Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of de_dust?

Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of de_dust?

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>That underage guy that is a tryhard on competitive

Overused back in 2002. Now its just Final Destination tier.

I was always more partial to cs_assault or de_desert

>thousands of maps
>nah fuck that lets just play italy and dust

Fuck this.

Member that tunnel connecting the two sites?

Me and my friends in middle school used to call that place the "meat grinder" because it claimed so many....

I would always throw my hand gernade in that tunnel in an attempt to "clear the way"

Honestly, it's a shit map for competitive anything. There's nothing about it that makes it good on a serious level. It's the Killhouse of CS, it has pretty much every type of combat encounter possible in the game, but that's only good for practice. The most it does is build fundamentals, that's it.

mirage is the modern dust


And this.

>playing nrg competitively

I miss Tulip

brb killing myself.

I always assumed the people that lived in this house listened to a lot of Alex Jones

>Not fy_iceworld

To this day, my favorite map is still as_oilrig. And most people don't even know what it is. People have even accused me of making it up.

why is goldsrc so comfy brehs

>mfw getting away as the VIP

Always felt good.

Best CT warm-up map ever.
A nightmare in FFA T side
Lots of good memories on it, cause those were the days, we wuz kangs & shiet

>playing as VIP
>entire team dies
>kill 7 terrorists and win the game without ever getting in the chopper

Best CS game I ever had.

Boring as fuck map I was forced to plat over and over again.

Objectively more interesting than dust2

The CS maps I miss the most are all the custom made ones. Especially crazy tank and the deathstar one where you could fly tie fighters and x-wings.

>Downloading sound/admin_plugin/crazyfrog.wav
>Downloading sound/admin_plugin/fart1.wav
>Downloading sound/admin_plugin/fart2.wav
>Downloading sound/admin_plugin/killedkenny.wav
>Downloading sound/admin_plugin/firstblood.wav
>Downloading sound/admin_plugin/cornholio.wav

jesus fucking chirst CS:S


>not cs_office
>tfw cs will never have open clean maps like 1.6 ever again

what game is this?

* dispatches you with my naginata *

>:[ don't kill me

Better than dust2

AJ got proven right this election. You must be a mad AF tyt fan.

Try reading a book instead of jacking off to cartoons for a change, you stupid fucking racist.

>Downloading sound/admin_plugin/crazyfrog.wav
>232 items - 1.4 GB remaining

FUNC_VEHICLE is a right,not a privilege

4 years go by like crazy

well-balanced but boring

>well balanced

>OP posts de_dust
>everybody is talking about de_dust2

Does that rock in the corner have giant ethernet ports on it?

Those are targets, but they do look like ports.

Reminder that dust2 will be removed from active duty any moment now

Reminder that it will be replaced by cs_militia in all tournaments while it's remade

But the same update will add C4 skins aswell as Stat Track Grenades, so it will all be fine

Oh, and new Music Kits