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Maybe you aren't the target audience for that series, user.
>It even tries to talk to you when you're already in the middle of conversations
Fucking why. We don't even get to battle with it.
Are you ok user?
Izzz there something you wanna share?
It barely even talks
>literally every other annoying helper NPC is hated by literally every member of the fanbase for their respective games
>so let's make one for Pokemon! What could go wrong?
Why is mewtwo so fuckable?
>not ignoring the bottom screen when you don't need it
Everything okay, user? You zzzeem a bit, out of zzzortzzz...It'zzz quite shocking to zzzee!
What's the damn encounter rate for Pikachus in Sun?
I encountered several wild ones when I tried to catch my Pichu and my Grimer. But now that I actually want to catch Pikachus I just can't find a single damn one.
Two hunderd ( 2 0 0 ) fucking literal real and actual encounters, and no damn Pikachu.
Is my game bugged or something? That fucking pokedex claims that I should be able to find them in the bushes right outside Iki town, and if I am not entirely mistaken I did indeed encounter Pikachus here before I was actively searching for them.
Fuck this game. I have been running around and searching for Pikachus for half a day.
How do you open the map without talking to this faggot? Long presses seem to open the map more often than not, but sometimes I still end up talking to him when I don't want to.
I got like 3 in the demo not even trying... just transfer those.
only pokemon transferrable from the demo is Greninja. Pikachu only shows up in SOS battles to help Pichu, I believe.
Maybe they should stop making video games for literal fucking retards
I'm pretty sure it's an SOS encounter only, meaning you have to run into a Pichu and have it call one.
But then you would be the target audience.
How do find this annoying? Stop trying to force another navi meme
Any good trainers that you can rebattle once you hit post game? The wild pokemon in Poni Plains aren't really cutting it.
Does this mean humans can marry Pokemon?
Why not just catch pichus
He only talks when you click your icon on the map. Click anywhere else on the map and it opens.
You can't see the minimap when Rotom is talking which gets a little annoying. (Being able to see the quest marker on the minimap is usually quite a bit more helpful than Rotom's plot context too.)
It doesn't last more than a couple seconds though so it's not that big a deal.
You are right user. Children are retarded, and that game is made for children.
I mean come on man, you were nearly there, almost figured it out on your own.
How about you don't look at the bottom screen when you don't need to, dipshit? I never even noticed half the shit it said.
>all the edgy pokedex entries are from him
>Made for children
>Add tons of shit targeted at comp players
Children AND autists, user.
>Silent text on the bottom screen for 5 seconds is infuriating
He doesn't even talk much and it's always at the bottom of the screen where you're not looking
If anything Im mad because I end up missing a lot of his lines because my attention isn't down there at all
>Have a Pokedex with a Rotom in it.
>Can't actually catch more Rotom anywhere in Alola.
Yeah, what's up with THAT? They should at LEAST be an Island scan 'mon.
You can tap your icon on the screen to have him repeat himself
I just wonder what Lillie's up to!
>hack in a rotom
>rotomdex doesn't have info on it
>try to use map
>"bzzzzt where's lillie? zzrrrrt"
It's not even that often, you faggots just like to make a big deal out of everything that isn't exactly after your liking.
I couldn't care less, it doesn't even say anything postgame, besides greeting you, as far as I'm aware.
My only complaint is that they missed an opportunity by not making it more of a dick, witty or atleast anti humerous, whatever personality you could give a little ghost and I always had the impression rotoms are supposed to be rascals.
As it is, it's the most soulless helper character I've ever seen, even Navi or that ball with a star antenna from M&L has more character.
How the fuck do you get beans? I am fresh out. And it's expensive to keep feeding my Pokemon masalas.
I drank tea at a pokemon center once, and he gave me 12 extras. But that only happened once. I have tried again at several different centers but none have given me any beans.
Why can't I just purchase them somewhere? Fucking beans.
I feel like a shit person for letting my pokemon go hungry all the time.
poke pelago
The Pelago gives you like a billion a day.
Also you get the bean handout from Center cafes once a day.
>implying affection even matters
It doesn't do shit in PvP and PvE is a fucking cakewalk
Beans just have different tastes right? Affecting hearts and affection, right?
There is absolutely no way that they affect EVs or whatever, is there?
I personally loved Rotom. His random encouragement and cute comments reminded me of Paper Mario partners. I hope he shows up in the next game too.
I'm paying them money, so yes I am.
I must have missed those because all I remember is it stating the obvious and wondering where the next cutscenen might be while pointing me to it.
Could be the fault of the German translation team though, which would surprise me, because they normaly do a really good job at Nintendo of Europe HQ, atleast since N64 area.
I don't know why people are getting riled up by him. He silently displays text on the bottom screen while gameplay continues as normal. The only issue is when you're trying to look at the map while he does it.
Rotomdex is cute! CUTE!
Juzzt don't look at the bottom zzcreen OP
I hate the new professor, rival, waifubait, husbando-bait, and basically everyone else in this game. The rotomdex doesn't bother me much as it doesn't stop me every 30 seconds to let me know that I'll be playing the game for another 30 seconds.
Yokai watch syndrome
Its the series jibanyan
Video Games in general are for children.
Go outside and do some sports for fuck sake.
are grown-up pokemon players this violently autistic
Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzrrrt let's check what it is you actually caught bzzzzort
>barely says things
>when he does it just text, not even sound
Are you autistic, OP?
>hack in a Rotom
>Hey, it's me!
>puffs itself up hardcore
>Never interrupts your game past the Pokéfinder tutorial
>All his recap text is short as fuck, is limited to the bottom screen, goes by super fast and again, doesn't interrupt your game
There's literally nothing wrong with the Rotom Dex.
I thought it was really cute when he called me "my girl".
>Pokémon called for help
If it's any help, I found mine in the taller grass in the upper part of the jungle. I also found two Passimians while hunting the UBs despite never finding a single one after looking for one for about an hour when I first learned they spawned there.
Agreed. He even has a cute voice.
Who the fuck cares, honestly? Its text is delegated to the bottom screen where you never have to look at it, and it doesn't stop the game to talk to you like Navi and Fi. The only time it gives you text boxes that have to be mashed through are when you catch a new Pokemon, and it's only a single one.
And at least Rotom has a funny personality. Being a robot buddy, it could have done the generic bland "My sensors indicate that there's a 93.425% chance you should follow this straight corridor, Master" shtick, but he's a smart-alecky wise-cracker, which I like.
Trying to open up the map is the fucking worst. The mother fucker would sometimes move around.
Literally just don't click on the big yellow player icon or the bright red dex border, click on the actual map, it's not rocket science.
That happens if you tap the device rather than his screen. And tapping the yellow player marker makes him repeat his hint text.
I miss her Sup Forums
>Trying to catch a wild pokemon
>"Pokemon calls for help"
>repeat for fucking ever
I already forgot about her.
friendship evos retard.
use a repel, its just like the latias or legendary dogs. the ub will be the only thing that can spawn.
Opinions on Wishiwashi? It's very strong but low HP and speed work against it's schooling ability.
Holy shit, I could have saved so much time, I only used repel to get Necrozma.
Then again the only UBs that made me grind my teeth were Kartana, the rest either showed up right away or after 2-3 random encounters.
76 alpbha x'D
School forme gets erased at the end of the turn you go under 25% health, giving ypu time to attack, it's not that much of a problem. He packs one hell of a punch and is really balky, he is one of the strongest water types avaiable.
>The entirety of the Ghost-type trial
I'm so replacing my Raichu for that little shit
>Actually want Pokemon to call for help
Capturing a good natured and good ability Mareanie was absolute hell
>ts just like the latias or legendary dogs. the ub will be the only thing that can spawn.
since when is this a thing, please tell me as of last gen or I'm going to gell really fucking stupid for not knowing this
rest sleep talk spam dat shit. or be very cheeky with substitute
Are people just trying to force a meme because Rotom almost never stops gameplay with other NPCs like Lillie doing it way more, and for Rotom's generic advice it's all on the touch screen, doesn't stop gameplay, and even more easily ignored than the fairies in OoT and MM which people also complain about being annoying way too much
its been a thing since the original gen 3 i believe.
anything abnormal to the natural spawn tables will be unaffected by repel.
I never knew this
I still have the dogs roaming in HG
>draw the most basic fucking pokemon-thing ever
>fill 1/5 of the image with your shitty signature
big boy
Since when? Fuck me, the hours I have wasted on some of these roamers.
>try to tap it to see the map
>"HAHA WHATS UP LITTLE GIRL DID YOU KNOW *insert stupid joke here*? LOL"
>process takes 10 seconds before I can see the fucking map
>Spent 2 days suffering for Mareanie
>It's not getting any better
I'm about to drop this cunt, I know it's probably good for online but not in SP
to be fair navi always manages to stop you before you can get the next plot point unless you make a beeline, and after a while it starts to get annoying. and the game really never botherd with speeding up the "wrong thing messages"
i find TP cooldown on telling you how much a rupie more than 1 is when gatherd being just under an hour more irritating.
The Thief move defeats a pokemon, can it still steal their item before the pokemon faints?
Or should I just give Theif to a weak pokemon?
And the success rate is100%, right?
Jesus christ Stufful is cute as fuck
Hey, they didn't have this stupid handholding shit in the first 4 gens, from what I recall, so I don't know why they needed it now.
So why is there nothing like this in Pokemon XD? Seems like they used to have faith in kids.
Because Pokémon XD was made by Genius Sonority rip
Hint: Go in a straight line from where you are to the only place you haven't been.
Ta-da! Enjoy the most linear routes in series history!
You must not hold a item, and yes the success rate is 100% and works on KO.
Except for his design
Is this show officially dead with no hope for season 3?
>Hated Bewear before the game came out.
>Now it's my MVP and tearing Alola apart.
He only ever talks once after some storypoint is passed and when you start up the game. Other than that you have to tap him. Its in the bottom screen and the game does not stop for him talking. I dont see how that is so annoying.
actually i need to correct myself, repels make anything weaker than youre front man to not spawn. but roaming mons are almost always far higher level than the place thay are wandering. or youre front man typically.
still usefull though.
What is adrenaline pills?