Is he right?
Is he right?
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What's his fucking problem?
he believed the hype
Sounds exactly what he's doing at the moment.
>people moved on
>damage control vlog every week
>"come back pledge a dollar pwease"
I cannot fucking stand when people type "sir". I instantly picture some fat fuck in a fedora, tipping it as he writes the word.
his tweet is unnecessarily polite but i'm surprised i don't hold immediate disgust toward something put out by dsp
he sounds salty as fuck
that's basically dsp
You seem upset, sir
Who made this guy the expert on video games?
DSP never outdid this.
He's a sad, balding e-celeb barely hanging on to whatever fame he once had. That, and No mans sky was a racid pile of shit
Tbh, there's fair points on both sides.
I don't own NMS but if they continued doing this, I'd buy it down the road. The same thing happened with Destiny. It was trash when it first came out but now it's salvageable if there's a deal for the full collection.
Excuse me sir, would you kindly dial back that aggression?
No. So many fanboys are clawing their way back, forgiving Sean Murray and saying "He was on a deadline!". If you look at the NoMansSky subreddit (God forbid), you can see just how delusional the NMS community actually is.
what does phil want him to do? continue to leave the game unfinished and continue to fuck over the people who still have it?
why cant phil do anything right?
That's called autism.
Fucking bugged PR mechanics
excuse me but did you just assume sir's gender
The dev team really shouldn't have gone radio silent. Even when they include this patch, DSP is right. People moved on. If they had acknowledged their faults and said they were rapidly trying to fix it and to be patient, then people might have stayed more interested.
Broken Clock.
Anybody who has a problem with someone telling devs to stop putting out unfinished shit with the promise that it'll get finished some day is an idiot.
>I cannot fucking stand when people type "sir". I instantly picture some fat fuck in a fedora, tipping it as he writes the word.
DSP, like Sup Forums, is always right, but nobody wants to admit it.
fuck you skeleton
le twidder screenshot what did he mean by this
As retarded as DSP can be sometimes, he hit it on the mark
Don't even compare our lord and savior DSP to those altright neckbeard cucklords
>learn from your mistake
Says DSP.
t.No Man's Sky shills
no u
I think he was trying to incite some sort of intelligent conversation with the contents of the screenshot as the subject.
>If they had acknowledged their faults and said they were rapidly trying to fix it and to be patient, then people might have stayed more interested.
Exactly this. Why keep it a secret?
He usually does, he's just too stupid to realize he's making the exact same mistakes.
You can tell this dude bought full price NMS copies for a bunch of his family and friends when it launched.
He's right though When you fuck up that bad and then spend a long time not saying anything, it's silly to expect people to give a shit anymore
It's still a good thing to do. While it doesn't "work" in repairing their image, it does help a little. Giving up on the game and trying to create something else isn't better than trying to fix the mistake you already made.
In this context, no. Attempting to fix things can be seen as acknowledgement of needing to move on and change, yet here comes this fat contradicting fuck attempting to throw petty arguments like "damage control" simply for the pleasure of insulting someone for equally petty bullshit, and topping it off with peseudo-intellectual and practical "learning experience" bullshit and a "sir" to make it seem like he's trying to be respectful.
I'm not defending NMS. Haven't played it, don't care to play it, am aware of the controversy but still don't care, and have no idea what this patch does. I'm just here to say that DSP has the fucking articulation skills of a fucking retarded baby.
As someone who bought no man's sky (not preorder), I had hope something like this would happen. It makes it more dramatic, like anime or something. The fallen hero returns to make amends after silently working in the shadows for a way to do so.
However life ain't anime and they fucked up with a lot of easily triggered people.
Skeletons shouldn't be this reasonable
I mean yes.
Which is really fucking odd for DSP
no honestly laying low was the best thing to do. all the tortanic retards get bored and leave eventually with no ammo to keep them there.
DSP should have been a strict, pedantic game reviewer instead of a (genuinely) shitty let's player.
Destiny is still trash because it was never released on PC like they said they would do.
Did you give Phil a dollar yet?
What is there to be right about? The update is there for people who still play the game or have interest in picking it up again. When somebody doesn't care about the game anymore, then they obviously still won't care in the future.
So yes, people moved on. No, this is not damage control, it's software support. And yes Hello Games will have to learn from this disaster to survive, if it is even possible at this point.
He'd be worse than the most autistic Sup Forums player. He threw a shitfit at Phil Spencer just for releasing Quantum Break on PC.
Besided, I honestly believe he is too fucking retarded to shit out the 1,000 words minimum for a games review in the most unarticulated manner.
Running away from your problems is never the right thing to do. They may not have, but that's how it looks. And now sending out a patch this late just makes them look like they're trying to save what little face they have left, or else they could count on being shunned out of the industry entirely.
people haven't put their pitchforks away and are still thirsty for blood
they wanted Sean to update so they could shit all over it but he didn't so they shit all over it anyway
I unironically like and agree with most of his reviews.
>somebody doesn't care.
He obviously does or else he wouldn't shit out those tweets.
And he will play it too. And it could be the second coming of Christ in patch form he'd announce it was shit.
HG chose the route of radio silence while actually hearing voiced opinions about the game and working on implementing them.
I don't hate them for this considering the flip side would be to let people know they were working on shit, only to have them ask for things that could be undeliverable and being forced to again make promises that couldn't be kept.
I would of pulled it from the storr, offerrd refunds. And stated we are unsatisfied with the state the game was released in. We are working hard to fix it and rerelease with something we are proud of.
>insert apology here
Instead of people just kicking them while they are down for months.
I myself am not interested enough to give it a second pirate, but I'm sure there's plenty of people who will go back to check it out for a week.
But Sony is a big factor in that decision.
That is a very ethically good decision and would have been great PR though.
Pretty sure sony distanced themselves as far as they could the second shit hit the fan. Don't see why it wouldn't be viable with steam and GoG anyway, where i imagine most of the anger came from. No console wars shit intended but PS4 is a much easier crowd to please.
Sir is an honorary term you use on people who deserve respect. I'd sooner call a crack dealer who's pimping his daughter out "sir" than i would sean
NMS to me seems like a game that could always use improving. Saying you'd release it when it's done, or when you're proud of it could be very subjective.
Pulling the game from shelves would've been a way for HG to take all the blame from what was one of the biggest hype trains I've seen, especially for an indie dev. I don't think they deserve all the blame for it, but it would've been the best route to take. I doubt Sony would've been ok with this route though considering the cash they made.
People have moved on, yes. But I'm glad to see that the game is still being built upon. If they would have said that the game would be released as an alpha or beta then things would have been different. I just wish this update added what they did promise before release and focus on the base building later. I never bought the game but until they give what they promised then my purchase will have to wait.
people can say whatever shit they want about DSP but he's absolutely right here.
So in the end, Phil actually is /ourguy/
Did they say they would be adding shit in content updates before release or did I make that up? I swear that was one of the reasons I decided to wait to buy it.
This is the stupidest early access arguement i have ever heard. Nobody is going to claim adding content is bad. But the game was no where near $60 game quality or content yet. Hell if they released it for $20 and then released a $20 expansion or two that would of made more sense.
Whether they're forgiven or not should just depend on how good the update is.
Promising things is exactly how they got here in the first place.
Them making an announcement saying "We are working on something" would have been a repeat of what happened last time.
It is better that they only open their mouths when they have something to show.
>unboxing video
>never unboxes the game
>that sound the whole time
It's like comedy
The game wasn't worth it to torrent in the first place and it still isn't.
Someone get that poor skeleton a sandwich, she's famished.
Viewers need to stop being fucking lazy and need to show up to his streams!
ESPECIALLY OF AN """"""E-CELEB""""" ????
>someone posts a statement about videogames, often from a developer, publisher, critic, or other personality.
>people discuss it in the thread
>people derail the thread with posts like this unironically thinking it's other people derailing it.
Just fucking hide thread faggot.
>NOTE: I forgot to open the f'ing box in this video because of the damn alarm. SPOILER: There's nothing whatsoever inside besides the game disc and warnings pamphlet, so nothing was missed.
It's fucking infuriating how much of an asshole he is. Why did he even bother making the video if all that was inside it was a game disc and warning pamphlets? It's so obvious he doesn't care.
>feeding Anzu anything other than cock
What are you, a gay?
God, I just wanna unload a big, thick load I've saved up for a week in that pretty, little mouth
A cockmeat sandwich suffice?
extra mayo
are you kidding? all it takes him is to get a wide consensus of the game from other people and put it all in one pot and release a review\
hes trying to catch the angry review train way too late
Why are you faggots attracted to this fucking famished roach
i think he cares too much about the wrong things
his thinking here was "i have to put this video out and get the views while people still care about this game"
>DSP can barely get 1000 views on videos now
What happened? He's been on YouTube for like 8 fucking years
Also, most of those 180k subs have to be inactive accounts, right?
That's just it, are you going to watch the same guy do the same shtick of retardation for eight fucking years?
Because they have not seen it without the mountains of makeup it has.
OK user I'll bite. What's it look like?
Like a very average girl
he said right there that he prefers to wait for a game to be finished rather than a game that has "potential". I think he just tweeted all that to get that point, but since he is stupid he also spew a lot of dumb crap
dsp doesnt care because hes not going to play it again because it wont get any views
>Dude these shitty controls there's nothing I can do come on this game is garbage.
Post it.
I wont lie, he's right. They've done irrepairable harm to Numale sky, patches wont fix the damage already done. Next time don't sell out to hardware manufacturers who want a rushed, and chopped down product for their low powered console.
the people who watched him at the age of 12 that loved his 12 year old humor grew up
dsp has no integrity. he went back to twitch. hes going to go back to play nms
How is that an inaccurate caricature of his decision?
you dont need dsp to fucking know that
Based DSP