Leave Ultimecia to me
Leave Ultimecia to me
Did Zarya start looking after herself?
Well Duel can pretty much one-shot her, so yeah.
I think you could potentially one-shot Omega Weapon with it, shit is broken.
Zeru-ya hm I think you're onto something
That's a chicken wuss if I've ever seen one.
it was me, dio
Strongest limit break in the game
>inb4 the end
Shit's broken, as long you'd memorized, fucking Final Heaven for disc 1.
Oh shit. I used to think this looked amazing.
the strongest move is just spamming his normal one though
Just repeat the sequence
Perfect FF ship ever!!!!
The End isn't even possible for like 40 of Selphie's levels or some bullshit, anyway. Her Limit Break RNG was fucking weird.
Leave Exdeath to me.
Well, it DID look amazing for it's time, i.e. almost 20 years ago. It's not like it looks that bad even now.
So this is the power of PS1....woah..
Come on, that did look good at the time. It was like the first FF game where the non-battle character models had relatively realistic body proportions and features.
Sad to see that FFXV looks about the same.
Worse really, that background is art.
>almost 20 years ago
time to cry at my wasted life.
Um... Punch Rush/Booya over and over and fucking over forever is the way to go.
>Celes was in an extremely self-destructive state of mind at the time
>She didn't kill them both and move the statues herself
Was Final Fantasy VIII the most stupidly over-designed in the series?
I'm a style over realism guy so it just made everything more absurd
Leave me.
It's all about working around the hardware limitations
too soon
Holy shit that actually looks pretty spot on
still looks better than XV desu
the hottest uke ever created.
Fight me faggots
You guys are alright, don't go to 7th Heaven tomorrow.
>>ara ara... I'm just an old sorceress~
yeah the CGI cutscenes blew my mind when I first played FF8 around its release
looking back at it now, it's much less impressive
About the same.