Thinking about upgrade my PC this Christmas

Thinking about upgrade my PC this Christmas.
Question is should I wait till next year?

going from i7-4790K too i7 6700k

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Would be a complete waste of money. The 4790k will actually beat out a 6700k in many practical applications. Wait for AMD Zen or Kaby Lake to hit release and be benchmarked before deciding anything.


>Kaby Lake to hit release
alright thanks so wait till next year.

>not waiting until the i9 Supercore turbolake comes out

Well thats the problem with tech you could always wait till the next big upgrade.

Which mouse is better?


>gaming mice

>going from i7-4790K too i7 6700k

Are you literally retarded? There's barley any performance difference bewteen the 2. GPU is more important amyways, if you already have a 4790 you're set for a long time. CPUs are also stagnating like crazy at the moment.

>i7-4790K too i7 6700k
thats barely an upgrade, you could stick with the 4790k for years.


I'd skip both skylake, kabylake and zen.
Intell is following power efficiency, not performance, and zen will just try to catch up with the current intel lineup

That's a marginal upgrade of 2%. Don't waste your money. Your CPU is still good for a few years.

>CPUs are also stagnating like crazy at the moment.

>bought an i5-3570K years ago(3 or 4, don't remember exactly)
>encountered zero reason to upgrade it so far

It's true.

What about upgrading from ddr3 too ddr4? Is ddr4 a meme?

Am I in Sup Forums or Sup Forums right now?

1-2 frames difference
ddr4 runs at lower voltage and it's good for servers

>thread isn't 80% memes about brands
On Sup Forums

Just had to lul to see this thread in Sup Forums not Sup Forums.

If you only game and don't require high processing power for video and photo editing and whatnot, that would be an extremely stupid thing to do, you won't gain any performance and DDR4 is shit at the moment

How do stupid people get so much money? How do I get money to throw around all retarded-like like OP?

Serious answer this time:
Kaby Lake has proven to bring little improvements in terms of IPC.
If you play poorly-threaded games (aka all non-AAA titles), i7 6700k is good enough.

Yes, DDR4 is a meme.

they don't necessarily have much money, they just spend their money in stupid ways.
I know a bunch of guys who make purchases like this one but then at the end of the month struggle to pay their rent. Or have to sit out every illness because they never bothered to get a health insurance and cannot afford a doc.

It's easy to spend lots of money on rather pointless stuff if you don't spend the money on actually important things.

I'm pretty tech illiterate. I've got a first gen i7 (Apparently the 920.) ...A friend designed this rig to be future proof for me and it's lasted a solid 6 years.

It's getting a little up there though. Might be time... but... What in the hell do I upgrade to? It's been so long since I've had to think about this stuff. What DO I DO?!

>going from i7-4790K too i7 6700k
makes no sense

if you had aweaker than 4790K maybe but that upgrade isnt worth the money desu

>"lasted me a solid 6 years"

Now, I could be wrong, but wasn't the i7 series only released this year?

I...don't think so?

Current gen, Skylake, is the 6th gen Core i3, i5, i7.
Skylake is upcoming, but barely makes a difference in terms of IPC.

>he fell for the i7 meme

I have an i7 2600k bought 4 years ago and I see no reason to upgrade.

First one was released in 2008

Wondering if I should upgrade my CPU some time next year. I shouldn't have gotten an i5 4570 when I built it almost three years ago, locked and everything. What's the best LGA1150 CPU anyway? It's actually a Z87 motherboard too so I might as well just swap out the CPU instead of a whole motherboard.

Only if you want to change cpu.

For all you CPU memers, you should install Afterburner and see if an application uses all your threads to their fullest potential. With consoles holding gaming back, CPUs aren't advancing all that quickly. Feel free to disregard if you run an ARMA server.
Not really worth it. Wait for Zen/Kaby Lake

>CPUs aren't advancing all that quickly.
Because intel is having a monopoly since amd fucked up with bulldozer hope zen fixes that.

Shit user, I'm all for real progress. I think AMD will stick with their habit of "power for a lower price and higher energy consumption." There's a tiny part of me that hopes AMD doesn't only target the lower end of the market. That will probably not happen, and AMD will have continually have lower IPC efficiency.

>Because intel is having a monopoly since amd fucked up with bulldozer hope zen fixes that.
CPU technology hit a brick wall and Zen isn't going to "fix" anything of that.

When will we see a new breakthrough? What will Intel, and AMD once they catch up, do in the future? Re-release the same CPUs over and over again? Or just add more cores?

>power for a lower price
AMD only even manages that in applications that properly use 4+ cores. Most of AMD's highest-end CPUs will be beat by mid-range I3's in single-core performance.

Let us hope Zen will change that

I would genuinely love there to be some actual competition in the CPU market but AMD fans have been on the "wait for X" bandwagon for years now, and AMD keeps falling short. At this point I'm not so sure if they could keep up if they wanted to.

Just get one of the lower end i7s. I think the 920 was one of the very first i7s so yeah, by now you're probably feeling the heat.

Just grab the one OP mentioned, I think it goes for around $200 or so, should be cheaper because holiday sales.

I've got an i5-4670k in my PC, any dips happen because of my ailing secondary HDD with a 480 playing 1080p. Well, I guess acceptable dips in GTAV, occasionally down to 55-57 from 60 FPS with everything on max.

how many (new) games don't support 4+ cores?

An i7 is overkill, but that doesnt mean its bad

At the very least you wont need to upgrade it for a very very long time

You'd be surprised. Practically all non-AAA titles.

>going from i7-4790K too i7 6700k
That is a literal waste of money, the i7 wont give you a performance increase that is noticeable.

If you had some super old shitty CPU then the i7 may be worth it, but not for you.

>wait for cyber monday to buy things like a good goy
>prices are even worse than they were on friday and shit is sold out
How long do I have to wait for shit to go back to normal?

Oh, right, if you take my advice from also remember you'll need to get a compatible motherboard for it. Whichever motherboards you want, make sure to look closely at their socket types. They usually say which processors they're compatible too, in case you are technically challenged.

Everything else you slot in should fit, but make sure you got the right RAM before trying to upgrade.

If the motherboard you get supports DDR4 and the RAM in your current PC is DDR3 or god forbid, DDR2, you're going to have to get new RAM too. Everything else is just a matter of plugging in and playing. If your case is big enough you can easily just replace the motherboard and just rewire things yourself.

Unfortunately Microsoft have sabotaged Zen by restricting support on Windows to version 10 only. Remember that if you're running Windows 7 the hardware that is out right now may be it in terms of what you can use. So getting the best future proof hardware you can now is the only real option if you plan to stay on Windows.

Linux users on the other hand should have no problems. Patches for Zen and Vega support are already in the kernel and Mesa has already gotten updates that should enable Vega support for both RadeonSI and RadV.

Alright so if I were to purchase a 6-core CPU will the additional cores benefit my framerate if I'm recording gameplay for example?

Ride the meme and buy Razer. Their mice are actually quite good.

Can't say the same about the headphones though

Should see some decent sales the week before Christmas at least.

I have seen AMD fans claim it will beat current gen i7s, but I doubt we will see Skylake i7 performance. I think we will see at least Sandy/Haswell tier performance or Skylake i5 performance at best, but for a cheaper price. They don't have to beat Intels top of the line, they just have to be competitive and be close to Intel. I have my hopes up because Jim Keller worked on it, but if AMD fucks Zen up and creates another bulldozer blunder they will be finished. Sill, I am optimistic.

Is the 3570k out of date? Should I upgrade?

Shouldn't amd CPUs perform pretty good in dx12 and vulkan?

Which one though? I want more than 5 buttons and that is good for shooters I guess

cpus last a hell of a long time desu. You're fine with your 4790k for a few more years.

I'm still using an i7 920 from 2009 and I'm only just thinking about upgrading.

where is my neural net processor or quantum processor

fuck this transistor shit

Its not about amd fans retard its about making intel get off their asses and work.

you fucking idiot, cpu changes nowadays are so small, don't even bother




muh morals and ethics

no. It's good for another 2 years minimum

intel changes every two generations

still on a i5 4690k

not sure if worth an upgrade


>tfw have i5 2500k stock 3.3 ghz from 2011 still
>tfw still have DDR3 8GB 1333 mhz RAM

When should I upgrade CPU, mobo, and ram? Right now I'm currently rocking a GTX 970 ontop of this so I know I'm going to be bottlenecking with the next GPU upgrade.


Next year

It's hard to blame them though, AM3+ and the associated chipsets are goddamn ancient at this point and it's just not worth trying to work around that legacy. Hell, it doesn't even have PCIe 3.0 support, never mind M.2, native USB3 or other niceties.

still rocking a 2500k and haven't needed an upgrade, but then again i have dodged the 4k and vr meme hardware

doubt it, directx 12 and vulkan will be optimized too use all cores, less cpu power is necessary
besides 2500k is still more than enough for dx11

Do you run Windows 7 -> Upgrade ASAP, Microsoft is disallowing vendors to add support for new hardware on the old version starting next year.

If you run Linux no big deal you can upgrade whenever.

Will Zen and Kaby have Win7 support?

Alright. Thanks for the push in the right direction. Much appreciated!

4790k to 6700k is not an upgrade you fucking retard mongoloid
6700k is like so slightly better it cant be measured due to variations between benchmark runs

6800k is the closest upgrade from 4790k you fucking shit eating retard cocksucker

No. Zen in particular is unlikely to work well (if at all) since its on an entirely new platform.

needs to be a major shift in technology, for example if you took the same cpu architectures we have now but ran them through graphene circuits instead of copper, you could overclock to a couple hundred ghz without much issue. copper circuits can only get so small before they fail due to heat or just being impossible to manufacture

So if I want to stick with Win7 the i7 6700k is the top I can go with?

gr8 b8

alright senpai not upgrading gonna buy 2 Titan X though, stop me.

Go ahead its great value for money. Its practically a steal considering its 5% better then a 1080 at 100% the price.

how much longer do I have left with my i5 4590. seems to only struggle in total war with like 15,000-20,000 troops

besides total war, you should be fine for a while

Try 20% on average, poorfag.

is i7 a meme or required?

hey Sup Forums rate my build. also what sound card should i get?


sound card is a meme

Right, 6700k+1080 is the last combination guaranteed to work.

>i5 760
>HD 7850

I know I'm definitely thinking about upgrading.

Considering upgrading my graphics card, but I noticed all the current cards can run on express 3 but my motherboard only supports 2

Should I upgrade my motherboard as well or will it not make a noticeable difference?

Looking to get a 1080

Your build has major problems.

The 5150 is a very low end part, roughly half of the chip in the Xbone and is a Socket AM1 part. You haven't included a motherboard but Socket AM1 motherboards only support single channel DDR3 memory and I am not aware of a board for that socket with support for multi-gpu configurations or that would have enough expansion slots for a full size GPU and an internal sound card let alone two of them.
Plus you forgot the pop tarts.

i thought about that but then I realized that having double the graphics power would make up the difference.

You're complete retarded so ease don't post dumb shit again without a quick google.

The I series releases in generations, we're on 6th gen or whatever the fuck now. He has the very first one.

I had planed to stick with Win7 for a long time(it will play all the games I want). Should I go with the i7 6700k or the i5 6600k? Also, will the RX 490 be Win10 only too(since the 480 is Win7 compatible)?

If you want to stream or record footage it absolutely makes a difference, meme poster.

Nothing can make up the difference for not having pop tarts.