>launch week sales of Infinite Warfare were said to be down by nearly 50% on Black Ops III

>dedicated salute button in MP


on a very related note, anyone wants to play with me? I have the microsoft store version and playing zombie mode with bots is getting boring.

About God damn mother fucking time. Death to CoD when.


>tfw getting fucking stomped and steamrolled after a 14 game win streak

The campaign was actually really good

>he didnt refund

switch to titanfall 2 and save a good game

yeah, i think paying respects to titanfall is more appropriate, at least iw sold something



and a ching chong to you my friend


Titanfall 2's actually had a substantial increase in players the last few days, and even the PC version has at least double/triple the players that IW has on Steam playing at any given time.

IW's campaign is better than TF2's

>CoD actually looks interesting for once
>sells worse

CoD fans are cancer

The Black Ops games always sell way better than the other titles though. Treyarch does good work.

Are any game actually breaking expectations? I believe that Mafia 3 sold alright but are there any other recent big releases that sold well?

Holy shit this is pretty fucking bad for cod isnt it? If cod isnt doing well of all things that means the rest of the industry must be getting fucked hard. How much have previous cods sold in the first week for refernece?

why cant they just sell MWR on its own

I would buy MWR for the nostalgia, since it was pretty much my first ~modern~ shooter

Everything seems to be relatively failing, I hope this means more original IPs in the future

It's sad, really. This was a really good fucking game.

wait you could refund it?

Battlefield 1

>CoD fans are cancer
I don't think actual fans exist anymore. I stopped supporting this shit after MW3. Activision gives no fucks about the fans, its all about the mainstream audience now. Been asking for dedicated servers for years and more gun balance but that's never going to happen. It's always going to be their weird ass hybrid p2p servers along with only 3 out of 19 guns being useful.


I thought so, considering it's on sale on steam and it's been out for less than a month.

usually, they go maximum jew and keep these games at $60 for years on end.

>blaming the fans when the company milked them first

That's not saying much, TF2 player count was already very low, so even after doubling or tripling it, it's still low, higher than IW sure, but way lower than BF1, or even BF4 for that matter.

Keep practicing.
The day will come when you can play Japanese games with no shit localization or pointless censorship. Not to mention the hundreds of VNs that get released every year.

>CoD looks interesting
>Still plays the exact same
>Copied shit from Titanfall 1 but didn't build the levels around it so there's no point in having the mechanics
>Shit is just a watered down Titanfall

>run your franchise into the fucking ground
>get surprised when it stops selling, even though you've made it more interesting

Activision didn't learn with Guitar Hero, maybe they'll learn from this.

They expected this shit like a year in advance, why do you think they bundled in MW:remastered

Also EA with the BF1/Titanfall 2 dagger a week before release sure didnt help

Every AAA game not called Doom, Overwatch, Battlefield 1, and Uncharted 4 flopped hard this year.

Why did EA and activision think it's a good idea to release all 3 games around the same time?

It was EA trying to knock off Activision, so all the guys would buy tf2 or bf1 instead of cod. Guess it werked

The single player looked great, needed space combat in multiplayer too and needed a change up. Did it do anything different in MP to Blops3? Other than make jet packs shitty.

This game is massively disliked by the COD community, and it is indeed very shit. It's a copy+paste of Black Ops 3 with all the fun sucked out of it. Gone are the unique specialist characters, replaced with colorless soldier dudes. The maps are also shitty, there's no reason for Blops 3's wallrunning and boost jumping to be there.

Don't expect the series to die though. As soon as Modern Warfare Remastered (the game that people actually want) comes out standalone as it should be, it's going to sell huge numbers.

zombies is fun in this game but man it is way easier than any treyarch zombies

Thats still 1.8 million too many.

>can't buy code remastered by itself
I'd rather have that shit

Dick move selling MW2 as they have. Will it be like a £20 standalone on the PSN store or something?

I haven't kept up with recent FPS. Played the Titanfall2 beta which was fun but no friends wanted to get it and BF1 was dogshit.

If it wasn't for MW Remastered no one would've bought this piece of shit

Why would anyone get CoD4 remastered when CoD4 exists?
What does it do better?

>Not to mention the hundreds of VNs that get released every year.
>complaining about "movie" games on Sup Forums
>"playing" visual novels, which are not even video games.


Game sales are absolute trash this year.

>tfw the casuals who only play f2p and mobas are taking over


has a population that isnt filled with hackers
has better graphics
plays on xbox one and ps4

thats pretty much it, for $20-30 its worth it

bigger community on consoles

upgrades the visuals to more modern techniques like textures, character models, lighting, environments, etc.

The Sequelitis is coming to an end.

Modern Warfare Remastered standalone will be 60 bucks because it's Activision.

Repeat after me:

It's okay when Japan does it.

New IPs aren't selling well either.

I don't want to believe that but I can. The pre order cost for Infinite Warfare and MW was £80 in Britbongistan. I would never pay that for something that isnt a collectors edition.

>Implying I'd buy an FPS Collectors Edition.

where the hell are people even getting sales numbers from? i thought they stopped giving them out publicly in the US.

>one is very clear about what it is and straight up tells you up front that it's literally a digital picture book, very easy to pirate so you're not spending money on it either
>the other lies to you and pretends it's a video game when it's actually an interactive movie, has Denuvo DRM or is on a system without piracy so you have no choice but to waste money on it or become a nigger and steal it

So why do 'console shooters' sell so poorly on PC? I'm guessing its because of relatively poor optimization, high price tags, and DLC that fractures the player base. Would console shooters fare better if they took a page out of, iunno, CSGO's book and optimized them so that they can run on anything, and sell it for less, ie 39.99 vs 59.99? PC is a very unprofitable market as it stands, so I can see why they often just dump the ports and don't try maximing their sales.

>i thought they stopped giving them out publicly in the US.
Because the numbers are crashing.

>cod flopped
>titanfall flopped
>gears flopped
>battlefield flopped
>watch dogs flopped (well pretty much every thing ubisoft shits out recently is a dud)

>pokemon did good
>forza horizon did good
>persona will probably do good
>same with sonic

Its obvious whats going on. Games with strong communities and fanbases will do well, they are secure in their own niche. Its these big AAA mass marketed appeal to everyone games that are going to keep failing.

The age of AAA is coming to an end. Developers have to lower budgets accordingly and please their niche otherwise theyre going to drop a bomb

We're on Sup Forums, so that place would be their ass.

Crash soon, fellow gamer

t. literally retarded weeb

The fire rises, Onii-chan.

BLOPs 3 apparently sold about 14 million on PS4 and 7 on Xbone, not bad.

>pointing out trends is weeaboo now


We're getting pretty detailed ones from the UK. Neofags have a thread every week about them.

>1.8 million

Doesn't CoD normally sell like 10-20 million?

>another cringy live action commercial
>commercial made fun of Trump expecting him not to win
>used Welcome to the Jungle, pretending that wasn't already done for San Andreas, song also has no point being used in space
>just plain looks like an uninteresting, shit game

the UK's numbers are obviously down because of Brexit and their pound's decreasing value.

>their pound's decreasing value.
Soros is making billions on that, I'm sure.

If you're from the UK you could buy a key for just MWR. Too late now though, with all the demand they went full jew and nearly doubled the price of it.

>>commercial made fun of Trump expecting him not to win
Which one was that?

Battlefield flopped
As much as I'd like to see that, I'm pretty sure it sold quite well.

It doesn't. The joke is that trump wins and the normie goes 'Fuck earth! I wanna go to space! XD'

Damn, I never even saw that shit advertised or mentioned mang.

pretty lame but at least they got it right

Mafia 3 bombed the hardest.

>it's an "user pretends he's a sale expert and pulls numbers out of his ass" thread

Remember when this shit series sold 20 mil first month?

only took idiot fans over 15 games to stop buying the same game.

No, this is the most blatant rehash in the series since WaW. It's that bad of a copy paste job.

Because years ago when Mw2 released infinity ward quite clearly dumped the PC as a platform by removing dedicated severs, the ability to lean and tons of graphivs options. They said all the pc will get is 1 for 1 console ports so they stopped buying them

the MP, yes, but not the campaign.

Well yea, but the campaign is like 70% made up of side missions that barely have any story relevance to them, like the side missions of BO2.
Except in BO2 the side missions made up like 30% of the game, not 70%. BO2 was also almost twice as long when including those.

>campaign is awesome

hate to be these guys.

>abandon pc players
>only cater the console brodudes

it will bite them in the ass, the next cod will sell even worst

Link to the source?

Who honestly gives a fuck about the campaign, of either game. People buy these for the multiplayer, and Titanfall 2 beats COD.

What? The small bunch of rehashed jackal strikes? 70%? Are you retarded?

>who cares about singleplayer
kill yourself

Nobody cares about pc though.

Cool we can finally start liking it now. Getting my copy today.

Is that why they bothered to make a campaign for tf2 despite the first not having one?

>Who honestly gives a fuck about the campaign, of either game.
People older than 15?

>said to be down by nearly 50% on Black Ops III
Oh no, their sales went from a fuckton down to a shitton, how sad

Never underestimate the stupidity of consumers.

>tfw the superior game Titanfall 2 maintains a decent playerbase on all platforms thanks to sales and free updates like R6 Siege
>tfw IW will die out before the new COD game is even released which will also probably flop

I'm interested in whatever Treyarch is making next but Activision will probably ruin it with the Supply Drop bullshit and a bad PC port as usual

>likes titanfall and siege
nu-Sup Forums has such shit taste