Heroes of the Storm

This game isn't that bad.

its pretty bad but like all games, its fun with friends.
And normie friends that are shit at real mobas (dota2) eat this shit for breakfast.

DOTA is the hardcoree
LoL is casual
HotS is niche
SMITE is the shitter

>its fun with friends

my faovrite meme

>real mobas
Um. HoTs is the best MOBA currently on the market.

Who is your favorite HoTs hero Sup Forums? Mine would probably be Valla, especially since I got the Deputy skin on sale a bit ago.

Dota is objectively the highest skilled game

requires individual and team skill

all that matters in a competitive game is how many people are playing it

LOL, you guys are awful at games. You wouldn't last ten seconds in a high stakes HoTs match.

samuro and rexxar

oh yeah well your mom isn't that bad
thats why you're here

Do you really enjoy being a coward that much? Play a real hero, scrub.

HotS is a "MOBA" for people who hate "MOBAS".

That being said, it's still pretty underwhelming and holds small relay value compared to its counterparts. There's not that much to learn and the game/mechanics aren't hard to master.

Jewzard also makes you have to unlock heroes when Dota 2 gives you all of them for free, and everyone else already unlocked theirs in League. Why would you want to do it again?!


Too obvious

SMITE is fun if you don't play the actual game and only play arena.

And HotS is far easier than LoL, it's pretty obvious when HotS removed simple mechanics like items, lasthitting and independent experience.

Samuro mains make me hate the game...

Also: Zarya, Li-ming, Sonya, Sgt. Hammer and Johanna are top tier waifus in this game.

I'm not great at hots but I think it's decent enough to spend some time with when I have friends on.

I can't stand the players though. Seriously people freak out over little shit that doesn't go their way.

>haven't played hots in a long time
>try out the brawl for weekly 1k gold
>do it again the next day after reset
>get random gift
>all players received a free hero, but because I already had it, I got 4k gold
EZ. With all the promotions, events, and gold rewards I don't even have to think about it.

Also this. I still haven't played much and there's a Samuro in every regular game. There's a lot I have to learn.

Samuro is a free hero this week.

It has interesting hero designs at least, unlike LoL.
The game itself is really shallow and boring though.


I don't want to play him, though. I know what he does, but not how others play him.

Varian with his big meaty human cock

you're the reason i main samuro

congrats user

>play tychus
>force yourself in his lane. build minigun stacks.
>by level 13 have double minigun time and heal for 6-10 seconds extra

Also the games fun and simple but like literally every moba it gets boring if you play too often, luckily theres the quests and shit so it can be a chore in your routine.

my nigger

I love smite but I have never played conquest, the other modes are fun as fuck

t. shill

Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. That's probably why there are so many of them. He's someone new players complain about a lot so they want to try him.

A lot of opinion was formed when it released, and the game was complete shit at release.

It's improved now, but first impressions are the longest lasting. Not to mention it's a MOBA with simplified mechanics, which in the MOBA community basically is a death sentence. Pretty much what Hearthstone is to card games only the niche for simplified ASSFAGGOTS isn't nearly as large.

>I-i-i-t's not a coin flip!

Literal Overmeme garbage matchmaking tier.

A true regression, even for ASSFAGGOTS


I generally don't like mobas but every so often I feel like playing one. This is the one I choose because it's relaxed and short. If I lose I lose quick, there isn't a 40 minute game that was decided at the 15 minute mark.

It's not as good as DotA/LoL.
That's it, it's just a mediocre game thats only relevant because of branding.