Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics.
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Because graphics does not equal a good game.
I knew this game looked good but holy shit, that's some god tier detail. I tried it two or three times but i suck at MOBAs. Really liked it though, gotta learn hoe to play it for the future.
I don't play games to look at asses
>in-house UE4 game has good graphics
Is this supposed to be surprising? But it's irrelevant since Epic hasn't made a fun game in nearly a decade.
At what framerate is this piece of shit supposed to run?
Too busy fapping to next gen ass.
100FPS 1080p maxed out on a GTX 1070.
That shot is in 4K so you probably couldn't get 60 except on a Titan X Pascal.
It runs 60FPS maxed out 1080p on a PS4 Pro.
60, why
>Except on a Titan X Pascal
I get 60 on my 980ti at 4k maxed, without anti-aliasing though, don't need it
>why aren't you playing this shitty assfaggots game
because i have taste
Could i get 4k on a RX 480?
>maxed out on ps4 pro
It's not maxed though shill
Show me.
Show me it is
I was actually getting worried about you Actual Graphics-kun, it's been a while.
I posted yesterday. Check the archive.
Let's be real: Neither of us know for sure.
I didn't even know it was possible to shill this hard.
This is a far more powerful machine than the pro
It's not even maxed and barely holding 60
>AMD card
Paragon is optimized for (and shilled with) Nvidia cards. It's the way it's meant to be played. You can max out 60 on a 970.
I like Paragon but between Rainbow Six Siege, FFXIV, and whatever flash-in-the-pan game du jour I'm on, I just don't have the time.
OP do you actually get paid?
Ok senpai that's not the point
the Pro is an AMD machine anyway