Ok Sup Forums this is a hard one.
I need games that have an emotionless atmosphere. Games that are brutally cold, with no moral or feelings whatsoever.
Here's my list:
- Postal 2
- Tetris
- Portal 1
Ok Sup Forums this is a hard one.
I need games that have an emotionless atmosphere. Games that are brutally cold, with no moral or feelings whatsoever.
Here's my list:
- Postal 2
- Tetris
- Portal 1
The tommorrow children but it's on ps4 user :(
I don't know what you're after honestly but
- Beyond a Steel Sky
because it's a classic
Games don't have innate emotions retard
You're just projecting whatever you're feeling to the game
Wrong. They are games that are entirely based on melodrama (any MGS game for example)
but melodrama is not an emotion?
OFF, especially when you 'purify' the zones
"X Simulator" games.
You fucking autist. What I'm saying is that most games are made to make you feel, especially sadness, guilt, remorse, empathy, etc.
Which is the case for the MGS series but not Postal for example. How hard is it for you to understand this?
>This... is my curse
>a hard one
Nigga literally any arcade game fits.
Yeah and any "simulation" games, but this is too easy.
>Postal 2
nigga it's high octane ultraviolence where everything is driven by the protag's exaggerated emotions
>it's a game recommendation thread
>people post obscure game name acronyms
grats you baited me
w-wait, the game's actually called OFF? pls don't bully
it's not an acronym. the game is named [OFF] and was made by Mortis Ghost
Anime games don't count. This thread is for adults only
The Witness
fuck I got reverse baited
But yes, I heard it was pretty good.
I fucking hate neo-Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is this fucking new and pathetic
I'm so glad I barely come here anymore
Overwatch is souless trash, just as CSGO, both games are for people who may as well be dead inside, but they are multiplayer so is probably not what you are asking for.
Even if you go pacifist the game still full of silly things as well.
Good suggestion