BOYCOTT DENUVO!! Don't buy any game that uses this piece of shit software that leads to performance issues and always...

BOYCOTT DENUVO!! Don't buy any game that uses this piece of shit software that leads to performance issues and always online. I'm not even a pirate but I will never ever buy a denuvo game because of this!

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I dropped the PC platform because of Denuvo and switched to physical games.
Every release being forced online was too much.

haha fuck you poor piratefag

thats literally just swapping one drm for another on a media that degrades over time

>plysical games
I hope your having fun on your xbox 360

newer blue-ray discs last for a century
I dont know if denuvo will even be alive in the next decade
same as starforce, securom, gfwl

>thats literally just swapping one drm for another
Physical games don't have online DRM, faggot.
>media that degrades over time

Remember when games were limited to 3 installations? That was a hilarious time for DRM

Way ahead of you buddy. I stopped buying PC games when they started using Steam as DRM. I ain't even looking at this new faggoty shit.

You listening, devs? You're allowed a simple CD check. I'll let your paranoia have that much. But any further strings attached to the product, and we won't be doing business.

>Buy Planet Coaster, a denuvo game.
>It checks for legit status once
>Can play the game offline after that
>Meanwhile pirates are fucking mad
Is there any greater feeling?

>Don't buy any game that uses this piece of shit software

i get all denuvo games for $1, works every time

>It checks for legit status once
Stop lying, shill. It checks every 24 hours.


im talking about that fucking $400 chunk of overheating drm sitting under your fucking tv... you cant play your game without that, and those do not last anywhere near a "century"

jesus christ you consolefags are retarded


my digital backups on the other hand, they run on any pc really and i can make more redundant backups if i want as its literally built into steam.

Y-you do know that there are also games sold on CD for PC right? You are not that stupid?

>Way ahead of you buddy. I stopped buying PC games when they started using Steam as DRM.
Not only you, Steam successfully killed proper PC games.
>first Steam PC game introduced in 2004 (HL2) with a mandatory day one patch (executables missing on disc)
>last AAA PC release in 2007 (Crysis).
It took only three years until it was over. Since then PC is dead as a platform on its own.

yeah, and there is literally nothing to stop you from backing them up and making an byte for byte image of the disk

consoles on the other hand, you have to hope companies are GRACIOUS enough to let you even so much as play those rotting disks on new hardware.

>$400 chunk of overheating drm sitting under your fucking tv
You raging retard can't understand, that I dropped PC to get rid of always online DRM.
I don't care what other world-ending problems (You) hallucinate with "degenerating" discs, because I'm just fine with how physical games work.

This, fucking shill fucks. Who the fuck is online once every 24 hours? I don't know about you lot but I can somehow afford a beast computer to run a demanding PC game but somehow I can't be online once in the span of 24 hours.

I'm not a salty pirate at all.

Gettin real tired of the Denuvo social marketer shills shitting up the board with their viral

>being so poor that you have to try to convince people on to boycott denuvo.

It really is time to get a job OP.

I wish it were 400€ kiddo

PC still isnt granted forward compatibility for newer Os, drivers, apis, hardware architecture. that is unless modders and crackers work on it.

>add Sup Forums user
>he his ultra anti denuvo
>look though his games
>mgsv is his most played game
>doom is second

I give up.

>buy ps4 or xbox one
>buy the latest and greatest AAA horseshit
>see pic related as far as the eye can see
>have to go online to download the day 1 patch to make the game even work

>mfw didn't even know MGSV was a Denuvo game until a year later

Man this Denuvo shit is so consumer hostile

Always gives me a giggle.


Denuvo shills really hate physical games. :^)

>leads to performance issues

Then how do you explain Doom 4 and Rise of the Womb Raider?

>wanna write an elaborate troll
>too tired


>being so cucked you're giving money to sony and ea without knowing

such is the life of a pcuck
I dont get why you shit on them this much if tou buy their shit

lol stay cucked fagget

Up you're troll game son.

>have to go online to download the day 1 patch to make the game even work
That was invented by Valve Software in 2004. Thank Gabe Newell for that.
That has absolutely nothing to do with always online DRM. Denuvo doesn't patch games, it's an anti-tampering botnet.

INSIDE drm free version has significantly faster loading times since it doesnt have to check for triggers.
I wouldnt be surprised if denuvo takes away 7-10% performance

And yet DOOM is the best looking and most performant game of the generation.

>and always online
What? I play mgsv offline without problems. Or it's different per game?

>i am a giant faggot
Stop, you're making pirates, PC gamers and humanity in general look bad.

It's almost like the performance of games has something to do with how well it has been made or some shit.


Nice opinion

That's because you're a shill who lies on the internet.

>implying denuvo is always online

boy you are retarded arent you?

are you just confusing hitman with all denuvo games? because hitman has its stupid anticheat server stuff and that has nothing to do with denuvo, which is not always online...

It is always online, if a game stops working a few hours after the connection is dropped.

But that doesn't happen.

>I'm not even a pirate
>I'm not a salty pirate at all.

you know what, just for this thread imma go buy literally every denuvo game released so far... just to piss you piratefags off when you have to wait months for every little tiny game....


eat shit

>tfw you are a terrible troll and an even worse liar

How well a game technologically performs has nothing to do with opinion, user.

Way ahead of you senpai

Reminder that the company behind Denuvo made SecuROM

Just think about that for a second

But the point was how denuvo would ruin performance, period, therefore it wouldn't matter how well it was made.

You getting a little too paranoid friend.

Yet it doesn't.

>what is steam idle manager

Stop shilling idiot.

>having a job

That's what I'm saying, faggot.

Yeah, sure, i idle that many hours just for this thread.
Lmao. You are pathetic. Get a job poorfag.

>best looking
textues are shit

devs are supposed to give the game at least 2 weeks before launch for denuvo to be implemented. They cant do anything in the meanwhile, which is crucial for the release.
Then it comes back in a "black box" that serves as their debug version, they arent working for the original code anymore.
That was the reason mgsV pc version was originally supposed to release 2 weeks after the console version.

That means, unless devs are on schedule and confident with the existing state the game is in, implementing denuvo becomes a shit mess.
That is indeed the case for most denuvo releases

>I'm asshurt about the fact that I can't just steal games on release so I shit on it on le Sup Forums!

What a faggot.

So you can't prove you are not a shill.

Get a real job.

>Denuvo is the reason why PC games get delayed by weeks now.
Oh, great! The platform is really, really dead now.

I'd rather have a denuvo and shitty performance, but good sales on pc. After the denuvo became a thing many japs started to port console games to pc, before they were afraid of pirates.

soon shitter publishers like Ubisoft won't even have to purposefully gimp their games to enforce console parity, Denuvo hogging resources and harming game performance will do it for them

Yeah, those great denuvo sales...

watch the denuvo marketers cry over this image and call the numbers racist or some shit

I am a pirate, but I'm impressed about Denuvo.
Even though I wish Denuvo to be gone, I am still impressed that Denuvo managed to become an actual obstacle for pirates to crack, but the problem is that the same games that use Denuvo have no demos, forcing people to buy the game to see for themselves what it has to offer.

Money loss from allowing piracy on your game is very small compared to the amount of money you gain from the free advertising piracy provides. Denuvo is a very good DRM, but devs may want something else.

>A game that's been out for years and sold at $1 has sold more than a game that's been out for less than a year at $60

Really gets the noodle soup boiling.

Jesus, hitman was a huge flop. That's suicide tier for square.

some of these games had really profund changes that reduce the sales thought
revolution was a reboot of a not so popular fps
hitman with the whole season things did help
far cry blood dragon is so based even with denuvo it would have sold BILLION

like clockwork

yeah the season thing really didn't catch too bad because from what i have read it's pretty good

Why don't we revisit this image when these games have been out for 6 years and been in humble bundles and that kind of shit, senpai?

>far cry blood dragon is so based even with denuvo it would have sold BILLION
most of blood dragon's hype came from the game getting leaked before release

so piracy help ?

>all these lies

everything you fucking said has ZERO merit as you live in a fantasy world where shit is all topsie turvy for some reason. that or you are just plain retarded in every fucking facet

out of the 56 denuvo games to come out, only 5 have been delayed compared to their console versions. 1 was actually ahead of their console versions in terms of release.

FarCry Primal
Watch_dogs 2

those are literally the only denuvo games to be delayed behind the console releases at all...

Adrift was the one game that actually came out on pc before consoles...

so, the numbers tell a different story from your made up fantasy garble

Sure, the non denuvo will still be higher mr marketer.

>forcing people to buy the game to see for themselves what it has to offer.
It doesn't force anything. Pirates simply ignore the release and pirate something else. End of story.

>Planet Coaster
>preordered long before Denuvo
>Denuvo announced
>get mad as fuck, want to cancel my preorder
>it's literally the game of my dreams, can't do it
>have played 75 hours since release
Still mad tho.

>made up fantasy garble

it's literally how its implementing works, direct words from their employees

Congrats on now being part of the problem.

It's not like I'm not aware. I hate myself for it.

The protection is a post-compiler step and does not need any source code modifications on your end (only three compiler / linker settings must be enabled in VS).
We have an online encryption service which is available as SaaS (hosted in the AWS).
Step 1: Provide us (access to) a (running) build with three compiler / linker settings enabled: /pdb /map /fixed:no; the Steam app ID and Steam private key
Step 2: We create and run our performance profiler and play the game collecting performance uncritical functions
Step 3: We setup the game project on the protection server and send a cmd line tool to the dev team with instructions how to embed it to the build process
Step 4: When running the protection our engine decompiles the exe, parses the collected functions from step 2, injects the security code and recompiles the executable (and creates an updated pdb for debugging)
We usually see this workflow done in 1-2 weeks but suggest to start integrating it 1 month prior goldmaster date to have enough time and focus – also for testing.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

>games are delayed because of blah blah blah DENUVO
>only 5 games are delayed from notoriously bad developers who have always delayed pc releases

who are these "employees" you are talking about? care to post a source

because what you are claiming happens, that denuvo implementation is delaying games and making them run like shit, just FACTUALLY doesnt fucking happen at all.

1. because almost no denuvo games have been delayed compared to their console counterparts

2. because those that have been delayed are not unoptimized garbage because of said "denuvo delay"

you honestly sound like one of those people who made up all that ssd nonsense that turned out to be blatantly not true as well. zero sources but a bunch of whining and bitching about something that doesnt actually happen.

>Step 2: We create and run our performance profiler and play the game collecting performance uncritical functions

so if the profiler fucks up you end up with shit performance in certain sections?

>its consumers defend a product which clearly fucks them over because poor corporation will not make 100million dollars but only 95 instead episode

i wish this episode would end but i keep seeing it everywhere,beyond vidya as well.
what the fuck happened to people.

PC gaming is already over. Denuvo is just the last nail in the coffin.

>buthurt piratefags

>performance issues

maybe if you have a shit toaster


>not knowing goldface

Capitalism went too far.

source is the post above you nigger


and all the other interviews you can find by googling

I hope you stop crying to be spoonfed

>using goldface

>switching to physical
>butthurt piratefag
I though I was a buyfag...

Fuck off

>gets mad about goldface because he can NEVER EVER

but that way denuvo fags won't be able to feel superior to you for simply buying a flawed product and it hurts their narrative.

Are you mad?

>tfw I want denuvo to succeed so kids with no money have to play better, older games instead of getting their parents to buy crappy new ones so they get a more wholesome appreciation for vidya as they grow into it as a hobby.

>cant pirate games for free

>literally suck the dick out of product which fucks over game companies and the consumers
if you actually think denuvo helps to boost game sales and not simply drains more money from the companies using it you are retarded.
and this not even considering always online drm,performance hits and data mining.

how do they fuck over exactly?

i kinda love it that I can play something I paid money for while others who try to steal it cant play it and keep asking "crack when?"

its really nice

>that uses this piece of shit software that leads to performance issues
Do you have any source to back that up? Doom 2016 runs fucking great, whilst Dishonored 2 is a mess. But that's just the difference of competent devs.