Holy fuck this is FUN

damn i love this game. first time i played i was drunk and it was like 3 am. i laughed out loud multiple times which i havent done many times in games. ive played like 17 hours and been gettin better and better. aerials im shit at. shooting is decent and passing to the front of goal too. jump defence okayish. ive only played 3vs3 with randies. am i missing something in some modo? played earlier for like 2 hours.

Rumble is way more fun than standard mode. Snow day is pretty cool. Basket is shit desu.

some meme arrows for you

>we lead 3-2 and time is running out
>under 5 secs left and im nearing the goal on defense
>they have the ball and a situation brewing
>they shoot to the left of our goal
>2 secs left and i turbo and jump to it
>just skims past the post wall and goes out
>game ends and we win
>everyone spams great save
>type lel to chat like the autist i am

>we are getting rekt even though we dont play badly
>they are 3-0 up and looks to become a rape
>we get one back. meh
>we get a second one. teamate says teamwork its clickin after goal
>suddenly we are a well oiled machine that runs in harmony
>fantastic tema goal
>we go from 4-2 to 4-4.
>our machine continues the rape
>4-4 to 4-6. enemy is stumped
>almost every player puts gg after match

best game ive had in it. even better than that one where i scored 5.

ok cool thanks. will have to test them. even the standard is great for me

>down 3-1 with 3 mins to go
>teammate votes to forfeit
>type we still got time man
>tie it up 3-3 with 30 seconds go to
>10 seconds to go my teammate kicks the ball up high in the center area
>all 4 players jump and go for it
>by some clusterfuck luck the ball bounces and casually rolls in their net


It's even better when you play ranked, that's the onley place when you"ll be able to get better and anjoy the game even more.

the level in quickplay is astonishingly low.

its terrible to concede a goal like this. today also happened 5 sec in overtime and they score.. fug

yeah sucks when you have a player that doesnt know defending at all. but yes i might go for the serous mode too. thanks for tip

one bump for awesome game

300 hours in and I'm still having a blast
no better way to kill 5 minutes

welcome to RL senpai, if you want to get better at aerials as a noob I'd recommend the goalie training on expert (or whatever it's called) because it pretty much forces you to jump into the air quickly to attack the incoming balls. This should not only make you a better goalkeeper but also intuitively develop some aerial fundamentals (the next technique to focus on would be "feathering" your boost during the aerial, which just means tapping the boost button instead of holding it)

rumble is awful dogshit but if you're a new/casual player it's probably fun

who /risingstar/ scrub here? I'm crippled in serious matches because I can't defend or do aerials properly, all I can do is dribble, shoot, and pass

Rising star here, but only in duels. I'm not too great at teamwork.
Being patient got me far, my game is in defense and counters.

Is it fun playing alone?

Yeah, definitely.

lol thst some rage juice for the gk


nice goal

To a point. As you get better at the game in ranked it becomes much more competitive. By the time you get to challenger elite you pretty much need a partner or else the game is frustrating.

But by that time you'll have played hundreds of hours and there are a lot of people in the same predicament so making a friend isn't much work.

There are people that still just play alone but you're generally 1-2 levels lower when playing with pubs than you are with someone you trust.

Rocket league is my go-to multiplayer game for like a year. My friends have have finally stopped their moba addiction. Moba are truly designed to generate as much despair as possible.

>Rounds are only about 6-7 minutes long
>After every goal the game resets. No snowballing
>No prematch stats collecting bullshit. Everyone has the same speed/boost strenght. (Turning radius choices available for everyone)
>It's easier to coordinate 1 or 2 friends for premade matches, instead of 5
>If you play random and your teammate are shit you just waste 6 minutes instead of slowly loosing sanity for over 40 minutes while russian boys tell you things about your mother in their rune language

All star here.
Here's a tip for you. Download rocket league trainer and practice a lot. If you're shit on defense find a play list for you. Try to get decent at aerials and playing the ball off the wall otherwise you'll always be at a disadvantage. There's like thousands of tutorials. Leave shit like aerial off the wall dribbling to a later time, tho it helps to know what the opponent is trying to do.

Another thing you need to learn is DONT FUCKING ESITATE, but don't chase the ball either. Also pressure those shots if you know your teammates are back on defense.

Can't wait for the next update with built in RL trainer so I don't have to rename p_park anymore.


You are the best user.

>Realize the game is almost finished and no one has scored yet

I think I've only gone to OT with 0-0 maybe twice ever in 480 hours. It's so rare that both sides are equally good defensively.

Also this game seriously needs OT to be 5 minutes and a shootout after that. There's nothing wrong with overtime and it'd be insanely rare but god it'd be cool.

>playing ranked 2v2 with random players
>close and intense 1-1 match with 7 seconds left
>playing a really good game like every other player
>opponent makes a high, long shot while we were fully attacking
>with 89% boost I try to run like hell to save it
>ball is right upon my head so I can't actually see it
>try to jump and go full vertical to get it
>ball hits the post, hits me and goes in
>Nice shot!
>all along from opponent team
>my teammate doesn't say a single thing
>awkward and painful silence while we watch the replay with 2 seconds left
>quit the game

>quit the game
Faggots like you should be shot

>not just throwing out a "Whoops..." when you fuck up

I had 18 minute overtime once


>no Sup Forums lobby

C'mon guise.

make 1

865 hours reporting in.

It won't stop being fun.

>tfw 1.1k hours and still not grand champ

>GOTY only includes the first 3 DLCs

T-thanks psyonix.

First post worst post. Hoops is the best non-standard mode and Rumble gets old fast.

are you me?

>at mates place
>pretty pissed from shots
>raining so we dog the town
>mate tells me hes been playing this new fun game
>we start playing this game absolutely hammered
>so fucking fun
>mate scores a goal
>i start screaming
>he starts screaming
>run out onto the street and start chanting
>so pumped we go get pies from the store

thank you rocket league

grow a thinner skin

Is the only way to do aerial to turn off ball cam?.

Like thats the one thing preventing me to reach the next level.
I play defence and i can play goalie and long distance kicks and control the ball on the ground.
All i need is to improve my damn air game.

Right now i just turn on and off the cam like a fucking idiot.

I only do aerials with ball cam, it's a lot easier to steer into the ball when the camera is fixated to it. Just keep on trying senpai.

if you need a partner to win thats just means he is carrying you.

1v1 at least you know your skill level.

Most aerials you should do with ball cam. Practice it in easy and normal mode in training until you get at least 8/10, then go hard mode and get at least 5/10, then your aerial game is good

Despise all the hours I played the game I honestly still don't know when is the right moment to change the camera.
I'm not that great but I rarely miss the ball on aerial, I find help by double jumping before using the boost, but I don't know if it's just me or if it's really useful

>fuck up slightly
>enemy scores goal

It's just total shit. Even if I win it doesn't feel very rewarding. Plus it's way more fun and hectic in 2v2 or 3v3.

Yea but if the balls move into a different direction from where you are moving, ball cam doesnt let you calculate.

Ball cam only works for me when the ball moves directly above me or is in front on me.

Like the problem is trying to counter that one fucking guy that hits the ball while flying across the entire field.


Hard to explain, but you just need to get a feel it for it and develop spatial awareness. I exclusively use ball cam for everything, since I can gauge distances and ball movement fairly good and know where boost sports are located. AsI said, just keep at it.

One thing i want to know is are there cheaters in this game?

Like there was one dude being accused of cheating, but is it even possible?.(plus the guy accusing him was terribad)

Is not like FPS where you get aimbots and wallhacks.
Here all that matters is the tactics and hitting the ball on time

The only way to cheat would be to like get infinite boosts, but that shit is too obvious

I went fucking Rambo once and got 10 goals in a row on a 3v3 match. Final score was 10-0 and in that game I had some of the best saves I've ever gotten in the 125 hours I have on the game. I don't know how the fuck I managed it but it was great
I also had a match with such even teams that nobody scored a goal, for TWENTY SIX MINUTES. 5 minutes in the match, 21 in overtime, I ended up barely scoring.
Since I'm usually an all around aggressive player in most games I play (best defense is a good offense), this game is very satisfying since it really supports aggressive play. You can win by either being offensive or defensive, you can win playing the way you like. It's so satisfying getting a goal or blocking a shot, and some games can get quite intense when the ball just won't fucking go in. It's like, dare I say it on this board,super smash bros. It's fun no matter how good you are, and is easy to learn, hard to master
I've pretty much reached my skill ceiling, i dont usually play ranked unless I have friends online since i always get paired with the shittiest teammates and the other team is full of gods, but the game is so fucking fun especially with friends and/or good teams

I'm a bit salty because my rank got reset for some reason, I was rank 35 but now I'm rank 11

>Play Merc almost exclusively
>Unbox Breakout Type-S, so figure I'll switch things up and try it out

Holy fuck how did everything suddenly get so much easier? Was the Merc really that bad?

No breakout is just based as fuck

500 hours playtime here. I have only encountered one guy who seemed suspicious (constant boost without never picking a lot of them up) but no outright hacker.

Redpill me on car selection. I use Venom for no particular reason.

In my experience the only cars I'd consider horrible are the Merc, Backfire and Scarab. Everything else is useable.

>fun game is fun
water is wet

Are you guys good at wall shots? That's the only thing I really suck at

Rising star here, no

I suck ass at the simplest wall shots, somehow I always end up driving right next to it. Some part of coming from the ground to the wall fucks my brain and I miss almost every time.

>What a save!
>What a save!

Server: Sup Forums
Password: 1234

It's literally the worst car in the game.

Breakout is unique but in a good way. Enjoy them high speed power shots.

Sup hugo

Is all the same really.

Like theres probable an advantage to having a big car, (more volume, more hit chance). But that advantage is hardly big.

Go with your style.

My go-to game when I'm tripping balls with my friends

Everything but Scarab is okay. Honestly most pros are using Octane because that's what they're used to from their SARPBC days. Just pick whatever feels best for you.

I love rocket league and have about 200 hours on pc and 100 hours on ps4 but God do I suck
I get stuck in the same cycle every time
>challenger 3
>win a bunch of games
>get to challenger elite
>win a few games
>division 4 or 5
>start losing
>derank back to challenger 3


Stop playing after 2 losses in a row, alternatively play with friends who keep you from tilting

That's what I had to do to finally get to rising star

>Great pass!
>What a save!

>Great Pass!

>Nice shot!

Any of you guys have tips on air dribbling? I am sure I could get it going in a few hours of practice, but I have very little patience for free play. 500 hours in, fairly decent at mostly every other aspect of the game, but air dribbling seems like the skill ceiling

Make sure you're going the absolute same speed as the ball. After every hit, apply some more boost to stay level with the ball, but the first hit is really crucial. Right angle, right speed.

Yea, I have the concept down, problem is its very hard to practice while actually playing. Mechanically, controlling the tip of your car to touch the correct part of the ball is very difficult as well. I always fuck up rolling the right way and such

Yeah, I can rarely get it right either. I'm hoping the upcoming training update gives some good ways to practice. I never bothered installing the unofficial rl trainer.

Getting there, just freeplay practice


Why isnt there a chan group for rocket league? Is everybody just a hopeless shitter?

pretty much

I don't trust people that just shitpost about video games all day to be good at them

>normies games

>Liking things based off of their lack of popularity

>chan group for rocket league
>hopeless shitters
I think these two go hand in hand, and is why there isn't one.

Well go ahead and make one then.

Still waiting for an option to disable premades. Any time i get grouped with 2 normie fuckwads on the same team i either carry them or lose.

>both can't hit the ball
>at kickoff one goes for boost and the other is afk because it's ok since they're friends :))
>they don't defend
>they ballchase
>they score own goals because the thrill of hitting the ball is more important
>fucking tornados at team goal

Sure, this happens with randoms too, but in groups it's always this shit. This might be the only game where premades actually perform worse than random people.

as in any online game, pubs can and will ruin your day and tilt the ever loving fuck out of you.

You will regularly come across players who are master level (around 300 hours of play), in top gold divisions, and who are absolute DOGSHIT at positioning properly or aiming a shot. They will spend 90% of the game in the opponents half of the field and complain no one is guarding goal when the enemy team scores.

You will realize the only way to guarantee your goals safety and a decent win rate is to take it upon yourself to let the tunnel visioned retards chase the ball while you stick to a mostly defensive role, sometimes taking a potshot and immediately rotating back to your side.

If you EVER dare say anything about anyone, the ballhoggers will then comment on your score, which will regularly be lower as you are keeping the goals while they are missing dozens of shots.

There's already a competitive game type for non-premades you silly head

Hint: It's called solo standard and solo duel

fuck, i forgot

your team mates will regularly go and fetch boost on engage with ball cam off and let an easily preventable goal had they kept their position in

>Getting tilted in rumble

But those are standard play. Rumble is more fun.

I generally dont give a fuck, but it's possible when the shitters start blaming you for losing. That really strikes a nerve.

What was your rank prior to the free rank up change? As long as we have rising star and above people making a group sounds fun

>teammate calls you shit
>"u suk"


get some friends and play with them.

I don't do friends.

Why? What's the matter?

post webums

I've bought Rocket League 3 times. Got two copies for my friends, but they both play for two matches then leave. Why can't people just get good?

Grand Champion 1v1 here, Rumble is shit and Hoops is life.


this man speaks the truth