The great debate
The great debate
>tfw Telltale didn't even fucking TRY to get Bruce Campbell on board to voice Ash.
I didn't play the first one but the first one doesn't have clap trap so it's probably better
>Great, great, great, alright
>great, annoying beyond belief, great but voiced by a pillock, great
First one barely pulls through
I still loved when Claptrap did his quit with Steve and the rocket launcher, even if he's annoying.
What would be your dream cast for a third game?
>Includes sets to change the look of the playing room
what the fuck is this gay shit
2 has Sampson, but also unfortunately has fucking claptrap.
1 has heavy, but unfortunately bald.
Ideal cast out of those two rosters would be Strong Bad, Brock, Sam, Max and Heavy
2 has Sam AND Max, therefore negating Claptrap's shittiness by existing.
It also lets you customize the look of the entire Inventory, which is awesome.
you're giving tycho too much credit, he's just as annoying as claptrap
wasn't 2 a buggy piece of shit that froze all the time after a patch?
I would make Sam & Max count as one player. Sam would hold the cards while Max adds commentary and annoys the other players.
gladOS and claptrap ruin the second one. glados is fucking annoying butting in ever 30 seconds to tell you you're making a bad move and add her "epic quips".
That would leave a fourth spot open for a new player too.
I'd nominate Rucks.
i'd prefer Homestar, Coach Z or Bubbs but unfortunately it doesn't look like we'd ever get a season 2 of SBCG4AP
I feel they should try to stick with 1 player per franchise honestly. Cameos would be great, but actual players should be limited.
Fucking Sam was hard as fuck on 2 but still, 1
Got all the TF2 and BL2 items already :^)
One point you guys are all missing is that Mad Moxxis big ass titties are in the second game.
Everyone hates Mad Moxxi after PreSequel because she was the one that started all the fucking problem along with Lilith for being a bunch of bitches
And she is ugly as fuck
First one
>literally painted whore
no idea why anyone finds this dirty-looking shit attractive
Master Shake
Doc Brown
The Dude
Just kill yourself
Why were Ash and Brock in there? Did telltale ever make a game having anything to do with either of them? I understand the Valve representatives, obviously Strong Bad and Claptrap make sense, but Ash and Brock seem pretty random. Thought they were supposed to be representatives from video games
This. The man has never had a career and will do anything for a paycheck.
>hire bruce
>replace claptrap with another TF2 character
>remove glados
>or replace her with shodan
In light of all those, 1 is conclusively >>> 2
They don't look at the face or clown fetish.
They're related apparently.
As I recall, 2 felt like it had less than half the voice line variety. Two matches in and you wanna mute the voices.
>You want SHAKE, to play poker with you? Honestly, What kinda suggestion is that?
>Everytime Shake plays cards, the DAMN TABLE EXPLODES!
Stop reading this in my voice
Manny Calavera
Bigby Wolfe
Sterling Archer
Rick Sanchez
call tycho
hope for no 3bets
Master Shake or Carl
Coach from home videos
God I'm getting upset we're never going to get a ATHF character in these
>Archer and Mcguirk
Boy that's gonna be confusing.
It's home movies and Him and Archer are both voiced by H Jon Benjamin.
Why not add in Bob from bobs burgers while youre at it.
Archer and Coach McGuirk but you didn't put in Bob from Bob's Burgers?
I'd rather have Mcguirk but either is fine
Honestly surprised nobody has mentioned Carl.
2 by miles. Dealer, different clubs, more varied lines.
At least make it vidya. Though I would admit having Carl is always a plus
>fucking Penny Arcade dude
Can someone explain why he was here
Well the bottom one has Brock Samson but it also has the shitty meme robot from Borderlands so I'd have to go with the top one.
I gotta go with other people for a few
>Carl or Master Shake
>Scout or Soldier
>Big Band or Beowulf or Peacock
>Biff Tannen or Doc Brown (for Telltale representation)
Who would be the 4th?
Who would be the best dota 2 character for Poker 3?
>No Sam and Max season 4
>No Poker Night 3
Why did telltale turn to such shit?
how about fucking none of them holy shit
Real dream hours boys, please don't call me a numale or shitter:
-Uncle Dante for good, cheesy jokes
-Rick (from rick&morty) for bad, obnoxious jokes
-Adam Jensen for the voice of reason
-Sans because fuck you I liked that game no matter what Sup Forums says.
-Mr.Anonymous/Narrator (solely for Logan Cunningham's voice). As the disembodied dealer voice.
Rhys from Tales from the Borderlands
Bigby Wolf from Wolf Among Us
Coach Z from SBCG4AP
Batman from Telltale's Batman
I didn't think of Shake until the replies to this post
But now I got the definitive roster
>Rick Sanchez (There is literally no way Rick is not getting in the next one)
>Master Shake
>Necessary Valve Character (Possibly a Dota Character, I say we should get Rubick)
>Sonic (You can't say he doesn't have a chance, with how he's being treated by SEGA, he has a chance of getting in something like this) Or maybe Eggman
It's valve so none of them isnt an option.
>Sans fucking way. Never.
And for the sole reason that I don't want to hear him voiced.
It'd just ruin it.
Cast of Poker Night 3:
>Rick and Morty
>Bigby Wolf
>The Narrator from the Stanley Parable as The Dealer
>The Narrator as the dealer
We talk about the characters we WANT
What shitty characters what we might likely to get? Who would be the claptrap or BALD of 3?
Why not just make a dialogue box pop up? That's as good as voiced, no?
Arin Hanson
The devil from Lucy Daughter of the Devil
why did they have ash in the first place
telltale never made an evil dead game did they
LiS character.
Another borderlands character.
Probably one of those.
heavy has always been bald?
Cmon people, Manny fucking Calavera for Poker Night 3.
He'd just be cr1tikal
It's entirely possible we get all telltale characters just so they don't have to pay royalties/deal with rights.
>he doesn't know
He means Bald from The Adventures of Bald and Pig Like
Sonic Colors Sonic, Sonic Boom Sonic, Steve Urkel Sonic, or Sonic for Hire Sonic?
Yeah everyone wants him.
>ATHF Carl (football mode)
>Sterling Archer
>Rick Sanchez
10/10 for 10 years running
>you have to read the subtitles because it only makes the DUDDADUDDADUH noise when he talks
>Sup Forums is now shitting on mad moxxi
This board is fucking finished
This place is a shithole
What is the appeal of these games?
I actually don't mind it that much.
Modern Meme Sonic
The one that the Sega of America Twitter has made beautiful again
Its been a shithole since like 2004 famalam
Now that this has been brought, I could totally envision them doing a Sam & Max thing with Sans and Papyrus. And with terrible awful voice acting.
Although I don't think it would happen because of how autistic Toby Fox is about stuff like that for good reason.
Just the guy that handles the sonic twitter account with a sanic mask on
in-character crossover banter
that's pretty much it
maybe tf2 items, if you're a tool
>never really liked this game
>only played for borderlands shit
well they never made a TF2, Penny Arcade, Venture Brothers, or Portal game either
Okay this is the only way I would accept this.
poker is comfy
poker with characters you like is even comfier
watching characters you never thought would interact with eachother like max from sam and max and strongbad from homestar is max comfy
>tfw no puzzle agent representative
Anyone from Dota 2
Anyone from Battleborn (or any MOBA shooter like OW and Paladins)
Anyone from Mr. Pickles
>big ass titties
Those are like oranges at best
Alright Guys
Reply to this post with ONE character you would like to see in the new game
After a while, I'll make a strawpoll with all of them. The 4 characters with the most votes will be the definitive Poker Night 3 Roster
>or scout
I can't decide who be better for bantz
>This list
I'd buy 3 copies. Only way it'd be better is replacing Doc Brown with Rick Sanchez
Tycho just doesn't fit in the first game at all.
You have three colorful, unique cartoon characters, and some guy who swears a lot and makes bestiality jokes.
Even the show is pretty meta and actually funny even outside of the meta jokes
Abe from the oddworld games.
Maybe Telltale's writing could save him.
RE4 Leon
Bigby Wolf
>ywn play poker with Brock and then go to a bar and get into some wacky hijinks that will probably end up with you being hospitalized but fuck if it wasn't worth it
Why am I alive
If it's a sonic character, sonic is actually a pretty bad choice. Eggman or knuckles
Live action Sonic
If webcomics are acceptable, Reginald and Beartato because fuck Bald and Piglike
Maybe KC Green's Cool Frog or those rabbits
Titties tend to look bigger in real life.
She has a holy shit level of cleavage going on.