Why do you play games on easy user?
Why do you play games on easy user?
Because I just want to see the story and don't care for arbitrary skill challenges
because I'm a puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyy
because it's faster and I'm trying to get a good time
I used to do that back when I thought games are fun
>people are actually playing on easy where you cant enjoy the gameplay
In this moment im euphoric, i realized that this kind of scrubs cry on the witchers combat system
Wrong medium
>not having a base level of interest in every medium
Are there any games lately that aren't easy?
Because I started on normal/hard and having regular minions taking 20 minutes to kill because the only change in difficulty is health is nor fun nor skilled
I normally don't but i am for my first Persona game, 4, because i suck at RPGs and i knew i made the right choice because i atill don't really get what the fuck is going on with my personas and im currently at level 25 and the extra shadow boss in sauna is reking my shit currently. I really want to be able to finish this game anons. ;_;
If the game is open world I play on easy of possible. Only thing I care about in open world games is exploration and world building. Don't want some bullshit battle mechanics to get in the way, specially since open world games tend to have shit combat anyway, for whatever reason.
Other games play on normal, and harder settings on replay.
When I game I like to take it easy and enjoy the story and graphics.
>decide to play Baldur's Gate
>pick Normal difficulty
>use the max stat rolls cheat
>still get my ass kicked
> lelele i plai gaymes on le hardest le difficulty le because le im le HARDCORE le gaymur le XDDDD
Modded Skyrim
Cause I'm lazy fuck.
Cuz I play games to enjoy the story, not to beat my head against a boss who's only difference between normal and hardcore is the fact that his HP is tripled and he does twice as much damage.
no. because easy has no amazing feature.
>Wrong medium
But he said he plays on easy
I don't I play on normal and if the game actually changes on higher difficulty (other attack patterns NPCs more aggressive, not just more hp more dmg) then I play on hard
This. I play all MGS and Persona games on easy. Catherine as well.
i am 12.
>he doesn't want to have fun
I don't. I play them on Normal for a first playthrough and then higher difficulties if the default is too easy or I'm playing it again.
The only variation from this was because of REmakes stupid fucking difficulty quiz.
>Thought the choices represented Easy, Normal, Hard.
>Chose the middle one because that's clearly Normal and the default setting.
>The choices were actually Very Easy, Easy and Normal.
>I didn't find out until I finished the game.
Fucking Capcom.
Your right, but it goes to ahow how many anons came to the party late on Remake as we all knew back in the day a hard mode would not be unlocked until after a mountain climbing playthrough.
Its kind of sad... Capacom wanted to test the waters with re releasing REmake, but they litirally could not trust current gen anons to be able to play the game we did in 2002. They felt they had to put in the DMC style movement controls and game breaking super easy mode.
Just remeber that anons. We have gotten to such a state that capcom were certain most of us would not make it this time...
>Pick a fighter
>Get to friendly arm inn
>get Horror'd every time
>Die to stupid fucking mage
>enemies get more health on higher difficulties
>turn 360 degrees and walk back to onormal difficulty
I refuse to play a game on a harder difficulty that does this.
Fucking this