Can't even access my fucking inventory.
Can't even access my fucking inventory.
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inb4 paid SE shills come in and rabidly defends always online
Holy fuck, I am really looking forward to getting it when physical gets released, but this is terrifying.
Is there no way to bypass this?
serves you right for getting a pirated copy kiddo
the irony is if/when this gets pirated, the pirated copies wouldn't be affected by this bullshit.
>buying game, knowing that it has always-online-shit
>shitpost on a cambodian ricecooker-forum about always-online biting you in the ass
fuck off.
It has denuvo you stupid fuck. The only way you can avoid paying is buying the intro pack and pirating the DLC and even then online works.
>literally every 2nd game in the future will be always online denuvo cuck tier shit
>denuvo closes their servers
literally why
and what happens a few years in the future when they don't want to pay for these servers
>Is there no way to bypass this?
Yeah, don't buy it.
> always online
When did videogames get so cancerous?
they patch it to make it not always online
are you retarded?
When they become very profitable
why should this be necessary
why make it always online in the first place
name 1 (one) example of when that actually happened.
your fault for buying this.
tell me more games who has done this.
>smug anime faces
enough said.
They are, you can't unlock any items or get in your inventory
Technically - INSIDE
But it is a bad example because it never had any online content of functionality.
IIRC HITMAN world is online, server-side?
People actually like the Hitman games? They've always looked terrible.
Fucking Battleborn does this too. Can't even look at what augs I got if the connection has even the slightest hiccup. Have to close the game and restart it. I didn't even want to play MP.
I got it from the Humble Bundle and gave all the money to Humble and charity.
Your a fucking console peasant, you PAY for online dipshit
Why the fuck does it matter?
When Microsoft made a console
True, though it wasn't at the end of their support, they just did it because the sales were shit and they wanted to milk the gamers with selling them DLC-crap.
I'm having a good time
>Nobody bothers to answer this
What a surprise.
>Ubishit and JewA doing user-friendly and good things
I'm shocked, literally SHOCKED.
Why did this game have to be always online?
This is partially true. Before Microsoft threw their hat in the ring and stole Halo from the PC before cutting it down so it would run on the X-Box things were simpler.
PC was for hardcore gaming since it had the power and devs would keep pushing technology as far as they could. Nintendo and Sony had their consoles which had games but rarely caused issues with each other or the PC since hardware, controls, and simple licensing was so different.
As much as we might have shit talked each other back then it wasn't the cut throat competition that has been cultivated now.
Anyone else going suit only and feeling like James Bond?
Square Enix, that's why. Literally nothing more than that.
I got this game for 15 bucks
I literally don't care if its always online
I mean I'm not really defending it I guess, but how I see it is I want to play this game, I'm not a third worlder who doesn't have shitty internet, simple as that
then use CreamAPI to unlock all future Seasons for free.
Why wouldn't they just do it on every game they put on PC then?
Good cuck. Just wait when their servers have a problem and you cannot connect.
Probably cost
Probably want to see how much bullshit the standard gamer is ready to eat.
Because it gets special missions/challenges and all that jazz weekly I believe. Has leaderboards, among other things that use the online feature.
It could have done without it, sure. It adds more with it.
If it was offline, and they still wanted to do what they wanted to do, they'd have to patch it every single time they want to do something. Could have it activated by dates and such, but then you have the whole people setting dates on their computer to get the challenges and such.
They didn't patch it after.
They patched because the reception was so unbelievably and outrageously bad that even fucking amazon pulled the digital releases from their store because they were terrified of it poisoning the well when it came to the other digital sales.
They did that because it was a way to salvage that clusterfuck and they realized that the totally unneeded anti piracy measure hurt the sales and worse the IP far more then it being pirated.
Simcity STILL can't sell shit even today.
99% of all always online AAA games have been getting piss poor to horrilble sales and it's only trending downwards.
>Final Fantasy XIV will be a paperweight in the future
>Destiny will be a paperweight in the future
>Splatoon will be a paperweight in the future
>Star Wars Battlefront will be a paperweight in the future
>Overwatch will be a paperweight in the future
Always-Online games were a mistake
>hasn't been cracked yet
>"they are"
How the fuck would you know you cuck, it hasn't been cracked yet.
Two things.
Fucking Halo was a goddamned strategy title. Bungie ripped off golden eye completely and shoved in military industrial complex stuff along with the best parts of aliens, the thing, and soldier to make the halo that we all know.
Lastly, consumer attainable PCs were functionally inferior too every single console upon release. This trend has continued from the brown box all the way until this embarassing clusterfuck of a gen.
None of those games are worth playing now, let alone in the future
>Star Wars Battlefront will be a paperweight in the future
>in the future
m8 try now
>MMOs being dead is the same as a single-player game with always-online being dead
What are you smoking, and can I have some?
Halo was going to be strategy? What the fuck?
Can you play offline at all?
>doing one of the vampire challenges
>forget to activate fireworks before the kill
Look up the history of halo
And show me one single budget friendly consumer attainable pc that was in all ways superior to consoles upon release.
Just fucking one.
The fucking NES blew EVERYTHING out of the water when it came to games. The only thing it lacked was storage.
it's always online
once the connection to the servers drop you cant play anymore
>Steam-page doesn't even mention the always-online requirement
Well fuck this. I was thinking of buying this once it's all released.
Oh yeah, I remember that. I also remember when they said they couldn't just flip a switch and turn off always-online.
Fucking jews, I swear to god.
Do it nigg
Yeah but not with your account. Just a blank game. None of your unlocks and no challenges/missions to complete.
So Halo supposedly being a strategy title in what way affected the fact that Microsoft bought it up and made it console exclusive to the detriment of PCs and gaming technology in general?
As for consumer attainable hardware, did you not step foot in any electronics store during that time? Do you not remember the wide wide range of 3D graphics cards on offer?
You haven't actually addressed or refuted any of the original points that were made. But we get it, you owned an X-Box.
Not him but unless by consumer attainable you mean prebuilt, there were plenty of self built PCs that already beat out PS3 or PS4, etc when they came out. Earlier on of course is a different story.
it is all released. It was on sale for $15 on gamestop, code not physical.
actually you still can
What kind of unlocks do you get? A sandbox wih just you and the AI doesn't sound so bad desu
>having shit internet
your fucking fault man, this isnt 30 years ago anymore... what the fuck are you still doing with terrible internet?
I'm not gonna if it's always online.
>always online is cancer
>i'm going to buy the game which will cause SE to make another season and possibly make more always online games
Different suits, starting locations, sniper rifles. The annoying part is no challenges. There are only six maps and walking around without any tasks to complete can get pretty boring.
Can we all list the online-only games that are useless now since the servers dropped?
I'll start.
Did you even look at the pic? The servers are down, it's like this for everyone.
So the objectives of the game are locked behind DRM? Yup, it's settled then, gonna reinstall Blood Money. Fuck this.
It's weak bait. Don't bite.
At least it's not like the servers just dropped, it's announced maintenance. And it's probably during the time the least people would be playing.
Still shitty though.
>As much as we might have shit talked each other back then it wasn't the cut throat competition that has been cultivated now.
...did you somehow miss Sega vs. Nintendo?
The objectives of the game are to kill certain people though, you can still do that.
>So the objectives of the game are locked behind DRM?
No, the 'achievements' you get for killing them in certain ways.
Oh ok, well that's not so bad. I can keep track of what I did or didn't do.
consumer attainable just simply means its sold in a retail store dipshit, nobody made claim that it was cheaper than PC, simply that PC was for hardcore (i.e not nintendo or sony's audience, people who weren't white trash)
No. But you didn't have the sort of crossover that you do now. They each owned their IPs.
Then it because "No that game is better on X system not Y system faggot!".
Do you not have internet or something?
He meant that Halo was released as a very specific game, with very specific (and fairly universal themes), to maximize its chances of being a successful bombshell. If it were a dudebro shooter with a Sturm und Drang Germany setting about the philosophical nature of emotion between two lesbians, believe me, it wouldn't have sold.
Going for ayylmaos and easy-to-reach scifi was tactically a smart decision to attach dudebros to the new console, and it worked.
But I agree with that MS is part of the reason why console gaming sucks dick now. Not even a weeaboo because I primarily play PC games.
I do. Pertty decent too, but I won't buy a game that will become fucking useless once the servers go down.
>he thinks progress in a video game is tantamount to investment in a future
And the worst part is that all of you faggots are guilty of this.
Always online DRM is cancer for two reasons. One: your service is affected by network conditions and two: it makes piracy more difficult. Both of these conditions generally only affect people living in the third world, below the poverty line, or with their mom.
Well-adjusted people don't care that the game they bought today might be unplayable in 3-5 years due to predatory DRM, because in that length of time they might be married, have kids, have new interests, be living elsewhere, have a successful career, and so on... these are things that warrant a five year plan.
If the main concern you have when mentally projecting your life situation 5 years into the future is 'can I still play HITMAN[tm]?' then it's time for some serious re-evaluation of your personal priorities.
Servers are down for maintenance because there's a patch. It's not a common occurrence.
In my 60+ hours in the game, it's only been maintenance that it does down for.
I still watch the old tech demo reel sometimes. It was just so perfect.
>, because in that length of time they might be married, have kids, have new interests, be living elsewhere, have a successful career, and so on... these are things that warrant a five year plan.
>Telling this to Sup Forums of all places
You are fucking stoned out of your goddamned mind if you think the piece of shit bungie was shitting onto a plate was ever going to be anything but a fart in the wind on the console.
Ripping off golden eye 64 and making it into the halo we all know was the best thing they ever did.
Lastly, I do, it's just that pcs were titanic clusterfucks back then. Yes you could have all of the graphics cards you want, but the ones you could get that could produce as well as the consoles were functionally inferior to the consoles at the time. Even worse, the games were comparitively shite. There was like...quake and a dozen variations of fucking arena shooters and the horrible top down isometric rpgs of ye ole ancient days?
Because fuck being able to play any game older than 5 years, right? Holy fuck just listen to yourself and jump off of a bridge if that still sounds okay to you.
>If the main concern you have when mentally projecting your life situation 5 years into the future is 'can I still play HITMAN[tm]?' then it's time for some serious re-evaluation of your personal priorities.
For how long does it go down? Will we be getting a new ET?
>Always online DRM is cancer for two reasons.
>it makes piracy more difficult.
>Both of these conditions generally only affect people living in the third world, below the poverty line, or with their mom.
No, that actually affects everyone invisibly in the background. Studios that don't sell enough copies of their game (especially small and medium size studios that self-publish) will find themselves going out of business. A game could be the best in the world but if everyone in its audience pirates it, the devs won't be able to buy bread, then they stop making games because it's not worth it. That affects the whole set of people who like their games.
Too bad this is an area that's very difficult to prove with data (despite what retards like Ubisoft say about losing 90% of their sales or whatever to piracy, I forget the claim) but it's still logically sound. The reason why the market has moved to casual bait is because intelligent people (people who play strategy games, arena shooters, tactics games, whatever) know how to pirate, and the end result of that is the intelligent people aren't catered for in the market.
>because in that length of time they might be married, have kids, have new interests, be living elsewhere, have a successful career, and so on.
sounds like the target audience for all these shitty """"remasters"""" as of late.
I still have no fucking idea what you are on about mate.
Seems like it will be down for another 2 and a half hours. Nothing known about the update contents.
PC was hardcore?
Now I fucking KNOW you're just some faggot.
PC wasn't hardcore. It was for surburbanite and city bound loser faggots. Consoles were adn are still(too a far FAR lesser extent) quite litterally for the average person and chads.
What? The fucking lan parties?
The fucking MMORPG meetups for everquest?
The fuckin CSGO matches that sometimes ended in somone getting killed for cheating?
Is that it?
The hardcore shit that was done on pc was not fucking gaming little buddy.
Let's get that shit straight right now.
Colorado is the hardest SASO, while Hokkaido is the easiest. Anyone else agree?
>Consoles were pushing hardware
>Not PCs and the devs with their ever increasing system requirements
Yeah. Ok.