ITT Underrated games

ITT Underrated games

It's edgy serious sam, big whoop.

Except much faster and with tons more enemy variety.

>with tons more enemy variety

Visually yes
Gameplay-wise there are like 3 enemy types at most - charging melee, ranged projectile and special enemies that rarely appear for more than one level

GOAT weapon


apparently most of the pro quake/pro duel players hated Painkiller but as a spectator I loved it. Fast-paced gameplay with interesting unique movement (similar to CPMA but with with more momentum and less vertical/high jumps) and that sick high risk-high reward projectile gun

I would argue that pic related is the only weak weapon in the entire roster. Everything else, inlcuding the Painkiller itself, was great.

Tbqh there's a little more variety in them. There are smaller faster enemies, there are enemies with some gimmicks, there are "shoot then charge" kleer-esque ones but the main problem with Painkiller is lack of any complex enemy patterns and weapon balancing.
Pretty much every single enemy just charges at you in a straight line and weapons have zero depth besides gimmicks. You can probably beat the whole game by using shotgun and occasional stake gun alone which is a no-no in a good classic FPS. Saying Painkiller is any deep or varied or skill-based is a red flag for someone who doesn't know shit about FPS games (I mean, it does take skill but comparatively little of it). It's like a shooter made by aliens. It's also really annoying when people say D44M is a Painkiller clone because D44M actually has some fucking semblance of balance and good arena design put into it.
It's also interesting how Flying Wild Hog which is supposed to be largely comprised of ex-Painkiller devs cannot make a proper shooter without relying on gimmicks to save their life now. Hard Reset actually does have some interesting meta with weapon juggling and shutting enemies off and I do like Extended Edition but Shadow Warrior and especially SW2 are basically gimmicks galore masquerading as a classic FPS.
So yeah, Painkiller is overrated, if anything.


I'd purposefully lure enemies near walls just to stick 'em to it, legs shots are also fun as hell.

I agree with most of what you said

I think the weapons are fine (save for the electrodriver, which sucks ass) but enemies need more weaknesses.

For example the shield guys and the butchers are a lot easier to take down with the shotgun's freeze ray. That's cool but they're too few and far inbetween.

It's a shame because Painkiller could have easily been improved with a sequel but they just kept making it worse and worse.

Lights out motherfucker.

The weapons are fine in the sense that they're all efficient but there's little reason to actually use them all besides your personal preferences. It makes the gameplay very monotonous as a result.

As much as I loved Bernd. I don't remember this scene at release. Was there a patch or something?

> but they just kept making it worse and worse.
Other Painkiller games (apart the Battle out of Hell expansion) were not made by the same team if I remember correctly.

I remember the voice acting being good but I can barely remember the gameplay other than it being a generic fps.

Yeah but still, no one made a good one either (unless you count Hell and Damnation but that's basically the original Painkiller with fancier graphics)


What's the point of the Electrodriver then? It's just a shittier minigun with an alternate fire that chews through ammo so quick it's almost useless.


From Dust


It wasnt even weak, the lightning shuriken alt fire was strong as fuck.


I don't know man, Painkiller didn't give much trouble but Serious Sam kicked my ass several times.

Goddamn cock-breath commie motherfuckers!

>Mfw he came out of the coffin with that gun

Yeah Serious Sam is a way harder and more intense game it's not even close




It's was never underrated but beated to death with poitless expansions to obscurity of something like that. They should have made propper game after Battle Out of Hell (It was good expansion and Overdose was just okay but too late) Hell & Damnation was okay too, but never jumps higher than that because of most of game is remakes of old leves and story is like "i gonna fuck you up again Daniel @ lol it's only beginning there is greater threat"

>plagiarism: the game
no thanks.



hes probably talking about civ 5


Shit I haven't played Painkiller in years, and I now have a 144hz monitor so I can see what it's like at 144fps. I think I'm gonna reinstall.





Chapter 2 never, please MXTHE if you're reading this. Which you probably aren't don't tranfer everything you've to Unreal. We've alrrady waited for years, we waited through your shitty open world surrvival game. We waited for you to work on Insurgency. And now we may have to wait for you to make an entire engine shift.

>wait around for souls to fucking appeal, the game

fuck it

whos idea was it to make the game into a wait/collect fest



Is the remake/remaster for Painkiller any good? I quite enjoyed the original.


And content locked behind DLC.

I want a new GOOD Painkiller goddamnit.
HD remake is a good base to work with, they should contract The Farm 51 to make a new game.

Adrian Chmielarz (of People Can Fly fame) said that they're working on some new FPS, but I don't even know if his new studio even could get the rights for the series.

THQNordic bought the rights from Dreamcatcher when they together with JoWood went the way of the dodo. And they seem to have a knack with supporting Polish devs, so I can only hope that they are in charge of a new Painkiller.

I agree with you, though you must consider the following: Painkiller is extremely satisfying on a very primitive level. The graphics were great for the time, art direction still holds, it's mindless fun to shoot at charging zombies and see them dismember with black blood gushing from every limb, or sticking them to the walls, or shredding them with painkiller. It's not a series of measured "oh shit how do I survive that" encounters like Serious Sam on Serious, it's not playing against the level like Doom, but it has a merit.

>furry killer the shooter


It's a pretty good port to the Unreal Engine, although co-op is jaggy as fuck and most of the original levels are hidden behind DLC paywall. It's currently 14€ on steam for everything, if you're OK with supporting such bullshit DLC policies.