Confirmed to use firmware 3.61

Confirmed to use firmware 3.61.

pirates btfo

Other urls found in this thread:!zMkjkTrA!snKCY1qzqP6ie_FEAT7V5-rQGUG9Oy_ddkOFwsKt7vQ

Hi /vitagen/

>he fell for the "hack you Vita" meme.

vitagen doesn't know about it yet.

On a side note, Root Letter was also confirmed to require firmware 3.61.

I expect all new vita releases will require the same.


oh no

>people dumped the english script.
>the can apply it to the lower firmware Jap version.
Only a temp fix for older games though. Won't be possible for newer games that are 3.61 everywhere.

Japanese version doesn't need 3.61 and someone will patch the English script in..

>>people dumped the english script

who dumped it?

Is that the same as the "hack your Vita" meme?

What does this mean? The game won't start up unless you have 3.61? Would the firmware spoofing(if it gets fixed) get around this? Are all future games going to be unpirateable?

Some fags on /r/vitapiracy.

Is this the same for fate/extella and why I haven't seen a dump for it?

Pirating visual novels is a whole other level of niggery. AAA games can survive off people pirating them but low budget weeb games have to have sales or we don't get them anymore.

Yes. Most games released in the last few months and all games going forward can't be dumped unless a new exploit is found for newer firmwares.

>AAA games can survive off people pirating them but low budget weeb games have to have sales or we don't get them anymore.

THIS. Stop being a niggar and buy shit or you'll see your vidya dry up like how the psp dried up with lack of games.

The biggest reason why Vita has continious localization for this long and still isn't fucking dead yet despite all odds and even outlasting the wii u is because weebs couldn't pirate for so long so they brought the games.

Should I just update my vita then? Is all hope lost? I can't get on psn to download my legit games anymore.

CFW when?

Root letter is pirateable. Some guys were able to get the scripts into the Japanese version. The same will probably be done for this.

>because weebs couldn't pirate for so long so they brought the games
A lot of people here seem to have a pretty backwards view on this stuff.

Most people I know into Japanese games/media are always buying products rather than pirating them. Number of people will import a game and then buy the localized version as well.

just update it after you finish all the old vita games you want to play.

> Some guys were able to get the scripts into the Japanese version.

the japanese version of root letter and steins gate 0 only require 3.60. We're talking about the localize version which requires 3.61.

They got the English scripts into the Japanese version is what I should have said.!zMkjkTrA!snKCY1qzqP6ie_FEAT7V5-rQGUG9Oy_ddkOFwsKt7vQ

I've attempted a fix, I would try it but I don't have a Vita with Henkaku.

If it doesn't work replace the system.mpk, if you still have issues, try replacing bg.mpk as well.

Steins:Gate 0 will probably be the last pirateable vita game in a very long while since everything new that comes out requires 3.61.

And they're just using the japanese version which requires 3.60 and patching it with english script.