So I just got my copy of FF XV for PS4, and it's still sealed and I can give it back if I want to, only have to pay for sending it back and they will give me full price away for it. Should I do it or not? Is this game shit or good?

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>Should I do it or not?
Unless you have something really better to spend the money on, nah.

>Is this game shit or good?
You tell me.

>Sup Forums's opinions matters most
>there are retards that actually take Sup Forums's words seriously
>not actually waiting for at least 4-5 critic reviews
Do you seriously have brain damage? Are you this fucking stupid? I can tell this happens to newfaggots/leddit so you fucktards deserve it, really. Keep listening to Sup Forums.
If it gets 70+ scores return it back.

>asking people who haven't played the game if it's good or not
Do you ask your mailman if he knows how to perform brain surgery?

>Buying a game you don't know is good or bad.

Lmao fag, you either wait or pirate, never fall for hype.

FF and GTA are totally different stories.

At the end of the day it's a decent action rpg but what it lacks in gameplay and atmosphere and compelling level design keeps it from being in the upper eschalon.

Just play it and make a decision for yourself. You can always sell it and lose a few bucks.

Why the fuck is it so hard for people to wait one or two days?
Pre-orders are always bad for consumers. It doesn't matter how good previous games are or how 'reliable' devs are. Any company can fuck up and no game ever needs to be played on the first day of release. Wait for reviews then buy.

Should I buy the guidebook?

Does it contain some lore at least?

>das offizielle buch

Never saw arabic before?

Isn't it official?
At the very least it's officially comission by square.

Anyone ordered from ShopTo? I know quite often orders there arrive early and have got some that way myself, as early as 4 days.
Just wondering if I could expect my copy to arrive today.

Why do 3D modelers create the entire sphere of the eyeball if you only see the front of them? Why not bowl shapes and save half the polycount?

Blame pre-order culture.
Kids these days were grown on Gamestop and commercials pushing preorders like it was vital oxygen.
Unless its a game you know youd soewhat enjoy, Id wait until some reviews get out there.

>game designers

There was a time when they had to fit everything in 10KB so they worked really hard to optimize, now they just do whatever.

>Create -> Sphere
>Create -> 2 Spheres, move second one a bit and cut intersection
Which one of those is easier?

You're too stupid to make your own decisions. Do us all a favor and just return it.



You don't need the guidebook unless you actually want FF15 in book form. All of the secrets can be found with a google search. It will have a backstory chapter in there but it's like 20 pages max.

That being said, Piggyback make the best guides imo and I bought the hardcover version of this because I love fancy game books more than the game itself.