play me either now thats when however see soon bye thank you. hahaha

None because I'm not a child.

If you don't, then you're quite a degenerate human being

Kinda like OP and how he keeps harassing me despite my best wishes for him not to.

Been playing Moon all day, trying to get a Living Alola dex.

Some good ole battlefront 1, all the sky city battles are annoying as fuck

Not only that, but he's a reposting/spamming and ban evading faggot.
He's most likely posting from his phone right now, as evidenced by his one-digit filename.

He's been doing this for a fucking YEAR, keep in mind.

I've been playing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Been having a great go of it thus far, as a first MonHun.

And the fact that he refuses to cease really shows how much of a vendetta he has.

>living alola dex
what the hell is that? are we playing the same moon?

yes this is a real thing and i'm not joking

>Not only that, but he's a reposting/spamming and ban evading faggot.
>Venezuelan calling an african a nigger

Lee, should I remind you about your lack of knowledge about technology in general? Not every smartphone is an iPhone, you Apple loving fuck.

The fact that this is a thing that people do really makes you wonder if they're trying to overcompensate for something.


nah, Pokemon.

A living dex means having every single stage of every pokemon available. i.e. Rowlett, Dartrix, Decidueye, Litten, Torracat, Incineroar, etc.

Fuck off, degenerate


Post more confused animes

Like fucking hell, these people need to be evaluated.

Mortal Kombat X, still on the tutorial


OP just wanted to shill a shitty toddlers' show in addition to harassing me

Pure, unfiltered 'tism. How would you even identify this without posting it yourself?


I played way too much Elona. Other than that I want to get into Dwarf Fortress again.

>muh harassment
It takes two to tango, autist.

he did post it himself, and now he's rping that there's another guy "harassing" him by posting cropped pony stuff that doesn't actually have any ponys in it.

When it was first posted, it had its derpibooru ID in the filename so I knew where it was from.
Then I just remember after that.

>he did post it himself
post discarded
You have literally no way to prove this unless you're a mod who has access to all the IPs on this site.

Bought Divinity Original Sin on the steam sales and its fantastic but it sucks the enhanced edition barely have mods compared to the classic. Also I am 24 hours in and still no sexy female orc companions.

I don't need evidence, just like you can't prove that you didn't post it yourself, faggot.

Morrowind. I didn't know you could skip the 4th and 5th trials in the main quest if you had enough reputation, unfortunately I don't. Not looking forward to this part.

warframe. i'm a faggit someone fuck my virgin boipucci

Crusader Kings 2

But I spent most of the time trying to get as many mods as possible to work with Hooni's RaW mod because I wanted to try it out while still deviating as far as possible from vanilla

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

That's the game I play every day. It's the only game I play every day. It's been like this for a year and a few months now.

Gwent stand alone closed beta
Rainbow Six Siege
Don't Starve Together
Invisible Inc.
The Ship

Barneyfag apparently went off the deep end and sperged out on his irl Facebook

I love you
You love me
We're a happy family
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too

>Company of Heroes

Heart surgery tomorrow. If l dont make it l wanna say that l've enjoyed every moment of my 9 years in this place.

That is something I'd like to see.

Warframe, Raidou 1, and Battlefront 2. Felt good to finally play Battlefront 2 again after not playing it in years.

You cant die yet user. The Switch isnt out yet and we still cant fuck anime girls.

If it's tru at all I'd check out kiwi farms thread on him

Good luck user!!

That being said, this shit needs to fucking END.

You're gonna make it user. You don't get to escape this place before me.

Help me out, Sup Forums. I don't know what to play next.


Well, I wouldn't be able to bump my own thread, but I am right now.

Please tell me this is a live action Romance of the Three Kingdoms and that's Lord Cao Cao.

>a bunch of weeb shit

>make thread
>reset router
>can bump own thread
Nigger I think you forgot that YOU'RE the technologically retarded one here.

What is this weeb dogshit?

And I also have an RSS feed that I use that shows the OP text and image of each thread that's made.

Dragons Dogma and some CSGO.

Please help me find new games to play that aren't utter dogshit.

Dishonored 2 was real shit

Yes. I had the .torrent lying around somewhere because I was planning on downloading it but I must have accidentally deleted it or something.

It's chink, not weeb.

That's nice Lee

Just trained my wife, pic related

You're still basing bullshit off of memes and exaggerations.


You're still pretending like everyone on this board doesn't want you to kill yourself.

You're not even a good spammer like Accelerator.

Puzzles and dragons
Civilization VI

I need to seek help

Literally NO ONE has ever been able to make any bullshit exaggerated claim about me and get away with it.

ff7 crisis core and megaman powered up on my vita

Whatever you say dogfucker

Some people actually think I'm doing a service.

someone please explain this fucking meme to me

I love the RotK game series. Gonna try to look for this, thank you for sharing that.

Has warframe added any interesting content or is it just more prime shit?

Are you insanely good in it? I kinda want to see what you can do.

Cold Steel and BX

Beat chapter 2 of Cold Steel and for BX made some progress on the Battle Record and I have the following achievements left:
3 Scenario Complete シナリオコンプリート 1000 Clear All Stages
4 No Retry Play ノーリトライプレイ 1000 Complete the Game Without Retrying a Stage
6 Ace Pilot Army エースパイロット部隊 500 Get 20 Pilots to Ace Status
8 Super Ace Army スーパーエース部隊 500 Get 10
10 Ace Heroine Corps エースヒロイン部隊 500 Get 10 Female Pilots to Ace Status (this one might be a problem due to a lack of good things female people can use)
21 Super Sniper スーパースナイパー 100 Hit an Enemy Unit from 15 Squares Away
28 All Seishin Commands 全精神コマンド 1000 Use All Spirit Commands in One Scenario
29 Preacher of Love 愛の伝道師 500 Use "Love" 10 Times in One Scenario
38 50 Hours Played 総プレイ時間50時間達成 500 Total Playtime Exceed 50 Hours
39 100 Hours Played 総プレイ時間100時間達成 1,000 Total Playtime Exceed 100 Hours
42 5000 Kills 総撃墜数5000機達成 500 Shoot Down 5,000 Enemies Total
43 10000 Kills 総撃墜数10000機達成 1,000 Shoot Down 10,000 Enemies Total
45 Move 30,000 Spaces 総移動距離30000マス達成 100 Total Distance Traveled Exceeds 30,000
46 Move 50,000 Spaces 総移動距離50000マス達成 500 Total Distance Traveled Exceeds 50,000
47 Move 100,000 Spaces 総移動距離100000マス達成 1,000 Total Distance Traveled Exceeds 100,000
50 30 Million 総獲得資金3000万達成 1,000 Acquire 30,000,000 in Funds

Yeah, You, yourself and (You).

Fuck off and die

Thanks for caring anons!

Yes we can't prove some things but we know who you are now and I hope that we find out where you live and get your phone number.

Stop making these threads so you can spam them barneyfag.

Some guy with autism makes a semi-on topic thread and then claims a ponyfucker is after him.

>he still believes the dogfucker meme

More than that.

>another thread I go to post in is being ruined by Barneyfag

Nothing can go right today


They added a new rifle mods with randomized stats so everyone is now farming and rerolling them looking for the perfect stats for good weapons. They go from 100 to 2000 plat in the trade market.

Witcher 3 for nine hours and Tales of Xillia for about ten minutes.

Bo3 and only bo3 from morning to night

I played Titanfall 2. It was comfy. I don't know if I should get stuff during Steam sale or go through my backlog instead.

You're gonna carry that weight.

and to finish off the SONG trio