Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

I broke the fuck out of my left arm. What are some games I can play with one hand?

I've got a mouse with some extra buttons, so that does open up some options for me. I've played a lot of FTL and OSRS, but I need some variety. I like pretty much any genre.


I think a better question would be if there are any games which you can play with cat paws.

D3 is tricky with just a few exttra buttons, but maybe I'll give it a try again. TL1 was great, TL2 was meh.

I've gotten some play time out of PoE too, but the league ends in a couple days so I can't really play that much for a week. Maybe I'll replay some Grim Dawn with some mods.


you fucking retard OP clearly said left arm while that cat's right arm is broken

the DS Zelda games are stylus-only, Phantom Hourglass isn't very good though

As a cat, a keyboard is my natural habitat. You humans use keyboards, I live on one.

if you change a few keybinds, you can probably play most JRPGs since you mostly just need to transition through menus

I haven't played a lot of JRPGs. Haven't played a Final Fantasy since X, any of the newer ones that are on PC any good?

just emulate some snes classics

Civilization VI
By the time you finish a game your arm will be long healed.

That's your right arm dumbass

Are the new ones really that bad? I liked some of the PS1 ones, FF7 and 8 were pretty great.

>What are some games I can play with one hand?
all of them

Depends on how you're looking at it. The way the picture is taken, and the view, it's the cat's left arm.

Turn based game like Hard West can be played with one hand. Or Heroes 3. Fucking play Heroes 3, op.

I can't imagine how good mobile games are for cripples.

You should play Hearthstone, don't even gotta care one bit about the WoW shit behind it.

It is time for you to play the most innovative and fun game of your lifetime with mechanics you will beg for in all games to come.


It doesnt depend on the view point at all.
Its the cats right arm. That is an objective truth.


>Sup Forums can't tell left from right
this site in a nutshell tbqhbbq

holy shit a talking animal



I just think it'd be easier for one hand since the SNES only used a few buttons compared to new ones

>Sup Forums can't tell left from right
My dad can't. Doesn't stop him from driving the car.

i learned to differentiate between left and right by remembering that i fap with my left hand

Most eroges, thankfully. Hell, autoscrolling is a ubiquitous feature these days, so you don't even need any hands to play them!

man it must be tough for a quadruped to wear a cast
How does that cat even function? It cant walk around to shit, piss or eat.

So hentai. What you're talking about is hentai.

get well soon, pupper

Vet tech (animal nurse) here, most cats/dogs actually do pretty well with 1 leg missing or in a cast. A kitten like that would struggle, but they struggle to walk anyways.

Small animals can walk on three legs just fine. It's big and heavy ones like elephants, who would be completely immobilized by losing a single leg.

I got really into grand strategy games when I busted my arm.

came here to post this

Just stick to VNs, bro.

civ 6 or 5 with all the dlc

Just emulate some JRPGs and map the keys close together. It would be about the same as playing with 2 hands.

>I broke the fuck out of my left arm

Then how did you type your post?

EU4, Underrail

4x games like Civ
Isometric Rpgs like Baldur's Gate
Adventure games e. g. Monkey Island

Roguelikes, most of them.

Crypt of the Necrodancer

On his phone???

Knights of the old republic 1 & 2.
If 2 dont forget installing the restored contents mod.

have you never seen an old person typing? with one hand? using a single finger as well?


Zelda games, i've beaten 4 of them with only one hand. Get creative

Darkest Dungeon is super easy to play with one hand

So are the tycoon games like roller coaster tycoon, and city builders like Sim City 4 and Cities:Skylines

I've been playing dirt 3.

You can place 1st in everything on the second hardest difficulty using only the arrow keys. You never need to hit Q to use the handbrake.

You should get 8-12 hours out of it

It's not an arm, it's leg/paw.

pretty sure there are red baron type games that are mouse only

If you could figure out a way to use movement keys (maybe your toes or some shit) you could play most fps

PUURRrrr, you think the keyboard is your ally? You merely adopted the keyboard;... I was born in it..., molded by it.

I didn’t feel a bed until I was already in prime, by then, it was nothing to me but soporific!!!

The keystrokes betray you, because they belong to me!

Yeah, he's a retard.

Gothic 2 is pretty much playable with left arm due to tanky controls.

Black&White. Almost the entirety of the game can be controlled with a mouse. A keyboard is just a bonus.

Agreed, Hearthstone is what you'll be wanting OP. Or you could play a moba, my sister's left arm is paralyzed so she uses a mouse with keys on the side for all her abilities.

Age of Empires II
Broken Age
Fran Bow

>Crusader Kings 2
>Europa Universalis 3/4
>Victoria 2
>Hearts of Iron 3/4
You can play these entirely with your mouse if you rebind pausing to a mouse button.