CS:GO requires the most skill out of any shooter of all time

Prove me wrong, I'll wait

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Only skill required is teamwork and good reaction time.

>no ADS

>ignores hardest to control aiming in any video game ever to exist

>ignores studying of spray patterns, map positions, grenade skills and positioning

What do you mean by positioning?

Those are the most important skills. And reaction time mattters much less than your aiming skill.

In games like call doot and battlefield you can just run around and wander aimlessly without worrying about jack shit other than your jetpack running out. In CS you have to check every corner and play with the most tactical vision and movement possible. You can't just run down the middle of a map all free willy and expect to win

>ignores hardest to control aiming in any video game ever to exist
>Implying this is a good thing

>ignores studying of spray patterns, map positions, grenade skills and positioning
>Implying this is the only game you need to do this in

I like counter strike but don't be a fgt

does CS have leaning?


ye nigga i sip that purp err day nigga jhu herd

Fuck your stupid ass leaning, it doesn't make your shitty LGBT Siege any better

What about ARMA III tho?

but how do you position yourself if you cant see around corners?

>>Implying this is a good thing
It happens because the game has recoil to the guns and the smallest hitboxes compared to other shooters.

That's not a bad thing at all.

Neither can you in CoD

a simple pop flash and some good fuckin movement i reckon

>dude, just shoot down the hall with an AWP the RNG will do the rest
Don't forget to buy sprays

go prone

It's a bad thing if you're shit like me

You can if you can shoot people fast enough and are not playing a 50-man server. That sort of basic reaction speed is requirement for CS.

csgo with its retarded ONE SKIN IS FOURTHOUSAND DOLLARS LOL BUY KEYS AND SHIT is what caused every shooter to be filled with microtransaction shit

RNG isn't a skill.

>In CS you have to check every corner and play with the most tactical vision and movement possible. You can't just run down the middle of a map all free willy and expect to win

Its basically R6 but with RNG gunfights

The spinfusor is the most skill-based weapon in any first person shooter.

Lol nah, reaction speed is a basic stuff in every shooter

No, TF2 is what caused every shooter to be microtransaction shit.

csgo is a casual version of 1.6
movement sucks
graphics suck
map changes suck
recoil also sucks
hitreg is atrocious

Only kids like this version of CS because they've never seen anything better.

Hahaha, don't make me laugh
R6 will forever be a casual CSGO knockoff with TF2 aspects and some corny camera gameplay.
Cut it out already LGBT 6

That would be TF2, the game Sup Forums loves to 'muh skill' jerk off to.


I fucking love games where my bullets differ from where I am actually aiming. Seriously though, I shouldn't have to learn how a weapon sprays bullets if I want to even stand a chance.

Game isn't fun so who cares

This has nothing to do with the gameplay faggot

shit CoD knockoff


Try to hit someone running at 400 meters in arma 3 (arma 3 is stupidly hard, arma 2 was the best) and you will see which shooter needs the most skill

it's 10% luck, 20% skill


No problem.

>aim at the fucking floor to get headshots

Tell me to my face that's good design.

You don't really have to unless you play the game like it's Quake or want to go pro.

90% of the success in CS is down the knowing the map and what the other team is doing. Positioning is everything.

Yeah but at least it's got 15% concentrated power of will

70% concentrated shit talking on voice chat

>muh full auto fire!

CSGO best game EU

>minimal hud, no radar, no bullet counter, no crosshair
>faster TTK

>cod knockoff

I've played it for like 5 minutes because it appeared in my list one day and it's boring as shit lol.

If i wanted to autism out and worry about bullet sprays I'd play no other game ever, because other games realize that's spergy as fuck.

tapping does not work either

does now
spraying hasn't been the meta for a while now

>Removed jump scouting
>Automatic fire nerfed because of "muh one dabs"
>still no 128 tickrate ranked servers
>game is so full of cheaters that you can even find them in the pro scene
Don't get me wrong, I once had faith in this game but Valve hasn't done anything but fuck it over with shitty cases and paid sprays. Only thing I miss is the community made maps and gamemodes.

>Automatic fire nerfed
you can't make this shit up

do people that plays counter strike actually thinks a gun behaves like that? because the spray patterns are awful, you are firing a guy 30 meters away at most during a normal battle

Wait until they fix hitboxes, then this game will be


PC shooters are too easy, all you need to do is point and shoot, you can never miss. It's honestly quite boring for me.

team based game = casual shit

It's not, that's why we stopped playing source.




you still can't do this. Even with bots.

No, but if a video game sacrifices realism for depth, that's a good thing.

Would you prefer 1.6's style of no sprays and only pure RNG?

>good gunplay
Apex bait.
Shooting is the worst and lest skill requiring aspect of Siege.

1.6 allows cts to push that far in before the first contact?

Wow that's atrocious

Good. This should never be a headshot.

>good gunplay

neither, i just want a gun i can aim properly

Wasn't there a change in the innacuracy variable that made it higher with longer burst so that taps and 3 round burst were precise as fuck while people who actually took time to learn the patterns were fucked? I remember seeing a beautiful graph by Valve at the newsboard in the main menu, just like they did with their scout "fix".

Practice and you can. 3 round bursts with AK, 4-5 rounds at close range.

What is it about CS that makes people hate it so so much?

It's far from a perfect game, but it's still one of the few decent multiplayer shooters we have and I don't see why anyone would hate it so fervently when much more awful games exist.

>random spray patern
every time

CSGO shitters re the worst, if you want a shooter that actually rewards skill go play Titanfall 2, not even kidding, you go fast and your guns have little spread, if you stay stationary, you die, preiod, its either you go fast and aim well or you get stomped mercylessly.

Do you retards actually think aiming in CS is hard? Pathetic

t. global elite veteran of 10 years

>people who actually took time to learn the patterns were fucked?
No, since spread has always been there anyways and that gets higher the longer you fire.
What was done is the recovery from recoil which was way too long before even if you only fired a round or two.
Basically tapping and bursting was buffed hard, especially tapping, you can now fire about 3 rounds a second accurately with the rifles.

Oh yeah,so instead of ending the spray on the ground your crosshair ends up between his damn knees. That's so much better.

>What is it about CS that makes people hate it so so much?

It's not as straight forward as some other shooters and that makes it more frustrating as a result.

I asked for skill not ADHD, faggot

Too bad every faggot uses the falcon.

Different games, stop bring so salty that OP didnt buy csgo in the other thread.

it's just point and click. that's not skill

Requires a lot more skill than your CoDs and BFs, but it's no where near a twitch shooter level.

i know i can, i've sunk a lot of time playing counter strike 1.6, i could understand if it was recoil, or if it was at distance, a weapon shouldn't lose its precision that close, might as well use a shotgun

deagle needs a buff anyway

>bullets don't go where your crosshair is

Basically a buff made for ScreaM. Did they also remove the first shot innaccuracy?

You can predict where each bullet in the spray will hit. Just because you have ADHD and don't want to learn it, doesn't mean the game doesn't require skill.

because they played for 30 minutes and got absolutely fucking squashed

On top of that the lower matchmakig ranks are filled to the brim with cheaters Yes, smurfing is a form of cheating. so unlesss you get a jumpstart it never gets any better

How many times have you fired an AK?
Even if your first shot is usually on the crosshair you have a fat chance of the rest of your burst going precisely where you want it to.
You can anticipate recoil to reduce it but not eliminate it just like you can control the recoil pattern to reduce the recoil but not eliminate it because spread is there and your control is not perfect.

>what the fuck is a recoil pattern
you're totally right dude, tru skill is point n shooty :3

>Did they also remove the first shot innaccuracy?
The only time they've tried this was in CS:GO beta where AK absolutely dominated for being such a lazer gun.
I don't get why people consider this to be a problem though, it's already lower in CS:GO than it was in 1.6. You don't need to crouch to hit faraway targets for example.

>my game is so 1337 that the crosshair doesn't even tell you where to aim, only from spending many in game hours learning where bullets actually go is how you get good

Artificial Difficulty right there, faggot.

>I have to learn how to move forward
>WASD keys are the movement keys

Fuck off

It's not. Shooting and movement feels sluggish in CSGO compared to 1.6.

It's just not as crisp, hard to describe.

Artificial difficulty describes losing for something you cannot predict or learn to understand.

Literally the exact fucking opposite of learning a weapons spray pattern and practicing to control it.

People still plays CShit GO? For what purpose? It's not a fun game and you will never be famous on internet for playing, you will never become someone for playing it, stop trying and find better games to put time on.

As a someone who plays CS:GO actively, I agree. The game should be far more clear about its mechanics to the player.
The mechanics are still good, however.

>casual match of csgo
>Ill rush B
>If hes not in this corner than hes in this corner!
>Hes in the first one
>Plant bomb and defend

>Casual match of siege
>2 in objective, atleast 2 roaming, they have mute and kapkan, dont know the last guy
>Team enters on top floor as you try to make a hole in objective wall to support them
>They get flanked by roaming bandit
>1min left, 1v4
>Bandit is rushing outside, wait and take him out when he rushes again.
>Rappel upside down and take one out in objective window
>Heart rate rises
>Garage entrance chance run i to doc and amazed he didnt kill you
>Low health 1v1
>Rook is in objective and you use your drone to pin point him.
>Enter objective with 5 seconds remaining.
> Both of you jump out of cover and spray like madmen
>Get the 4v1 clutch
>Next 3 rounds get stomped from over confidence

It requires more effort. Movement in 1.6 was very easy which is not a good thing.

>you can only get better from spending a lot of time on it!
Yes, that's what skill means
Now stop falseflagging

the recoil is so embarrassingly bad it makes the guns feel like toys which is fucking funny because valve keeps making skins for guns

as i said, i know i can, just because the ak is more precise than the rest of the weapons doesn't mean its good

More like "responsive", not "easy".

Still better than source where jumping means your shoe soles melt and glue you to the floor

It was easy as fuck for me as a CS:GO player.

>Prove me wrong
Done. Next question!