Ps4 is $160

>ps4 is $160

Why the fuck is this allowed?

To mock cuck lol


>Why the fuck is this allowed?
What's wrong with it?

Where is it $160? I might get a bloodborne machine then.

it will cause XBOX to be BTFO

>Spend $160
>Have a console stronger than the majority of PC players

isn't that cheaper than a fucking ps3?
fuck this gay planet

where tho


...This can't be! We're the m-masterrace!

This shit makes me laugh Everytime

Where can I get a PS4 for $160???

I like how the picture combines PC parts with "high end audio" components.
"High end audiophile" this is exactly how the "PC gaming" niche is going to end:
>Videogamephiles playing CSGO on their $50k rig.


E-enjoy those 20 fps slideshows peasant!

>20 fps slideshows
I've never seen them. TR 2013 runs at smooth 60 fps.

>4 titans
>4 amps
This will never not make me laugh

Bloodborn, your beloved exclusive """""runs"""" at 5 fps lel

Better then 0 fps and indie shovelware

It's not $160 anywhere you cucks stop falling for shitty bait

>Bloodborn, your beloved exclusive
I will never ever play Memborne, my friend.
PlayStation is not Wii U, it has games.

>PlayStation is not Wii U, it has games.

ha bet that guy didn't even get any rebates 8)

Thanks for the heads up OP I just bought one. Theres a few indie games on sale for you btw