>lan coming up
>all is going good
>plan things for a week
>now shitter kiddo friend who isn't even going to bring pc wants to bring random girls to lan
What the fuck is wrong with this fool?
Lan coming up
Who's Ian?
Good thread.
>brings girls
He's not your friend. He's going to use you to make him look better. He'll laugh at your expense, and the girls will find it hilarious. They *might* take pity on you and you could get a sympathy hand job in the toilet if you're lucky, but chances are they're going to leave after half an hour to have an orgy while you sit alone at home cradling a bottle of bleach while thinking, "soon... soon...".
Source: I have a pet turtle
OP deserves this hard lesson desu. Let him burn.
You know what you must do
Maybe he will bring hookers.
I can't help but feel sorry for them. I'm an adult and I know exactly what happens when girls are invited to LANs. Let's just say it involves bears.
its funny because the letter "l" its confused with the letter "I" on caps!
>OP deserves this hard lesson
OOweee I dunno if OP is the one that needs to learn dat hard less. Maybe someone that goes to a room full of horned up young men for an evening is the one that needs some teachin
LAN is an acronym. lan is nothing.
So OP?
believe it or not I told him to fuck off, we are old friends so this is possible
I have learned the hard lesson too many times, time to not get burned for once, being awkward on our friend chat for about an hour was worth not getting some stupid girls to ruin lan party
sorry for not being autistic enough for your tastes, I will not make this mistake in the future
he dared to even get lightly mad that I said girls are only good for sex
If you went that far you fucked up.
Tell him it's not really appropriate for a LAN party.
fucked up how? everyone knows i'm autistic manchild and they go even as far as think i hate women or the normie friends think that, why would I give a fuck what those squares think?
he wouldn't listen to that at all, you have to be strict af with normies if you want your way
If you want to have friends you care.