Why is co-op dead?
Why is co-op dead?
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No, ubisoft still pushes co-op like mad and occasionally strike gold.
The division also has decent enough co-op, but it's nothing worth praising.
co op is a literal meme
A ton of people play co op starcraft 2. Have you tried playing a game that released this decade?
People would rather shoehorn in co-op rather than flesh it out. See half of Ubisofts games
>Watch Dogs 2 and FC4
Co-op is limited to specific missions, can't do the whole campaign together. No one cares about the characters or story in either game, and co-op would allow for tons of fun because you can't access the interiors of the main mission buildings nor can you get the setpieces like the scripted ones in main missions.
>Saints Row 4
Both players see their character in the cutscenes, but then its perfectly FULL co-op in every aspect.
I want a coop game I can play with one or two of my best friends. But it seems that everyone is pushing massive multiplayer games and that usually makes the quality of the coop missions poor for some reason.
Because you cant play good co op without friends
Do the PC versions of these games have split screen co-op?
This. Nowadays coop is considered same mission but together. When a good coop requires a fleshed out mission designed to be played together. Why is it so hard for companies to understand things.
>co op game with cutscenes where BOTH characters appear and NPCs have a slightly different dialogue to address both characters.
Fuck I need this
>what is army of two
Arma 3 has meh co-op scenarios out of the box, but there's some fantastic co-op missions available on the workshop. Dynamic Recon Ops is probably the best.
I'll check it out, user.
Since you brought up Splinter Cell that's because its form of co-op pretty much requires you to A) play locally or B) have some sort of communication with the other guy, and MP nowadays is all about playing with randoms.
Divinity: Original Sin has the best co-op I've played since Chaos Theory. It's really fucking good.
And everything points towards Original Sin 2 being better in every way (including co-op).
Easier to sell a game to play alone than a game to play with multiple people. Which is why you get a shitty co-op games that were added on at the last minute.
Dead Space 3. It's also NOT in the game unless you're playing co-op with another player.
>want to play co-op with a friend
>play for like 6 hours
>one of us gets bored or doesn't feel like playing while the other does
>never get around to finishing it
I wish more games had co-op modes that were easy to complete and lasted like 4 hours rather than expect you to play the whole fucking game for 15-20 hours together.
why was coop the only good part of conviction? how did ubisoft fuck it up so badly?
Perfect Dark on N64 was like the last great co-op game I remember playing that had stuff specific to the co-op campaign
Couch coop is dead because most machines just die trying to do 2 screens unless you sacrifice a ton of shit for it
You could pretty easily have some in-game communication system. Perhaps base it around tacticool had gestures to make it fit within the "realistic stealth" feel of Splinter Cell?
I just want a co-op map pack for Chaos Theory
You don't even have to patch the game or change anything, just make a couple more missions
Please Ubisoft
Swat 4
>Why is co-op dead?
Still kinda going, but why is splitscreen/couch coop dead?
So that you have to buy 2 copies of the game and two game stations to play with a friend.
Friendless fags like to think they have friends through netplay.
i fucking hate how so many coop games now boil down to "everyone stand over here and shoot over there"
>get Halo 5 and drive 400 km to play on the week end with my little bro
the disappointment hit really fucking hard
Tortanic instances
Calling something a meme to imply it's bad without any sort of argument or justification is literally a meme.
There's such a large selection of games now that you can get extremely easily so people would rather play bobs goes solo 24 than retard shootemup adventure co-op with a good buddy
I loved the fact that you see different things to the other player when you start hallucinating.
Im Special Agent Bob
and Im Secret Agent Steve
best 4 player (or more) PC online co-op games?
Preferably something with a story to work through.
Don't mind me, just going to shill the best couch CO-OP game this gen
or because people who want to play multiplayer games can already do that
>there's such a large selection of online games to choose from why should I play co-op with a friend when I can play online whenever I want
I put this on when I had a few mates round one time earlier this year. We were all in tears at the jousting game, fucking hilarious. But it's only good for a quick bash, nothing you can put time into.
Playing with someone that you know and can coordinate>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>playing with screeching 13 y/o retards
>not a single mentioning of EDF 4.1
>There will never be a game that has such a great async MP as Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Just kill me senpai.
Gears of War Co-Op is still fantastic
I will now post the best online/local multiplayer game this gen
>But it's only good for a quick bash, nothing you can put time into.
This is true, but long games aren't good for couch co op.
crypt of the necrodancer is fun, me and my boyfriend put like 10 hours into it together
Don't mind me, just posting the best co-op game ever conceived.
That's not dark alliance for the ps2
>tfw people used to actually use their headsets and speak to randoms back then
Champions took Dark Alliance and improved on them both.
Lost Planet 2 was great
Playing the coop with my cousin was best week of 2013
I played through the entire game in one sitting with my girlfriend.
>Sup Forums likes co-op now
The pretty singular opinion I've gotten from Sup Forums these past 5 years is that co-op is "objectively shit" and only plebs like it.
This actually looks fun
>I make up stupid shit for fun
It's a shame the game it's self is shit.
>Sup Forums never shits on popular features
Lost Planet 2 was fucking fantastic, why they handed the 3rd iteration off to a company with a track record of nothing but dollar bin-tier garbage is beyond me.
Finaly someone who understands
It's very junky. If game would go smoother it would actually be the best choice I guess
I love how Lost Planet 2 didn't even give a fuck anymore
LP1 was at least slightly serious but with 2 they went full retard and it was fantastic.
I got LP3 for a fiver, I hadn't researched it at all and was expecting it to be the same kind of silliness. It's not even the same fucking series.
That's night Sup Forums user, this is morning Sup Forums where the dirty angry NEETs are asleep and everyone has objectively good taste
correction, why is couch Co-Op/local multiplayer dead?
Is it smoother than ARMA 2? Id have enjoyed it more but the controls were just an ordeal.
Trying to get inside a vehicle under fire, moving the mouse around waiting for the fucking steering wheel icon to pop up which just never seemed to happen.
horde modes ruined coop
But CT had voice-comms, it was even designed so that you talking over the mic could be picked up by the AI.
More technology and ways to do everything from home=Less interaction with the outside world=less irl friends=less couch co-op
>horde modes ruined coop
As long as the waves have good variety in enemies, scale well in difficulty and are something that doesn't just tapper off into something you cannot clear horde modes are fantastic.
>tfw just bought this game on Steam
What am I in for, lads?
I literally play co-op games with other 3 work mates almost every day.
So far we've played
>Magicka 1 & 2
>Borderlands 1, 2 & 3
>Hell Divers
>Dead Island
>Dying Light
>L4D 1 & 2
>Age of Empires 1, 2, Mythology & 3
>Europa Universalis VI
>Serious Sam 2 & 3
>Castle Crashers
>Sven Co-op
That's what I could remember from the top of my head.
It's all fun as fuck. There's plenty of great co-op games out there.
My only complain is that some of these games are too focused on having exactly 4 players.
But co-op is absolutely alive and well, Op. It's that you don't really have any friends.
It's like dark alliance but with the better setting and charm taken away + shit characters and removed dorf
Don't expect it to get any smoother or anything until arma 4.
Maybe when the fucking thing goes to x64 it'll actually be decent
Yes, just not performance wise.
Would love that genre to pick back up again, but there's not enough of a demand for it.. Shame, majority of my best gaming memories were from them days with my bro and cousin.
Pure unadulterated fun (at last if you like stealth games).
And always play on highest difficulty.
You just described every horde mode ever though
Holy shit, this
>get three buddies online
>Gears of War 3 arcade campaign on insane difficulty
I spent my summer break doing that with college friends, it was fantastic. One of them forgot it was his birthday since we were playing so much.
>the final boss
Spent literally 3 hours trying to do that shit. A pain in the ass, but a fun pain in the ass.
It's kinda the same, but definitely smoother than 2
Treasure those bros user. I have one friend that I play everything with nearly every night, been friends for years even though he moved away, but the gaming keeps us together.
Just need to find some other bros to add, my friend group isn't really one for games, and I'm self employed so I don't have any 'work mates'.
L4D3 is not yet out, just wait.
coop is so much more interesting when the players are forced to find the enemies instead of hunkering down and waiting for them to come to you
Did you play 4?
How do I find friends online to play games with Sup Forums ?
its the best splinter cell
>have a friend that I used to play coop all the time
>tfw he got married and we don't play much with each other anymore these days
Because to many games focus on you being the "badass" Because of this they dont want game modes where you have to share the glory. Because this excuse exists they cut coop for the real reason. To save time and money.
the greatest couch co-op experience. sunk so many hours into that game.
>find friends to play with
>have a blast for 3 days
>the next day they are all gone
>literally forever, they never go online again
hah I like this meme
Playing through the campaign solo Hardcore right now.
I'm enjoying it but the difficulty feels too cheap. It's a 50/50 whether a point blank gnasher is instagib or not, and when it isn't I'm dead by the time I get my second shot off.
Also, enemy grenades are so well placed, by the time you hear the beep it's too late and you're already dead.
I'm quite impressed by the enemy placement too. Lots of Therons at the back of the room taking loading up to take shots whenever you keep your head up too long. Frustrated, but still impressed.
I've literally not played any Gears of War game other than in coop via split screen with my brother. One of the few instances of us spending time together ;~;
excellent stealth game with great banter between the mc and headset people and beautiful dynamic music, some pretty interactive environments, lighting and graffics for it's time. You are actually rewarded and recognisced by the game if you go ghost/nonlethal.
Enemy dialog and voices are cartoon tier compared to Sam & co for some reason wich is a little inconsistent and a-dramatic. Pretty much the only gripe i can think of though.
Dedicated Co-op missions aren't as well designed as singleplayer but LOADS of fun and frustrating to see eachother fuck up.
That's not dark alliance!!! Not dark alliance!!!!!!
>majority of my best gaming memories were from them days with my bro and cousin.
are you literally me?
Does the coop mode still work?
>magika 2
Holy shit i didn't knew it was a thing!
>are you literally me?
Yes, yes I am.
this ones easy. modern games cant even run on one single persons screen. with
It should be working. At least on lan
>Screen Sharing vs Split-Screen
The great debate, which is better Sup Forums?