I hope the Open world Fad ends

I hope the Open world Fad ends....

I hope it gets better.

>le open world meme
>It is just a large landscape of nothing

Fallout series

The problem with modern open worlds is that they're too fucking big for developers to possibly fill them out in a creative and satisfying way. Better to make a small pond where every square inch is hand-crafted than a large one with copypaste and emptiness.

Not New Vegas though.

Then again, the map was kind of small.

You know, there's a wide gulf of options between "corridor" and "massive open landscape".

New Vegas fell victim to the open world meme harder than FO3 did though. At least FO3 had DC taking up 1/3 of the map. New Vegas was mostly long road and empty desert with a few mines and abandoned shacks spread out.

I thought the open world meme was an empty map whit nothing to do.

New Vegas had a kind of empty map yes, but there was far more things to do than FO3. And then there is its DLC which two of them are pretty open.

FO3 had little interesting quests to do, plus how boring the writing is compared to NV.

And then there is FO4.

That's what I liked about Shadow of Mordor. The map was tiny, but every inch of it had something to see

just like bad shooters. A genre/feature doesn't make a game automatically good. Look at numale sky, Metal Gear 5, Watchdogs 2 or Prince of Persia.

You were responding to
> large landscape of nothing
Which is what New Vegas was though. Yeah there were a lot of quest but most were concentrated in the New Vegas area. Until you actually reach New Vegas proper the game is incredibly repetitive, whenever I replay the game I always turn my brain off for the first half of the game. It reminds me of a JRPG where the game doesn't get interesting until after 50 hours.

Yet New Vegas felt the largest and had much better locations etc.

Still can't believe how small F4 map felt.

The only thing more annoying than the open world meme are people who keep buying and playing open world games and complain that there are too much of them

Sorry linear games, I was wrong about you

(Even though I, personally, had no problem with linear games,...)

Don't know what you're expecting exactly. The options are open world with a lot of nothing/nature and some good shit in between or the Skyrim route with hundreds of ruins that haven't been unexplored for thousands of years all 5 feet from each other and in between major cities.

At least the open space allows you to enjoy the art and feels more immersive.

I agree, but my original statement was "not New Vegas" when compared to the other modern Fallouts.

FO3 never gets good.

FO4 is literally the embodiment of the open world meme.

What made new vegas stand apart from 3 was the towns.

I mean they were still small and unsatisfying in many ways but the towns felt like actual places to hang out.

3's towns SUCKED SHIT.

I want to go back and play both games with the TTW mod. That shit was cash.

>had much better locations
I disagree. The quests and writing were better but the Strip is one of the most underwhelming locations I've ever seen in a game. DC felt huge the first time I played it. Even Fallout 4 had lots of taller buildings in Boston which added much need verticality. I feel like FO4 actually doesn't get appreciated enough for how its level design destroys FO3 and NV. New Vegas just felt empty to me outside of the characters themselves.

>level design destroys FO3 and NV

You mean models and textures.

Sorry linear games, I was wrong about you

All they need to do is make a bunch of smaller areas but with decent interactivity and connect them in a linear way.

More just general improvements from an FPS perspective. FO4 is a disappointment in RPG aspects and writing, but in terms of FPS gameplay it's improved dramatically. There are generally multiple routes to take to an objective, more subtle uses of cover and flanking even in the corridor sections, the lean function dramatically changes the shooting mechanics, and of course QoL stuff like grenade hotkey. (It's still retarded that grenade and melee were the same button.) If it was less buggy I'd say it's almost like Crysis 2.

This. Open world these days seem to mean "Huge circle of space". However, multiple small areas connected through various corridors in a non-linear way is also open world yet still has good level design and nothing is empty. Open-world game back on the fucking NES got this right.

Yeah well, I agree completely. I find it very fun to play.

Though it's in the same level as any AAA FPS nowadays, so repetitive as fuck (compared to Quake for example, this boy had levels better designed to be more interesting to play). It's good but not that great as an FPS.

Though my point was that like always in Beth games (might be because, I don't know, maybe they have incompetent as fuck devs) the concept art is better DESIGNED in every conceivable way.

When are we going back to pre-rendered backgrounds and static camera angles?