Should Bethesda buy Duke Nukem to reboot it?

They did great reboots of Wolfenstein and Doom.

>implying Cuckbox will sell they only thing they have that people will buy anymore

But will Randy even be willing to sell it?


Fucking retard.

That's not Borderlands user.

>implying people will buy Borderlands after the disaster that was the Pre-Sequel

They've done fine with DOOM and Wolfenstein as publishers. Developers is a different story.

>implying people will buy Duke Nukem after Forever.

We may be at the time where Gearbox falls.

I'd rather let the IP just die in peace.

Personally i think Platinum or Grasshopper would make the best Duke game.
Mostly because thy don't give a fuck about Political correctness unlike most western developers.

truth is machine games and ID are based
they could have done Solo DLC for Doom tought i would have bought the season pass right away

Bethesda is only the publisher for id. id makes masterpiece titles. Bethesda games made in-house are glitchy games that are only playable because of the mods.

This senpai. Bethesda and zenimax are cancer

Bethesda makes RPG rape game were you can't say no

I dont know why but i hated the newest wolfenstein. I loved return to castle.

no, bethesda is turbocancer
it's sad but duke nukem is dead and buried, you'd do well to accept that instead of encouraging moneygrubbing publishers to revive something that can only get worse

I'm pretty sure if Skyrim and Fallout 4 weren't moddable, people would call them shitty games. Just look at ESO.
Doom and Wolfenstein, on the other hand, don't even support mods yet they're still praised by everyone as amazing titles.

As publisher's, sure. Haven't heard anything bad about how they deal with the actual developers. id or Machinegames handling Duke could work.
Better than Randy and his meme machine of a company.

Bethesda has a good track record of bringing back old IPs of yesteryear into becoming relevant hits. Anthony Burch Box would never allow it, in fear of having more competition wiping the floor with them in the market. They're still feeling the burn of Overwatch

>Haven't heard anything bad about how they deal with the actual developers.

Prey 2 seems to suggest some underhanded shit. But that was years ago. Did the staff change much since then?

How long before Gearbox burns?

1 more flop? 2? 3?

I'm still surprised any one trusts them after DNF and Colonial Marines. That second one hits hard.

Burch is no longer working with Gearbox, which is not saying much since Randy is still there.

no. all they can make are shitty beatemups

Bethesda Publishers > Bethesda in-house developers.

yeah that true it's kind like selling lego they just sold you the play ground and you do what you want with it

Meant for
They seem like when they want a company or IP they will do the most despicable things they can. During actual development they seem to give some amount of freedom. Could be wrong, wouldn't be surprised.

Not to mention that Bethesda suddenly moved the releasedate of New Vegas months forward just to potentially buy Obsidian when their unfinished game bombed.

Borderlands will keep them afloat, unfortunately.

Postan Jane

every ip zenimax has touched has gotten better.

every ip zenimax has touched is not duke nukem

>thy don't give a fuck about Political correctness unlike most western developers
so did the fucking Hatred devs, should they handle the Duke IP in that case?
The only guy in Plat who knew how to make good shooters (Mikami) left, Grasshopper can't even make a good shooter even when Mikami was looking over their shit.

Except Fallout and TES

Beth Publish > Beth developing

wolfenstein TNO is meh at best.

Jane a cute!

Reminder that there isn't a better female "games journalist".

The problem with Duke Nukem is that Randy "The Stain of the Industry" Pitchford owns it. Every time he talks about it he says "I own Duke Nukem" like a kidnapper would talk about a hostage.
The fucker's too proud and egomaniacal to sell it.

I didn't 100% hate DNF, also, I'd totally eat a #5