Recommend me some games where I play as a hero who eventually turned into a ruthless tyrant.
Recommend me some games where I play as a hero who eventually turned into a ruthless tyrant
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Play Hearts of Iron IV as Germany in our actual timeline.
play rust
Metal Gear Solid 5
Literally Tropico
Redpill me on this socialist man
Madden 17
49's Kraepernick
helicopter simulator
Started with good intentions but became drunk on power, like all the other socialist revolutionaries that won.
He is a man of the people, he kept the american pigs at bay for a long time
he fell for the communism meme
Pic unrelated as he was never a hero and was always a ruthless thug who wanted power
why americans hate him so much?
The old dictator was an american puppet.
Cuba was basically an American puppet state with a lot of American controlled assets. They lost all that when Castro won.
>points nukes at america
>stole land owned by americans in cuba for le communism redistribution
yeah play Election Simulator 2016
Wasn't even a socialist before realizing the soviet union was his natural ally.
anyone else got the communist banner on this page?
Goddamn Trump have some perfect teeth and luscious lips
Don't forget, Sup Forums is contarian to boot
>"Authoritarian dictator who restricted the press, purged political enemies and censored the internet died? Hmmm, common sense would tell me he probably was not a nice man... but I have to be different than everyone else so that means he was just a misunderstood freedom fighter!"
Every. Single. Time.
He's literally Big Boss.
A hero who tries to build a world free of corporate control, but ultimately becomes a despot.
The world is partly to blame. It is cruel and uncaring, and the wheel of power so easily mangles the heroes who try to stop it. But he too, is guilty. He never wavered from his ideals, never lost sight of his goals, but a man of such single-minded vision is blind to his own descent. He ran towards the horizon, straight through the brambles, the stones and mud, and by the time he realized the setting sun could not be stopped, he had destroyed himself.
Castro was a noble failure. His life should be mourned, and never repeated.
Sup Forums is trudeau?
stems back to the cold war, Cuba used to be the US puppet state, then it became a puppet state of the soviet union. The US tried to prop up rebels to overthrow and consistently failed, same with every assassination attempt.
Also, Castro exiled millions of Cubans, escaping on crude rafts, many of them drowning, with the bulk of them reaching the US. A lot of Cubans in the US, mostly in Florida, have a disdain for Castro. Cuban-Americans celebrated his death, literally in the streets having nice parades with flags waving everywhere. Millions of these people were ripped from their loved ones when they/their relatives were exiled.
The vast majority of those Cuban-Americans are absolute scum, though, so who cares what they think? If the actual Cubans are even half as bad, I think America should have nuked them.
Why were they exiled anyway?
I hate that fucker
The way you know you're a contrarian is when you praise a dictator like Hitler, Stalin or Castro but know deep down inside you would never ever want to live under them for obvious reasons
Hitler was quite popular. Not at all comparable to the others.
GEE wonder why given Marxist regimes oh so benevolent treatment of political opposition right? Maybe Castro just smothered them too much with reconciliation?
The dude almost started a nuclear war against us
>Not at all comparable to the others
nigga please
human rights abuse and communism is shit and the US embargoing it
Not really. If anything, the Soviets getting nukes close to the US, just like the US had next to the Soviet Union, reduced the risk of nuclear war. MAD works better the more level the playing field.
Yeah maybe if they actually finished the game
Starting wars that results in ruining your country and killing yourself at the last second while also blaming your people for being too weak and not fighting hard enough is a pretty unforgivable thing for a leader to do
Also the genocide senpai
Anyone can be both nice and not-nice, politicians most of all. No one should be judged purely by one or the other.
There are things Castro did which truly made Cuba a better country. There are things he did which were truly monstrous. As I said in a previous post, the man deserves to be mourned, but his death should serve as a starting point for change. With Obama reopening relations with Cuba in recent years, the outlook is positive.
the act of putting the nukes in place escalated the situation immensely
Who's gonna replace him anyway?
the big boss saga
Pretty much this
People forget the Bay of Pigs. American invasion again was very real and was even in the works after the failure of the first.
In a warped way MAD is effective. Look at NK. Talk all the shit you want about North Korea but nobody does a fucking thing when they shell South Korean bases killing a dozen SK soldiers cause everyone's scared of a nuclear war
his brother raul.
It was also the only sane move for Cuba, since America had already tried to invade them with a proxy army. You can't attack and then complain when they seek deterrence.
Maybe you could blame the Soviets, but the Cubans would have to be crazy to not accept those nukes.
His brother Raul has already been transferred the reins of power for quite some time
I might be drunk, but that was beautiful
Peace Walker
Ground Zeroes
Literally the first Infamous
No they aren't, most of them are hard workers and entirely assimilated, the majority of them have been here a long ass time. They have families and successful businesses all around Florida. I mean, Trump won Florida, which is a huge swing state because of the Cubans there. Cubans that have been here/their children are hell of a lot different than your average hispanic in the US that lean left and warm up to socialist ideals.
Political/ideological opposition, and when a communist dictator takes over like Castro did, the state nationalizes every industry and they seize assets and private property. Many of these people had everything torn from them, their property, home, businesses, vehicles, anything of value.
A monster hopefully the CIA kills his brother
he was a fucking commie
try Red Alert
I dont see Sup Forums outright defending him. The most i see is people praising him for his achievments, be they good or bad.
But if you ask me, he is making good company to the devil in the shittiest places of hell. Fuck communism. It is a system flawed at the core created by a jobless philosopher wannabe.
Hello, Cuck-boomer
>most of them are hard workers
Their biggest representative, Rubio, has the worst voting record in the Senate.
mostly this, never trust in commies, they will betray you (or you will betray your own people)
So..........they're spoiled little rich kids?
That happens with every system.
That's what he gets for being a filthy commie
t. Butthurt user whose family was almost killed and destroyed by people like him
it's coming
NK is way more complicated.
Literally no one wants NK to fall. The Kims don't want NK to fall because they will all die. SK doesn't want NK to fall because they don't want the economic burden of reintegrating the country. USA and Japan don't want NK to fall for essentially the same reasons. China doesn't wank NK to fall because it is a valuable buffer state and money sink.
I don't think anyone seriously believes NK could wage a meaningful war of aggression, but they have prepared for a nightmare war on defense. NK is mountainous and the mountains are riddled with military installations and though any nuclear missiles would be simple to shoot down, there's little doubt that the government would nuke its own people in an invasion.
As it stands, status quo is god. No one likes North Korea, but no one wants to deal with the consequences of letting them fall. Much easier to just let the Kims slowly murder each other while the people starve. Literally, the best-case scenario is everyone in North Korea starves to death and the land returns to nothing.
created a pretty good (for latin america) minimum standard of living while running a repressive government. he is neither wholly good nor wholly bad.
also the cia tried to kill him like a dozen times but he died peacefully at 90 so that is sort of cool
commies are more ruthless and cunning in this aspect. They are trained to destabilize societies so they can put their ideology in practice. The funny thing is that communism doesn't work.
Capitalism is bad, but it's the best we have until we find something new.
Not in the slightest, they're 3rd world exiles. Private property, homes, cars and businesses, I mean even the most crude shit was seized. Family bakeries that baked bread, farmers, etc.
You don't get to keep what you earn under these totalitarian-communist regimes. Also, these exiles made it to Florida and lived in camps, big crowded tents for years, they weren't rich corporate exiles fleeing with bags of money.
a state senator being a piece of shit? not representative of anything. He's a repub, whites and cubans put him in position on their own.
Fair enough. I can't deny your personal experiences. I try to take an abstract, global view of things whenever I can, but obviously if your life was nearly destroyed by a communist dictator, then I can't expect you to be sympathetic to one.
You're not wrong but with robots taking more and more human jobs we might be forced to become communist.
>My leader released a statement praising him
Can the US just annex us already? This is getting embarrassing.
Robots require a lot of maintenance
You shouldn't have sided with the British.
Every time I hear Trudeau say or do something I hate him a little more. I even like and respect Obama but literally everything Trudeau does makes me hate him
He's like a literal Redditor or 9gag ascended meme head of state
2016 has too many happenings, when will it go away?
How much maintenance?
This is something that's always bothered me about Trump's claims to bring manufacturing jobs back. Seems like a dead-end. Automation is a freight train heading straight for the heart of unskilled labor. Fighting for manufacturing jobs today seems as futile as fighting for cottage labor at the dawn of the industrial era.
how will the horse & buggy deal with the steam engine when it comes to transporting goods?
We didn't side with anyone in BC.
We were essentially annexed into Canada because of a bunch of sketchy things the british did with the colony.
I feel there will be a conservative sweep next election.
A lot
this like cuba 2.0 with robots, monster hunter and french waifus
This is too fucking true
>Turkish coup
>Pulse night club shooting
>Bastille day mass murder
>Trump beating the odds and memeing reality to make him win the election
Will the number of maintenance jobs be enough to replace the old ones?
>nobody posting it
Thanks for the sentiment user. I just get a little butthurt when there's people who take a liking to this particular ideology. I'm not trying to accuse you of anything. Although I've always found it interesting how a traumatic politically charged event can cause one to be indoctrinated with an intense hatred. I remember back when I went to an American highschool, we got to make a quote for ourselves in the school yearbook. I said something along the lines of how Communism is a disease that must be destroyed. Other classmates felt uncomfortable with that and suggested that I change it, so I went with the master and the slave dialectic instead with autonomous societies in mind. Sorry for the rant.
I don't think a lot of people who voted for Trump, particularly in the Rust Belt, want him to bring back manufacturing jobs in particular.
They just want him to brings jobs to the region.
They want a return to the old days where they had industry to support the region and provide steady jobs.
Hopefully not, I don't like competition
Diablo 3 ros
At first he seemed to fight to free the cuban people from a tyrannical dictatorship that was essencially backed/tolerated by the US, who got to use Cuba for american things during his rule. The problem is that Castro did it to install his own dictatorship based on communism. There was actually another group fighting the dictatorship at the same time as Castro that was anti-communist. I'm guessing they got cucked later on.
For a guy who fought so much against corporate greed and the evils of capitalism he sure loved top wear his Addidas® and Puma® tracksuits while the rest of the country looks like soviet era russia.
>cubs won
>Dave chappelle came out of retirement
>the last guardian is coming out
>ff15 is coming out
>Microsoft finally embraced the pc market
This year has been amazing
There was a book I read about the history of Korea called something like "The Hermit Kingdom" or the "Hidden Kingdom" or something like that. It was fascinating and the argument made by the author was that Korea has always been highly isolationist and NK continues this tradition
Both Koreas are batshit insane, I mean, look what happened with their leader recently.
Most people will be unemployed if there aren't enough maintenance jobs.
Fuck I forgot about the cubs, how the fuck could I forget?
Has there ever been a year so fucking totally insane? This feels like the first time in my life that reality actually broke
Hitler was not that popular at all, look at the actual election results and the percentage of the population he got
Well, I had hoped eco-industry would have proveded that but....
Fidel hasn't ruled Cuba for ten years.
Communism didn't kill your family, a repressive regime didn't. Obama is not a communism. He isn't stepping on the constitution. Ideals don't murder people, people murder people.
Imagine if people weren't taxed for silly things. Imagine if trillions weren't blown on pointless wars, imagine cutting all the regulation and red tape that stands in the way of people, if governments just stopped taking money from people, imagine if the government stopped taking your money to subsidize giant corporations and just let the free market work.
I think you'd suddenly find more people starting business, cheaper products, less need to work to make ends meet. People say automation, what they mean is big expensive robots for giant corporations that pretty much have a monopoly on services thanks to government. Local owned diners don't want robots, they aren't looking towards a computer so you can order your burgers on it by yourself. Mom & pop shops don't need 15 employees to run a restaurant, they don't need to pay out 15 paychecks and worry about insane profit margins so they focus on expensive automation to replace people.
government has basically shaped the market for corporations, our restaurants, stores, manufacturing, these entities have almost no competition, not because they're better, but because that's how crony capitalism works. Imagine if you wanted to open up a retro game store, for whatever reason, you have the money and the knowledge, then look at the fucking hoops and costs you have to go through to be allowed to conduct business in a building you've already purchased, then you are taxed to death for daring to do so.
Don't be ridiculous. He wasn't even in power then.
He almost facilitated one, he couldnt start shit by himself
Not directly, no. But I'm sure he advised his brother alot