Reminder that this game actually came out.
Reminder that this game actually came out
And I finished it twice completely. Once on Ps4, and the second time on PC (I'm an EA Access member)
Holy shit you're right what the fuck
and it's great
i played the beta and was kinda unimpressed.
if it came out like 4 or 5 years ago it wouldve been something people cared about.
Mirrors Edge was my GOTY in 2010 (yeah i didnt play it until it got pc port in january of 2010)
dialog is terrible but gameplay is fine
open world meme sucks but its not that bad here.
Is it really? I'm a huge fan of the original and all the impressions and reviews I saw of Catalyst seemed very middling. It sounded like another victim of the open-world curse but if it's not terrible maybe I'll check it out.
I tried to give it a chance, but I got a stomach ache from how adolescent this game felt. Just from the first couple scenes too. The stupid rivalry with that other guy and the "Cool dad with tattoos" character at that hideout you get to plus the hideout not being very well hidden and everything just being full of "im an angry teen, fuck the system" feel of it all. I mean the game painted having a job like the worst shit on the planet.
i don't really know i'm just being contrarian. i think it has to be better than what it's given credit for and open world mirror's edge sounds like an inherently good concept to me.
it'sbad but its not as bad as watchdogs 2
very depressing that hey had to take it in this direction.
always remember: some voice actor is getting paid to say these cringy lines.
A lot of big name releases went under the radar this year. Mirror's Edge, Dishonored 2, Titanfall 2, Gears 4. All went pretty much unnoticed.
I heard openworld and I said "nope"
openworld also ruined my racing games. Just gimme the fucking track and a retry option.
OP here woops wrong pic sorry
There's been open world racing games since the early 90's though.
Open world was a horrible mistake.
ME works much better as a linear game.
I'm mostly thinking of Burnout Paradise. And other arcade racers.
Gotcha, I just immediately thought of Test Drive 3 which had giant open maps with tons of hidden content despite coming out in 1990. Lots of other vector driving games had open maps as well.
When I heard "Open World" i didn't think it meant this.
I figured you might be able to walk on the ground for more than 10 minutes of the game in a very small, predetermined location.
But I guess glass was designed with very specific routes in mind, which kind of defeats the purpose of open world. Y'know, except for the part where they can now litter it with collectables, "side missions" and radio towers.
The RPG aspects pissed me off as well. there's a lot of unneeded chaff in the game that could've been put towards making a strong single player experience.
I like it because it's a mirror's edge game, but I doubt it would have as much impact on someone who didn't obsessively play the first game.
This is an opinion, but I'm actually having fun with this game, and I catch myself saying "I want to play Mirror's Edge 2 right now." which is a rare thing for me to say about any game recently.
Except watch dogs 2 is fun
I bought it the other day cheap on Origin, despite not liking the original. It's actually pretty fun. I really like the combat, despite that being one of the main complaints. The movement also feels a lot better than the first one.
The main complaint seems to be that it gets repetitive after a while, so I'm just going to blow through the story and ignore any side stuff.
Do the story and side quest they have theirs own level. You can ignore the collectible, races and delivery missions.
it was a game made for sjws.
full with of "strong wyman",evil, weak men and other left-wing propaganda
of course it was forgotten since liberals, feminists and sjws don´t play games
they only care about attacking and censoring things that white, straight men like
Yeah, except that SJW reviewers like that fat blob Jim Sterling shat on it at release and said that it had zero likeable characters, including Faith.
I for one am glad that constant shit like that from the left helped Trump get elected
I hope shitting on men that like to play video games was worth it ;-)
>it's a Sup Forumstard-takes-a-joke-seriously-and-tries-to-goad-people-into-an-argument episode
>it´s a lefty that still can´t accept that they are in the minority and generally hated on Sup Forums episode
It's fun but the open world was a big mistake I think. It's really not very interesting and traversing it over and over again makes it lose so much luster so fast.
This is such a worthless vapid bait-y criticism.
One of those games that's great when you mute all the voices and don't pay attention to the story.
It was easy do that for me because when the game came out, the cinematic didn't played properly.
The only level I didn't enjoy was the last one because it was too focus on the grappling hook
>open world will continue to kill your favorite series
>and theres nothing you can do about it
please dont fall for this meme with the next sonic, sega...
i've lost to many comrades to this plague already, don't come for my childhood hero
>Open World
>Have to upgrade to unlock moves
Didn't it also focus more on combat? Why does this game fucking exist?
fuck off retard
Yes and there is excellent SFM porn of Faith having unfortunate things happening to her. That was the beginning and the end of my excitement for this game.
Wew. That was a great thread.
It was surprisingly good, the story feels like a fucking YA book story but it's pretty fun aside from that.
Reminder Faith is actually a pseudo liberal tsundere who wants Icarus' white cock
>Yes and there is excellent SFM porn of Faith having unfortunate things happening to her.
I wonder why.
>those DSL
>Gotcha, I just immediately thought of Test Drive 3 which had giant open maps with tons of hidden content despite coming out in 1990.
The controls of TD3 were completely broken and got never patched. I finished the game by driving at literally 15 mph to the goal on each map.
>Not playing the fucking game
>Even when it was cracked eons ago
You unlock almost all the shit in an hour of initial gameplay, combat is still ill advised, but reworked and it actually feels good.